Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Christian Iconography Essay
1. Compare and Contrast: Hosios Loukas, Greece (before 1048) v. San Marco, Venice, Italy (building consecrated 1073; mosaics 12th c.) and the Cappella Palatina, Palermo, Sicily (1142/3) Typical Byzantine churches, like all architectural forms, employ relatively standard layouts and similar mosaic programs. Hosios Loukas, preceding both San Marco and Cappella Palatina, is an example of adherence to Byzantine conventions of visual programs and spatial planning. However, the churches of San Marco and Cappella Palatina are departures from such convention. Experiencing greater influence from the West, the churches of San Marco and Cappella Palatina, in their architectural forms and decoration, at once show their Byzantine roots and strides toward westernization. Hosios Loukas, though appearing irregular in its floor plan, is actually two adjoining churches. Built on the space that marks the site of Saint Lucas’ death, the church is an excellent example of Byzantine planning and dec oration. With a large central dome, the church can be divided into three main parts: the sanctuary, which is east of the dome; the naos, which is the central portion; and the narthex, or entry porch. Possessing a cross-like plan, the church is for the most part centrally planned. In the narthex, the typical mosaics of the Pantokrator, the Crucifixion and the Anastasis are employed. The apse mosaic, which is at the far end of the sanctuary, depicts the image of Theotokos sitting on a throne with the Christ Child; above the alter and the apse mosaic rests the mosaic of the Pentecost in the domical vault. In the central dome, which houses the Pantokrator, the circle converts to the square through an octagonal form, a feature shared by Cappella Palatina. The squinches created by the octagon depict scenes from Christ’s life. Furthermore, the likenesses of saints decorate the church. Most importantly however, the decoration of the church contains little extraneous detail. San Marco, however, exists as a transition from the traditional Byzantine format to more westernized looks. Still displaying a cruciform floor plan, the basilical form is integrated into the church. The four lateral domes and one central dome imply this focus on symmetry and centrality, while still allowing for the western influence. The naos is elongated, to create greater linearity and the cross arm of the cross-square is actually a transept. Though exhibiting much of the same scenes, those of San Marco have a particularly greater focus on narrative. One can observe such effects in the Anastasis scenes of both churches. In the Anastasis of Hosios Loukas, only five figures appear: Christ, David, Solomon and Adam and Eve; the five figures possess enough detail to identify them and the scene. In the San Marco example, eleven figures are present. The crowded quality enhances the narrative, allowing them to be read as more of a story and less as a symbolic image representing an event. Similarly, the crucifixion scene of Hosios Loukas and San Marco are respectively simplified and elaborate. Cappella Palatina, built by Roger II a Norman, focuses even greater narrative. The church also further employs the basilical form, while displaying forms from all the cultures that influenced it. Baring less architectural resemblance to the Byzantine church, Cappella Palatina’s mosaics, though depicting much of the same scenes as Hosios Loukas and San Marco, are composed in a rather haphazard way. For example, the nativity, which is usually streamlined to the most integral parts, shows multiple scenes in the same mosaic. In fact, some figures, such as the magi, appear more than once. This technique, allows the viewer to trace out the story of the birth of Christ. The eastern apse looks like a traditional Byzantine church, with a Pantokrator and seated Virgin. However to the west, the basilical nave shows the Western Christian influence. Its use of Old Testament imagery references Western precedentsâ€â€from Genesis to Jacob wrestling the angel. Similarly, while the walls depict the same scenes as Byzantine churches, their format is different. Its use of registers is unseen in Byzantine counterparts. Also, the multiple Pantokrators that appear in the church, while a Byzantine form, are used in a uniquely un-Byzantine way. Lastly, the church ceiling, which is decorated with muqarnas, shows the Islamic influence. The basilical influence in San Marco and Cappella Palatina is unmistakable. Much of the imagery and its hierarchical placementâ€â€with the holiest at the top and most earthly at the bottomâ€â€is drawn from Byzantine churches. However, the use of Old Testament scenes and the greater focus on narrative are symptoms of the western influence. San Marco and Cappella Palatina are consequences of the time and place. They are at once Churches of the West and parts of an imperial history and religious tradition from the East. As a result, their appearance reflects the Byzantine influence, in its similarities to Hosios Loukas, and their Ravennic and Roman precedents. 2. Compare and Contrast: Pilgrim eulogia ampulla, Crucifixion and Women at the Tomb, pewter, 6th-7th c. v. The Limburg Staurotheca, 968-985 Though created centuries apart and strikingly different in size and style, the pilgrim eulogia ampulla and the Limburg Staurotheca are similar in many ways. Both are vessels of holy materials and depict Christ and various religious figures. However the ampula represents the more egalitarian form of relic collecting. The Limburg Staurotheca, on the other hand, in its materials and relics is one of the most elite forms of collectorship. Both the Pilgrimage ampulla and the Limburg Staurotheca are composed out of metals. The ampula is made out of pewter, a metal that was readily available at the time and not costly. The Limburg Staurotheca, on the other hand, is made out of gold gilt medal, enamels and gems. The difference in materials is indicative of their intended patrons. The ampulla, which predates the Staurotheca, was created for pilgrims that visited the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. The latter, however, was commissioned by an imperial official and was intended to be viewed by elites. Additionally, both possess the ability to be hung. While the ampulla often hung around the neck of a pilgrim, the Staurotheca, which has a hoop at the top, could have been hung in a devotional space or carried during processions. The functionâ€â€to hold holy objectsâ€â€also differs due to its intended viewers. Ampullae such as this were often used to hold holy liquids or soil. However, due to the inscription and its iconographic reference to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the True Cross, this pilgrimage ampulla was used to hold the oil from the True Cross. Therefore, in a sense, both of these vessels hold parts of the same relic. However, the portability and reproducibility of the oil, made it better equipped for pilgrim patrons. The Staurotheca, contrastingly, holds seven splinters of the true cross. Arranged in such a way to show the historical form of the true cross, the slivers are held in place by jewels and gold framing. Additionally, the Staurotheca also was a reliquary for various other relics, such as Christ’s purple robe, the hair of John the Baptist, etc. Housed behind the ten different panels with inscriptions describing that which is behind them, the Staurotheca is an interactive reliquary. The viewer is able to open the panels and see the relics. The iconography of the vessels also differs. The ampulla depicts two scenes. The first is the Adoration of Cross. The meaning of the iconography is twofold. It looks like the scene of the Crucifixion, with the other two crucified flanking Christ and with worshipers in attendance. However, the more pertinent interpretation of the imagery, as it relates more directly to the vessel, is the pilgrims visiting and worshiping the True Cross. On the back of the ampulla, the Women at the Tomb is depicted. It also has two significances; it can be read as the Mary’s visiting the tomb of Christ and pilgrim women visiting the tomb of Christ erected within the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The iconography, therefore, draws parallels between the events of Christ’s life and the activities of pilgrims. The Staurotheca, on the other hand, is rich in detail yet does not contain any narrative. On the front of the reliquary is Christ enthroned, with Theotokos, John the Baptist and arch angels flanking him. Above and below are three pairs each of the apostles. Surrounding the nine conjoined panels, are portrait busts of saints. Upon opening the lid, the viewer is confronted with the slivers of the True Cross described above. Depictions of angels adorn the interior as well, and flank the inscribed panels behind which rest other important relics. Rather than expressly depict the relics that were encased, the reliquary simply depicted the True Cross and the portraits of angel, all of which were considered to be the image of God himself. Therefore, the ampulla and the Staurotheca differ in their iconography, their function and their materials. All results of the intended viewers and collectors, both the ampulla and Staurotheca represent the Byzantine desire to obtain primary and secondary relics. Representing the power of Christ and God, these vessels’ contents gave their owners assurance of success and salvation. 3. Essay Question Related Directly to Readings: The issue of images in Byzantine art The lineage and use of images in Byzantine art is perhaps on of the more interesting and complicated aspects of Christian iconography. The Christian imagery in Byzantine art, as noted in Heaven on Earth, became intertwined with imperial icons and ceremony. The course of Iconoclasm, however, remains the most controversial historical discourse about Christian images and their appropriate role. The Iconoclasts believed that images were inappropriate in worship and were similar to the worship of idols, which breaks one of the commandments. Iconophiles, on the other hand, venerated images and opposed the Iconoclasts in the destruction of images. Given the volatile opposition of the two, understanding the Christian image in Byzantine art allows one to understand their forms of worship and relation to the holy. Firstly, it should be noted imperial and religious tradition often created a relationship between Christ and the Emperor. Occurring fairly early in the history of Byzantium, the Emperor Justinian was likened to Christ in the apse mosaic in S. Vitale. Adorned with a halo, Justinian stands in the center among twelve soldiers and religious officials. Although, as Treadgold et al. noted in Procopius and the Imperial Panels of S. Vitale, though the artist had not intended on creating the twelve apostles symbolism, as the feet show that some of the heads were added as an after thought, the resulting effect is the same for the contemporaneous viewer. The emperor, the most powerful and godly of men, is likened to Christ. Such an occurrence, while prevalent throughout cultures and history, undoubtedly watered down the holy significance of Christ images in the realm of worship. However, as noted above, the Iconoclast controversy, which lasted from 726 to 843 AD, is most illustrative of the Byzantine treatment of images. Affecting artistic production during the controversy and in its wake, the debate centered on t he appropriateness of images in the Christian context. Iconoclasts, or â€Å"image breakers,†believed that their fellow Christians had become idolaters. Images, perhaps believed to be a source of power by laymen, the Iconoclasts contended, must be restrained. Militaristic failures reaffirmed Iconoclastic believes that they had sinned and incurred the wrath of God. In the Church of Saint Sophia, for example, depictions of saints were replaced by the cross. Similarly, St. Irene sports a cross instead of a human likeness. (The example of the Church of the Dormition in Nicaea seems to show that the Virgin and Child mosaic replaced the Cross, post-Iconoclasm.) Therefore, the Iconoclasts effectively replaced images with the Cross. Contrastingly, the Iconophiles, or â€Å"image lovers,†argued for the preservation and continuation of images, given their long history. As discussed in the Abgar of Edessa identification, the likeness of Christ was venerated in biblical times. Being an ancient tradition, that Christ himself allowed/encouraged, images should be respected. Furthermore, as mentioned in Mango, the Iconophiles argued that God created man in his likeness, and specifically incarnated himself in the human form of Christ, and therefore allows for representation in the human form. Though they were temporarily victorious between bouts of Iconoclasm, the Iconophiles were ultimately successful in securing the role of images in Christianity. After the ideological defeat of the Iconoclasts, the Iconophiles restored much of the Christian imagery that had been washed away. St. Sophia, having had images removed by the iconoclasts, exists as a testament to the great controversy. The St. Sophia apse mosaic is an excellent example of post-iconoclast image restoration. A mosaic of Theotokos and Child was erected with an inscription condemning the Iconoclasts; the inscription is known to refer to them as imposters. Similarly, written and illustrated texts, such as the Khludov Psalter, describe the heresy of the Iconoclasts. It likens them to the Jews. As the Jews killed Christ, the Iconoclasts washed away and killed his image. Furthermore, much of the margin illustrations depict figures holding a medallion image of Christ, as a testament to the devotion to images. The Iconophiles believed that icons and images of the holy and saintly sanctified churches and practiced such post-iconoclasm. Post-iconoclasm, much of the ravages were rectified and restored. Beautifully decorous images adorned churches and texts in the wake of the controversy. The Psalter of Paris, for example, rather naturalistically depicts David composing the Psalms. Personifying the location and muses, the image gives the layman the opportunity to pictographically read the origin of the Psalms. Ultimately, the images not only teach through visuals, but inspire awe. The illuminating mosaics of churches produced miraculous, luminary effects that created a greater sense of the sacred. Consequently, the use of images in Byzantine art is an issue of great complexity. Once deriving influence from the iconography of pagan religions, the Iconoclasm controversy returned to the Christian-pagan associations. The Iconoclasts believed that the worship of images was like that of idols by the pagans. In an attempt to remain in the right with God, they sought to rid Christianity of its idolatrous icons. Though, in accordance with sanctity, egalitarianism and tradition the debate was won by the image lovers, restoring the place of Christian icons.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Jcp Case Study
James Cash Penny as one of the nation's first department stores. Mr.. Penny founded the company on the principle of always treating customers the way he wanted to be treated: fair and square. In 2012, Spinney stated that their vision is to become everyone's favorite store. In order to update their image, Spinney announced some new strategies to re-llama their brand.Some of the updated strategies Include: pricing, branding, and merchandising. Spinney wanted customers to enter their newly designed stores ND observe the straightforward fair and square pricing, month-long promotions, exceptionally curates products In artful presentations and unmatched customer service. These new strategies were announced In January 2012 and by June 2012 the medal/shareholders were calling for the resignation of the CEO, Ron Johnson.By performing more research on the state of Spinney, I hope to gain a better understanding of the new strategies they have put In place. As part of the research, I would also Like to analyze the Impact of the new strategies, and how these can be enhanced to meet the vision that the company has. As a former customer of Spinney, I feel that I can use my personal experiences to devise a strategy that will help them to once again become America's favorite store.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Pilipinong Pamilya Pantawid Program Essay
These are the main findings of the recently completed assessment of the CCT – the first in a series of evaluations being done on the program – presented today by the World Bank in a public forum held in Quezon City led by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) with support from AusAID and the ADB Titled â€Å"Philippines Conditional Cash Transfer Program, Impact Evaluation 2012†the report confirms that children of Pantawid Pamilya beneficiaries are enrolling and attending schools, with improved health due to regular visits to health stations, and pregnant mothers getting proper care. I am pleased to know that the children of poor families are indeed enjoying better and improving access to education and better health services through Pantawid Pamilya,† said DSWD Secretary Corazon Juliano-Soliman. Along with other government programs aimed to reduce poverty, Pantawid Pamilya ensures that no one gets left behind in terms achieving holistic and inclusive growth†Among the Pantawid barangays (villages) surveyed, the report lists the following findings comparing enrolment and school attendance between beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries: * In Pantawid barangays, 76 percent of preschoolers are enrolled in daycare, compared to 65 percent in non-Pantawid barangays; * Among school children at age 6-11, 98 percent of children in Pantawid barangays are enrolled in school, as against 93 percent in non-Pantawid barangays; and * Children in Pantawid barangays from age 6-14 also have higher school attendance (95-96 percent) as compared to children in non-Pantawid barangays (91 percent). The assessment is based on a the analysis of poor 1,418 households eligible for the Pantawid program from a survey covering 3,742 households in the provinces of Lanao del Norte, Mountain Province, Negros Occidental, and Occidental Mindoro. (Currently, there are more than 3 million poor families with more than 6 million children benefitting from the program). Pantawid Pamilya provides cash grants to poor households to encourage them to keep their children of age 0-14 in school and have regular health checks. Also, pregnant mothers are required to avail of proper medical care and their deliveries attended to by health professionals. Mothers are also required to attend family development sessions where they discuss topics on parenting and accessing social services in the community. In health, the study found that: * 64 percent of pregnant mothers in Pantawid barangays had antenatal care as against 54 percent in non-Pantawid barangays; * 85 percent of children in Pantawid barangays age 6-14 have undergone deworming as against 80 percent in non-Pantawid barangays; * 81 percent of children in Pantawid barangays at age 0-5 have taken Vitamin A supplements as against 75 percent in non-Pantawid barangays. According to Ms. Junko Onishi, World Bank’s social protection specialist, Pantawid Pamilya has contributed to reduction in the severe stunting among poor children 6-36 months of age in Pantawid barangays. Stunting in the first two years of life is known to cause irreversible damage later in life including lower educational attainment, reduced adult income, and decreased offspring birth weight. Therefore, reduction in severe stunting among poor children at this age will have long-term benefits, Ms. Onishi said. â€Å"This reduction in severe stunting indicates that CCT is enabling families to better care for their children,†said Ms. Onishi, who presented the highlights of the impact evaluation during the forum. â€Å"More parents in Pantawid barangays (villages) are feeding their children with high-protein food including eggs and fish, leading to improved nutritional status.  â€Å"Poor households under the program spend 38 percent more in education per capita and 34 percent more on medical expenses per capita than their non-Pantawid counterparts. This trend indicates a shift in the spending pattern among CCT beneficiaries towards greater investments in health and educ ation of their children,† said Mr. Nazmul Chaudhury, World Bank’s country sector coordinator for human development, and one of the authors of the report. The study recommends that coordination among health service providers needs to be strengthened to ensure that beneficiary mothers and children get the services they require and to ensure continuity of care. Also, the study suggests exploring the possibility of extending coverage from the current five years, increasing the grant amount for older children, and improving school facilities and services. The impact evaluation study was funded by the World Bank and the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID). The study was led by the World Bank and the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), in coordination with AusAID and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The study aims to present empirical evidence on the key outcomes of Pantawid Pamilya. source: Joint Press Release by World Bank and the Department of Social Welfare and Development (2013/03/1)| DSWD says No to Epal and Yes to Empowering Pantawid Pamilya Beneficiaries| | | Written by Pantawid Pamilya Social Marketing Unit   | Thursday, 31 January 2013 08:44| ShareThisNo more threats. No more epal. These are the main thrusts of Bawal Ang Epal Dito Campaign of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) to be launched from January to May 2013 to protect the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, from undue politicking and interventions that may affect the program’s integrity. Bawal Ang Epal Dito confronts the issues of external pressures and eliminates the misconception of the beneficiaries about the control of politicians or parties over Pantawid Pamilya.
Analyse why London Ambulance IT project failure accurred, and where Essay
Analyse why London Ambulance IT project failure accurred, and where similar organisations might learn valuable lessens so that future IT projects don not folow - Essay Example The London Ambulance Service IT project was too ambitious and is an apt example of failure where technology was mistaken to be the solution. The London Ambulance Service (LAS) was responsible for accepting emergency medical calls and for dispatching ambulances as appropriate. LAS employed a computer aided dispatch (CAD) system to understand the emergency, resource the ambulance and dispatch. The ambulances were also fitted with an automatic vehicle location system (AVLS) which facilitated the CAD to track its progress in fulfilling a particular requirement. This project to make a CAD first started in 1987 with a budget of 3 million pounds. The objective was to automate human intensive processes of manual dispatch systems. It was abandoned in 1990 when the costs overshot but then a new management team was appointed in January 1991. After many deliberations, the system did go partially live a year later only to shut down in October 1992. LAS was the largest in the world, which covered 600 sq miles, 7 million people and had a fleet of 700 ambulances. Founded in 1930, LAS attended to 1600 emergencies per day. Government changes in NHS from mid-80s onwards led to pressure on LAS due to internal market, which led to management restructuring and disputes over working practices (London Ambulance Service Case Study). The magnanimity of the service did cause bottlenecks. Communication errors, difficulty in identifying the right locations, human judgment in identifying duplicate calls were disrupting services. To bring about overall efficiency computerization was sought. Various factors were responsible for the failure of the project, which include management ethos, bad procurement process, timetable, inexperience of suppliers, inadequate testing, poor quality assurance, poor training, and finally inadequate project management. The biggest mistake that occurred was
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Greer's observation of masculinity run riot Essay
Greer's observation of masculinity run riot - Essay Example According to Greer (894), research conducted by Skuse found out that different treatment was subjected to the feeding infants was wired into the mothers’ routines such that boys got away with cries that appeared to be demanding for food. On the contrary, girls were allowed time to learn between cries and feeding which perhaps teaches them patience and less masculinity in their later life. â€Å"Mothers perceive boy babies as hungrier and as better feeders than girls; what this means is probably that they enjoy feeding their boy babies more than they enjoy feeding their girls, for whatever reason,†Greer (894). The toughening that the boy eventually gets from the traditional masculine myths of how tough men ought to be further propels the boy to very high heights of virtual gender status preached by masculinity. It is clearly illustrated in Greer’s essay that boys learn the virtue of courage from the manner in which the mothers breastfeed them and later pay attention to them better than what fathers offer to their daughters. The female strength in sociability and intuition enables boys to have a better learning experience regarding their environment than what girls make of their learning from their fathers. â€Å"Daughters will develop more self-confidence if their fathers are encouraging and appreciative of their efforts, but fathers seldom give such matters much attention and, if they do, usually demand objective verification of a daughters merit before giving encouragement. By â€Å"masculinity run riot,†Greer (898) implies that the male fraternity under the masculinity perception regime in the society attacks those they feel inadequate to propel the tough roles that males ought to play. It follows that a regrouping occurs where soft males are isolated and made fun of due to the fact that they fall short of the masculine cult expectations. It is possible therefore that the majority of males who feel superior to others due to
Saturday, July 27, 2019
World Hunger Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
World Hunger - Research Paper Example It should be noted that most of the countries are spending huge amounts of money for conducting wars whereas their expenditure for wiping off hunger from their soil remains relatively low. Many people have the false belief that hunger is a problem only in developing and underdeveloped world whereas it is not a problem in developed countries such as United Sates. According to Usborne (2008), â€Å"28 million people in the US will be using government food stamps to buy essential groceries in the fiscal year 2008, the highest level since the food assistance program was introduced in the 1960s†(Usborne). Some people believe that United States is responsible for world hunger whereas many others are of the view that it is illogical to blame America alone for the world hunger. This paper analyses various reasons of world hunger and the role of America in contributing to world hunger. The main argument against America with respect to world hunger is that America is spending too much money for defense purpose and conducting wars. The current war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan is causing huge poverty and food deficiency not only in the victim countries, but also in America as well. Being the only superpower in the world at present, America definitely has a huge role to play in eradicating world hunger. America has a decisive control over global economic and political matters. No other country enjoys the same power over global matters as America does. Even half of the amount spent for conducting war on terror can be enough for eradicating world hunger. It should be noted that America has a major role in the allocation of financial aids to poor countries from international bodies such as World Bank, IMF etc. Shah (2009) has pointed out that â€Å"being a major player of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, US actions can be felt around the world (Shah). However, United Sates is more interested in providing assistance to their allies and majority of t heir policies with respect to the dispersion of aids from international bodies are politically motivated. According to LaFollette, (2003) â€Å"decisions taken at one part of the world have economic ripples elsewhere†(LaFollette). In the current globalized world, the argument of LaFollette seems to be more relevant. It should be noted that the recent American economic crisis has been affected many other countries in different continents. Same way American policies and activities can cause severe problems to other countries, especially to the poor countries. In that respect also, one can argue that America is contributing heavily to global hunger or world hunger. Somali pirates believe that America like developed countries are dumping toxic wastes near their coastal region and destroying their marine wealth. As a result of that, poverty in Somalia and other African countries are increasing day by day since their major revenue sources is destroyed by America like countries. â €Å"Reports suggest that illegal fishing and dumping have disrupted Somalia’s coastal economy. Recent estimates by the United Nations suggest that Somalia may lose $95 million annually to illegal fishing†(Ploch et al, 2011, p.9). America on the other hand argues that they are not responsible for world hunger. They cite examples from Africa in order to substantiate their arguments. African countries are the worst, as far as world hunger in concerned. Majority of these countries do not have good governance and the autocratic administrators in this region are more interested in safeguarding their interests rather than safeguarding the interests of the
Friday, July 26, 2019
A guide to critical thinking and argument with readings Essay
A guide to critical thinking and argument with readings - Essay Example Current Issues and Enduring Questions is a book, which contemplates on the elements and fundamentals of critical thinking. The authors presented arguments and literature materials from various sources in order to support the conclusions conveyed by the book. It is divided into two significant chapters, which makes it a complete package for the readers to understand the ideas the book aims to impart to the intellectual market it serves.Critical Thinking, the title of the first chapter of the books presents the various elements of critical thinking by presenting several arguments which significantly represents each major element of critical thinking.The first subchapter presents the argument regarding driver's licenses and photographic identification. The authors expounded the tribulations the present transportation system and person identification industry faces. Numerous accounts of the dilemma are seen on both parties of the drivers and the traffic enforcers, as well. Hence, it nece ssitates critical thinking. As the introductory subchapter, it represents the element of identifying the subject of critical thinking and expounding several manipulative ideas governing the subject.The second part of the first chapter is a widened and deeper analysis of the first subchapter. It concentrates on the deeper societal issues of driver's licenses. It presents facts on why these matters and issues call for critical thinking and its three major elements, which is comprised of imagination, analysis and evaluation. Writing as an integral part of critical thinking is beyond doubt. This fact is introduced in the third subchapter. Theoretically, writing as an intellectual way of evaluating and interpreting different aspects of man's life has become a myth for the ordinary man. However, this subchapter presents reliable evidences which attests for the critical thinking attributes of writing. It also enumerates the elements of critical thinking, which are widely fulfilled by writing. The fourth subchapter, hypothetically, encompasses the heart of the chapter. Entitled "A Checklist for Critical Thinking," it details the elements of critical thinking and describes the impact of each element on man's critical philosophy. It itemizes each element and differentiates one from the other, which makes it comprehensible for the readers to identify one element from another. The fifth subchapter represents the exercise part for the readers. It comprises of an essay of Alan Dershowitz illustrating critical thinking, which is entitled, "Why Fear NationID Cards" Hence, the readers are able to apply the elements learned in the previous chapters by reading the essay. At the same time, it also supplements additional information regarding the issue of National I.D. cards. The sixth subchapter puts forward a casebook on examining assumptions. It presents two literature materials, which are both essentials on evaluating the underlying important procedures on assumption evaluation. This subchapter includes the articles, "A Proposal to Abolish Grading" and "Test for Aptitude, Not for Speed" by Paul Goodman and Howard Gardner, respectively. Both materials identify the values tests have in examining assumptions, which is an integral part of critical thinking. The seventh and last subchapter, as a whole, represents a checklist for evaluating letters of response. It comprises of an article by Diane Ravitch, entitled, "In Defense of Testing." This subchapter spells out the necessary factors of critical evaluation of response letters. This proves to be an essential aspect of critical thinking, as proper evaluation gives way for judicious interpretation of various subjects. Chapter 2: Critical Reading: Getting Started Whilst the first chapter concentrates on the essential elements comprising critical thinking, this second chapter focuses on the aspect of critical
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Summary and response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Summary and response - Essay Example These actions are connected with the terroristic acts, which has become very frequent and are mostly committed by the residents of Arabic countries. However, the author does not consider these actions as a racism. His further arguments show that he contradicts with his own statements. Firstly, he writes, â€Å"When thugs menace someone because he looks Arabic, that’s racism†(Rottenberg, Annette T, 2012, 19). The procedure of check-in, if someone is under suspicion, is quite rude as well as the attitude to this person. We do not need to forget, that these suspicions usually bear the subjective character. The choice of the â€Å"victim†depends upon the ordinary person. The only difference is that police acts on the legislative basis and has all legal rights to hold the procedures in case of necessity. The conclusion states that the only difference between the determination of â€Å"racism†and â€Å"no racism†is the legalization of rights of those people, who check others. It is correct from the judiciary point of view, but what about the ethical side of this issue. Does one person has a right to break the personal space of another only because he belongs to a certain nationality? In the second paragraph, the author pays attention to the rights of â€Å"black†and â€Å"white†people and the prejudice about them in the society. Again, Kinsley gives the examples, when people confuse the notion of â€Å"racism†and â€Å"stereotype†. The situation clarifies due to the example about the education of â€Å"black†and â€Å"white†. Kinsley writes â€Å"Universities could base their admissions policies on the valid assumption that whites, on average, are better-prepared for college†(Rottenberg, Annette T., 2012, 19). However, the article does not contain any statistics. There is no information in the book or scientific journal that African-Americans are worse students than other nationalities. My personal experience
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Film - Essay Example There are very rare politically charged films that are found today and the reason for that is because according to ‘USA today’ analysis, 26 movies that were released in the past 20 years and which had politically charged theme only four films did a business of over $100 million and nearly two-thirds did a business less than $50 million. But apart from these statistics, directors apart from Michael Moore are still trying for politically charged movies such as ‘Lions for lambs’, a Robert Redford’s movie which highlights the US involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. Other example includes the movie of Jolie’s Bosnian, ‘In the land of blood and honey’ (DeBarros and Bowles). The genre of films that are politically charged other than the documentaries include a suspense drama ‘Betrayed’ and ‘The zookeeper’. The musical film includes ‘School daze’ and the epic include ‘Syriana’ which have a politically-charged themes. Recently there had been a fiction film on a politically charged theme, ‘Route Irish’ and ‘the day the Earth stood still’. These films cover the social issues as well as political issues (DeBarros and Bowles). The cultural and societal change has made a differentiation in the present world and the spirit of sixties. Recent films on politically charged theme prove that directors are still trying to come up with the films of every genre to highlight the political issues. DeBarros, A and S Bowles. "Movie fans vote no on politically-charged films." 11 July 2007. 20 March 2012
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Traditonal Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Traditonal Theories - Essay Example The classical criminologists on the other hand, argued that criminal behavior was as a result of rationalism thereby refuting claims of possession by evil spirits (Barak et al. 95). Criminals thus pursue personal interests by committing crimes. Since criminals are rational, committing crime is a free will. According to Barak et al (95), criminals commit crimes to â€Å"maximize their pleasure and minimize their pain†. Crimes were punished through legal reforms which are formal and rational in nature. The positivist school of thought argue that criminals are forced to act by factors beyond their control such as; biological, psychological and sociological factors thus refuting rationalism as a driver of criminality (Barak et al. 95). The criminals are seen as portraying abnormal behavior and thus punishment is aimed at correcting the behavior to conform to the norms of society. They are thus given reform treatment and social intervention. The last school of thought emphasizes on inequality as the diver of criminal activities. They thus commit crime to correct the inequalities. Such crimes include activities such as; financial manipulations and robbery. Such conditions are corrected through equitable distribution of resources (96). White-Collar and Organized Crime The traditional theories can be applied to white-collar crimes and organized crimes.
American History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
American History - Essay Example atural resources to initiate industrial revolution, the entire process did not receive much success mainly due to problems of transportation, in the second half, diversification among laborers, their respective demands, socio-cultural factors of their existence and presence of abundant population, willing to give labor, did not provide sufficient scope to labor movements and evolve of socialism in the American context. Stanley L. Engerman and Robert E. Gallman while genealogically discussing the history of industrialization in the United States has attempted to reflect upon the reasons that prevented industrial revolution from taking a flourish in the early 19th century: â€Å"The future of the American economy in the years of the revolutionary war and the achievement of independence was †¦ uncertain †¦.There was some reasonable degree of prosperity in most states, and if transportation problems could be overcome †¦ the economy had possibilities for growth and development. The economy of 1800 was †¦ primarily agricultural, dependent upon the British economy for many manufactured goods, and affected negatively by the British Navigation Act†(Engerman and Gallman 127). This observation becomes important in the context of the discussion because within this scope it discusses the constraints of commencing industrial revolution and the aspiration to initiate the same in an organized way so that dependence on the British can be reduced, consequently leading to strengthening the American economy. However, till 1860, despite certain shifts from the agricultural dependency to industrialization, no radical changes were observed in the total labor force of the nation and by 1960 only one-sixth of the entire U.S labor force opted for industrialization (Engerman and Gallman 127-28). Since 1860 onwards, the situation gradually started undergoing a transformation as it was becoming evident that individualize measured output in the manufacturing and service sector is
Monday, July 22, 2019
An Inconvineint Truth Al Gore Essay Example for Free
An Inconvineint Truth Al Gore Essay The subject of global warming has been debated for years. Factories, power stations and vehicles produce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases trap warm air in the atmosphere. Most climate scientists believe these gases are responsible, at least in part, for temperature increases on Earth. The debate centers on the extent to which greenhouse gases are responsible for global warming. In the movie, Al Gore reports about the sharp increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in the last fifty years. He compares countries around the world and their share of carbon dioxide releases. He also shows a similar increase in the Earth’s temperature. He shows melting glaciers and huge pieces of ice crashing into the ocean. He provides biological examples of global warming. He shows tropical animals, plants and diseases on the move northward as temperatures increase. And he shows a model of rising sea levels spreading over southern Florida, parts of India, Africa and other areas in the world. He also discusses the population explosion in the world and its increasing problems for the planet. Its not about forcing my ideas on any other person. These nouns refer to the quality of being in accord with fact or reality. Truth is a comprehensive term that in all of its nuances implies accuracy and honesty: We seek the truth, and will endure the consequences Charles Seymour. Veracity is adherence to the truth: Veracity is the heart of morality Thomas H. Huxley. Verity often applies to an enduring or repeatedly demonstrated truth: beliefs that were accepted as eternal verities James Harvey Robinson. Verisimilitude is the quality of having the appearance of truth or reality: merely corroborative detail, intended to give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative W. S. Gilbert. If youll notice that when talking about any issue, whether it the social science behind pakistani bitterness in the uk to world relief and reasons behind hunger, that people will pipe in with some uneducated negative reply. The natural reaction of course to the truth is one of disdain, hatred and denial because of the various biases and prejudices inherit within each person. Case in point, when I once mentioned racism and classicism in England which kept in line with some of the comments about why some pakistanis decided to bomb a few trains in london. And I talked about the anguish and feelings from within the pakistani community and how the bitterness has resulted in very mixed feelings towards the english and, indeed, the west. All of which was taken from notable sources and books written by social scientists. Many of commentors then went on to speak about their own personal experiences, or simply to deny that any form of racism against pakistanis exists in the uk, and some have even gone to lengths at describing the fact that some minorities are also prejudice and do injustice. The problem here is that while all these things may be true to a degree it takes away from the initial conversation and evaluation of how true racism and classicism has led to pakistani/muslim bitterness in the UK. This type of denial also places a hold on extending the conversation towards the bitterness of the Israel/palestinian conflict and the Iraqi war which may have also played a role in the suicide bombings and terrorist organizations within britain.. And so on and so forth. The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is. (winston churchill) thereby, an inconvenient truth is not suited to the comfort level of a certain individuals or groups definition of reality. Although it may, indeed, still be a fact!
Sunday, July 21, 2019
General Characteristics Of Construction Project Manager Construction Essay
General Characteristics Of Construction Project Manager Construction Essay This report comprehensively discusses about involvement of a Construction Project Manager; describing how to manage a proposed housing Development Complex project through proper construction management techniques. This proposed high rise building complex comprised with twenty storied; luxury housing apartments and six basements to accommodate as car parking area, Multipurpose room, Swimming Pool, Supermarket and required utility services such as storage water tank from main supply, water distribution system and Sewerage System. This Housing Development project will be constructed at Colombo-07 adjoining Park Road. Project investor is a wealthy Sri-Lankan Businessman. Presently, I am appointed in this project as a Construction Project Manger. Clients has emphasized me his objectives, to obtain a maximum turnover of the project, implementing Proper Construction Management System. My responsibility is doing so; to archive the project goals in terms of time, Quality, Cost, Safety and Environmental Sustainability as I have conveyed all the way through this report. I have identified significant project management key measures, to use through overall project, such as construction planning and choice of construction technology and Construction methods influence the selected planning, as well as programming and control methods, schedules and progress control using relative software packages available, and also identified key risk elements in this construction project. MAIN BODY Definition about construction project manager The construction project manager is a responsible person to handle overall construction of projects from start to finish. And his duty will be act as the representative of the employer as well as additional consultation to the overall project for the successful initiation, planning, execution and closure of a project. General characteristics of Construction Project Manager Construction project managers engage with particular management activities for mange construction projects in proper way, hence they have the specialize knowledge for project planning, directing, coordinating and budgeting process. As examples for construction project; Commercial building, Industrial building, Roads bridges, Water treatment plants, Schools hospitals, also particular civil engineering works etc. Further common features can be described as; Supervise and coordinate entire project activities or some part of the project until end of the project. Programming; Scheduling and coordinate all design and construction process. When required specialize trade contractors, select and hire them according to the requirements of the project. Project designs, specifications, contact documents and agreement, Construction Project Manger should supervise them very clearly. Always keep well coordination with project owner, architect, engineers, and with other stakeholders directly who are involved in project. Educational Background Generally they are degree holders or relevant reputed qualifications in field of civil engineering, construction management or construction science, also with adequate experience, some of them are appointed obtaining from supervisor level with particular experiences and they have improved their knowledge studying some specific associates degree program such as, project control and development, site planning, design, construction methods/ construction materials, value analysis etc. Most of universities offer master degree programs for upgrade their knowledge as well. As other qualifications, ability of flexible and clear decision for mange and resolve problems, also good understand about engineering drawings and very familiar to operate computer softwares, as well as talent, good communication skill, leadership skill, good relationship with relevant parties, Construction Project Manager Responsibilities: Significant responsibilities and duties are; Observe construction land and study feasibility studies to get understand what type of land required for the project. Prepare master program to the overall project and agree with the employer. Execute a key role in project planning, budgeting, and identification of resources required. Form the teams, developing the objectives, goals of each and allocate individual responsibilities. Managing budget, team expenses and minimizing exposure and risk in the project Manage/ monitor the construction activities progress according to schedule. Keep well communicate with the contractors and Co-ordinate with all parties which involved in the project Financial advice to the employer and cost control. Monitor strictly budgetary guidelines, quality and safety standards. Periodic inspection of construction sites. Manage the progress meeting and kick off meeting as required Obtaining all necessary permits and licenses Preparations for handover process in respect of agreed master program. There are some specific qualitative attributes in project management roles such as capability to plan and organize a team effort, well client management and kindness building ability, ability to motivate, guide and increase morale of the teams, successful time management and logical decision-making skill, ability to handle work force, physical and mental fitness, physically powerful focus on quality. Specific Duties of a Construction Manager As specific duties, CPMs handle multitude tasks, determining and review that what are the necessary to give prior for finish at the beginning. In a large scale project, generally divide several activities segments such as site preparation, including clearing and excavation of the land, installing sewage systems, and landscaping and road construction; building construction, including laying foundations and erecting the structural framework, floors, walls, and roofs; and building systems, including protecting against fire and installing electrical, plumbing, air-conditioning, and heating systems. Construction managers may be in charge of one or several of these activities. Construction managers must also inspect and review the construction project on a periodic basis to ensure compliance with safety code and building code regulations. What is a Construction Project? A Construction project is a temporary endeavor to create an inimitable product or service. Construction Projects generally include constraints and risks concerning cost, schedule or performance outcome. Every project has a start and an end. The end of a project is defined by the successful complete of the product or service. There are specific traits that all projects have in common. The most distinguishing feature is a specific time frame. Projects must have a clear, definitive objective and activities tasks. Those are planning, organizing, Control and closure tasks and the resources and execution that is the focus of project management. Key Characteristics of Projects: Unique solution. Project boundaries. One-time effort, usually requiring specified resources. Specified start and end dates. Understand of reached the end of the project. What is the Construction Project Management Process? According to the PM4DEV Project Management for Development Organizations, noted in it, Project management is a process of leading a team of capable people in planning and implementing a series of related activities that need to be accomplished on a specific date with a limited budget. Because of its nature, coordinating all these activities requires a process approach. This management process specially consists of some specific functions such as, Project initiation, Planning, organizing, controlling and managing resources to complete a construction project successfully within on time, cost and quality. The construction project management process need the direct individual, the project manager, to oversee the construction schedule, the allocation of personnel and equipment and the projects budget. General functions of construction project management usually include the following Project objectives and plans; (including definition of scope, scheduling, budgeting, setting performance requirements) Maximizing resource efficiency through procurement of labor, materials and equipment. Implementing various operations through proper coordination and control of planning, design, estimating, contracting and construction in the entire process. Developing effective communications and mechanisms for resolving conflicts The Project manger is the overall responsible person to direct the construction project management process. Also Project manager is the specific professional in the field of project management. Hence project manager has the ultimate responsibility such as, planning, execution and successful completion of the project. A significant component of the construction project management process is maintenance the project on schedule and within the estimated budget as well, to achieve these goals, Further concerning Project management process can be described as follows; Project management is the art of directing and coordinating human and material resources throughout the life of a project by using modern management techniques to achieve predetermined objectives of scope, cost, time, and quality and participation satisfaction. (Refer to Figure 2-1) Figure 2-1:Â Basic Ingredients in Project Management Specific Benefits of Construction Project Management Process There are few specific benefits of Construction Project Management process, these benefits are very essential for the project success. Preferable efficiency in delivering services Improved/increased/enhanced customer satisfaction Enhanced effectiveness in delivering services Improved growth and development within your team Greater standing and competitive edge Opportunities to expand your services Better Flexibility Increased risk assessment Increase in Quality Increase in Quantity When execute the essential project management strategies, Construction Project Manager Intention will focus to reach the desired goals within specific time and cost, Quality. The Top 10 Benefits of Project Management Essential Factors of Project Management Process Generally Construction projects have specific factors for contribute of project success or project fail. Each factors directly effect with other factors in order for a project to be successful. Those are as follows; Project Team and Team Motivation Project Manager Project Planning Avoiding Scope Creep: Risk Management: Project Closure: Read more: Factors for Project Success | Eight Key Factors to Ensuring Project Success Author: Duncan Haughey, Version 1.0, project .UK Project Management Roles and Responsibilities Particularly strong project management skills are very essential to deliver the project successful of project goal. Hence project management process has combined a set of skills and techniques committed under following tasks. Integrate planning and conduct modify control Define and manage the scope of the project Prepare a budget and manage costs Prepare and track schedules Ensure that the right resources are allocated to the project Manage contracts and vendors and procure project resources Facilitate team and external communications Facilitate the risk management process Also document and monitor the teams quality management process makes the final decision on the issue by transitioning into the role of decision leader to enable the project to continue. Hence above roles and responsibilities should be covered within the project management process as well. Project Management Process According to the PM4DEV, Project Management for Development Organizations, as noted in it, There are nine significant management processes under Construction Project Management to be implemented within role of the project manager. The nine project management processes are: Scope Management Schedule Management Budget Management Quality Management Team Management Stakeholder Management Information Management Risk management Contract Management Above management process have divided into two groups: Enabling processes Facilitating processes This management process phases are interrelated with entire project life cycle. Below given graphic chat will shows management process interrelationship with project lifecycle. Enabling Process Project Life Cycle Facilitating processes Figure 4.1 Project Management Processes and Phases Enabling Processes In the construction management process enabling process include with project scope, schedule, budget and quality. Hence these are should enable to direct some specific objectives of the project and for project success within on time, cost, quality. Scope Management In Construction project management process; Scope management is very critical for project success. Also project scope is the way to illustrate the boundaries of the project. Hence project manager should awareness concerning the scope of the project. Therefore project manager be able to co-ordinate with designers to get update and control the project scope and also acknowledge of project team, as well as the contractors about scope of the work accordingly and should monitor and control work executions too. Further about scope management by below given graphic chart will explain briefly; Schedule Management Schedule management is the development of a project schedule that includes all project activities, hence project manager has to stick on starting and completion dates of each trade packages as programmed, and management team also has to monitor progress of construction and forecast the completion date accordingly. If completion date is not matching the master program, control process is required. As example; assumed some work element unable to complete as programmed due to less progressing or late in starting. If so, it will affect to other work sections too and will delay accordingly. Therefore project manager should advice to allocate additional resources to accelerate the delayed work section to complete it as pre programmed. Budget Management Budget management process is required to ensure the project is completed within the estimated budget. Hence this is the vital responsibility of the Construction Project Manager to handle and complete the project within allocated budget of the project. As well as monitor and control the cost of project at both pre post contract stages are also important part of this management process. Cost Controlling Cost controlling system is critical process of the cost management process, to run the project without commercial backlog. (Refer to Chat 1.02) Chart 1.02 Cost controlling and cost management system Pre contract cost management Generally preliminary budget estimate is prepared based on the clients intended budget and also concerning separate trade packages. As well as Cost plan (elemental analysis), Cost check, Tender reconciliation process also important activities for the cost controlling under pre contract stage. Post contract cost management BCIS slandered form is followed (Elemental Standard Form of Cost Analysis Principles, Instructions, Elements and Definitions 4th Edition) to prepare elementary cost analysis method and gaudiness. Further detail herein for cost control, using S- curve methods; (Refer to Chart 1.03) Chart 1.03 Cost control S-Curve (Programmed) Referring to the above diagram; it shows expenditure and income occurred. This is being monitored regularly, to avoid the cost overrun. . Quality Management Quality management is the process to ensure that the project will satisfy the needs of the beneficiaries. Hence project manager has to monitor and control the quality of work and devlpolp the quality paln. also he has to allocate experienced project coordinator to advice force the contractor to maintain the quality of work. Each work element should be approved by a qualified quality controller or an Engineer prior to handover. Also he has to check the quality of materials and should be strict to the contractor to use standard materials for construction as specified in drawings and specification to maintain the quality of work. Hence all materials should be approved by a quality controlling team prior to use for construction. Some of the most important quality tools are; Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle, Fishbone Diagram, Pareto Chart, Scatter Diagram, Decision Matrix, Flowchart, Stratification, Control Chart, Histogram, Brainstorming, Tree Diagram etc. Facilitating processes This process includes with some specific function such as, Team, stakeholder, information, risk, and contract management, these are facilitating for assist and make possible for the project to achieve its objectives. Team Management Team management is a techniques, processes and tools for organizing and coordinating a group of individuals working towards a common goal, there are few critical factors for success of the team management process, identify the roles responsibilities, reporting relationships and getting the people that will be allocate to the project, develop the team. As well as team evaluation is very important part to identify the staff performance and their skill level and required improvement. Stakeholder Management Stakeholder management include stakeholder identify, analysis, planning and communication. Project stakeholders are very important people for the project success, hence project manager has to mange them in proper way, because of all of them interest to the project success. As example donors, beneficiaries, local government organizations, partners or organizations are the stakeholders of construction project. As well as managing them keeping good relationship between stakeholders and project. Information Management Risk Management Identification of possible risks in advance is important and major responsibility of the Construction manager. The project management team will be able to take necessary actions to avoid or minimize the risks by identifying them early. Safety of work, Economic matters, Weather conditions, political matters etc also includes in risk management. Hence it is important to take insurances for the construction, material on site, employees; third party etc. Contract Management Safety of Work Safety of work is very important at the site to avoid delays in construction. Hence all employees should educate about safety matters and should provide safety equipments, safety wears etc to employees. Required safety instructions should be display on public notice boards. Fire fighting equipments such as fire extinguishers, water, sand, hose real etc should install at site and well trained fire preventing team also should be there. First AID boxes, clinics, Ambulance etc also should available at the site. Problem Solving Identify problems arise from trade contractors is essential to take necessary actions as required to avoid unnecessary delays. As example; Suspended ceiling contractor has to coordinate with MEP contractors to identify his requirements such as voids at ceiling to fix diffusers at the ceiling. Also design problems, practical problems should solve immediately as soon as those arise by using communicating, coordinating and negotiating techniques with related parties Closing and Handover the Project Final inspection should carry out by the Construction Project Manager after completion of constructions of the project. He must re-check all approval for quality of work, testing and commissioning reports, scope verification etc. Then the project is ready to hand over to the client. All related claims, cost proposals and Final payment application etc should be finalized on time.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Fight for Sanity in The Yellow Wallpaper -- Yellow Wallpaper essay
The Fight for Sanity in The Yellow Wallpaper       Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper is partly autobiographical and it illustrates the fight for selfhood by a women in an oppressed and oppressive environment. In the story, the narrator is not allowed to write or think, basically becoming more dysfunctional as she is entrapped in a former nursery room where bars adorn the windows and the bed is nailed to the floor. In this story there is an obstinacy on behalf of the narrator as she tries to go around her husband's and physician's restrictions, however, there is no resisting the oppressive nature of her environment and she finally surrenders to madness even though it represents some kind of selfhood and resistance because it allows her to escape her oppression, "She obsesses about the yellow wallpaper, in which she sees frightful patterns and an imprisoned female figure trying to emerge. The narrator finally escapes from her controlling husband and the intolerable confines of her existenc e by a final descent into insanity as she peels the wallpaper off and bars her husband from the room" (Gilman, 1999, 1).  Gilman herself suffered from post-partum hysteria and was treated by a famous doctor of the era, one who prescribed his famous "rest cure", the same cure the female narrator cannot tolerate and defies in The Yellow Wallpaper. In this story the narrator remains nameless and there is good reason for it. She feels as if she has no identity or control over obtaining fulfillment and unity and satisfaction in life. Her husband is a doctor who also prescribes complete rest for her and is opposed to her doing the one thing that seems to give her a unique voice, writing. Thus, the narrator defies her... ...ation of the personality)" (Brown, 1999, 1). Gilman shows how this descent is inevitable in such an oppressive environment, unless, of course, one is as strong as Gilman herself in overcoming such an environment.  Works Cited The Yellow Wallpaper., Aug. 2, 1999, 1-2. Brown, B. D. A Psychological Approach to Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper., Aug. 2, 1999, 1-2. Dewey, J. Art and Education: A Collection of Essays. Pennsylvania, The Barnes Foundation Press, 1954. Gilman, C. P. Charlotte Perkins Gilman Reader. New York, Pantheon Books, 1980. Gilman, C. P. Charlotte Perkins Gilman: The Yellow Wallpaper., Aug. 2, 1999, 1-2. Â
A Day of Fishing with my Dad Essay -- Personal Narrative Writing
A Day of Fishing I can still remember that day. All the beauty of nature collected in one moment. I can still feel the sponginess of the winter-aged leaves under my feet. I felt as though I was walking on a cloud, the softness of the leaves cushioning my every step, they were guiding me along the wooded path to a small creek. The humming of the water moving with the crispness of the air, together they were singing a promise of a fresh and clean new season. It was a beautiful spring that year. Every so often a day like that comes back and I am reminded of posing for our picture together. My cheeks begin to ache as I remember the smile so big on my face when the camera snapped. I thought my face would break in half if I tried to smile any wider. I was four years old and my hair was a lovely brunette with spears of pale blonde. The color every woman dreams of now. Shoulder length and bobbed I covered all my hair with a baseball hat, a smaller vesion of my father, we were going fishing. My skin was white for lack of sun from winter but my cheeks were bright red from the brisk air. T-shirt and jeans I was ready to fish. Of course my mother made certain that I was wearing my spring jacket. My mother seemed so happy. In my reflection of the situation her dream of a family had come true. She had me and my father, we were spending quality time together. She wasn't too fond of fishing, not that it was my favorite thing to do either; but my father was taking us. Wow he loved fishing. It's funny, I can't really remember what my mother was wearing but then again she wasn't in the picture. She was behind the camera and I think sometimes my memories fade when there isn't a picture to remind me. My father seemed to share my moth... ...d dreams. It is not like I never see him or talk to him; I do. He has been in and out of my life ever since. Occasionally he calls to say hi or ask how I'm doing; he is never consistent. Our convesations are short and very uncomfortable. When I am out shopping or running errands I sometimes run into him by chance, (or fate who knows). All of our truths and his lies are always there but never talked about. I can't remember the last time he called on my birthday, sometimes I wonder if he even remembers my birthday or even thinks of me when my birthday comes around every year. He never calls on holidays. It is really hard for me to talk to someone who was once my father, and now is a complete stranger. After all the things I know about my father, the strangest feeling I have is under the hurt and the pain, what I hope and pray for is day we might go fishing again.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Domestic Violence and Abuse in Australia :: Violence Against Women Essays
Domestic violence is a significant social issue that has a major impact upon the health of women in society. Discuss this statement and identify the factors that may contribute to domestic violence. Domestic violence is known by many names including spouse abuse, domestic abuse, domestic assault, battering, partner abuse, marital strife, marital dispute, wife beating, marital discord, woman abuse, dysfunctional relationship, intimate fighting, male beating and so on. McCue (1995) maintains that it is commonly accepted by legal professionals as "the emotional, physical, psychological, or sexual abuse perpetrated against a person by that person's spouse, former spouse, partner, former partner or by the other parent of a minor child" (although several other forms of domestic violence have become increasingly apparent in today's society). Whatever name is used to refer to it, however, domestic violence is a very grave and difficult problem faced by Australian society. Although domestic violence can include the abuse of parents, children, siblings and other relatives, it predominantly involves violence against sexual partners with women being the most common victims and men being the 'aggressors' (Family Violence Professional Education Taskforce 1991). It is inadequate to view domestic violence as an aspect of the normal interpersonal conflict which takes place in most families. According to McCue (1995), many families experience conflict, but not all male members of families inevitably resort to violence. It is not the fact of family disputes or marital conflict that generate or characterize violence in the home. Violence occurs when one person assumes the right to dominate over the other and decides to use violence or abuse as a means of ensuring that domination (Family Violence Professional Education Taskforce 1991). Although all forms of domestic violence are pressing issues of equal importance, this essay is more specifically directed at spouse abuse and aims to delve deeper into the issue of domestic violence by examining its causes with respect to the socioeconomic status of the particular family and its effects upon women in Australian society. The FACS (Family and Community Services) booklet (1995), defines domestic violence as follows: 'when a woman suffers persistent physical, verbal, economic or social abuse from her partner with the result that she suffers a sustained emotional and, or psychological effect.' Domestic violence is the most common form of assault in Australia today. However, it remains a hidden problem because it occurs within the privacy of the home and those involved are usually reluctant to speak out (Healey 1993).
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Reality TV VS Real Life TV Essay
Reality TV vs. Real Life TV One of the main sources of news and entertainment is television. Every household has a television set in their home which the family consumes hours watching. Many reality TV shows are based on shallow and vague values. The growing trend in television now for our culture is â€Å"REALITY TV†(real life on TV). Just like the appeal to junk food or the internet reality TV has a dominant effect on our children and us as adults. There is real life and there is TV-life under influence of which viewers fall. Under the name of â€Å"Reality TV†viewers expect something as â€Å"real life on TV†. But while reality TV may seem like a harmless form of entertainment, the damage (which is done so subtly) is very powerful and therefore it deserves a closer look. So the question is ‘Do we really need another reality TV show or perhaps it’s time for a reality check?’ â€Å"Reality television is a genre of television programming which generally is unscripted, documenting actual events over fiction and featuring ‘ordinary’ people over professional actors.†. Reality TV has appeared following the creation of television broadcasting in the 1940s. What we know of as reality TV now started with such shows as â€Å"Candid Camera†(1948). Reality TV programs are rapidly developing and gaining more and more popularity changing contents of the programs according to time changes: participants become more opened to the viewersâ€â€which attracts constant interest to reality shows. The most popular reality TV shows today are: â€Å"The Bachelor†, â€Å"Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire†, â€Å"Survivor†. All over the world, on multiple TV-channels, millions of people are watching the products of reality TV. Reality shows are covering most valuable aspects of life: family relationships, love, and money. The main purposes of those shows are either fun, or competition amusement. So here is the true reality behind reality TV. Reality TV, which is in the business of making us feel good rather than be good, actually contributes to the growing problems in our society by celebrating human weakness rather than hum an excellence. Reality TV doesn’t empower us, but rather overpowers us by taking our innate power and inner knowing and spirituality away from us, leaving us feeling insecure, inadequate, less fulfilled, isolated and confused by virtue of the promotion of anti-social behavior, excessive self-indulgence, self-entitlement, greed, compromised integrity, obsession with winning at all costs, and erosion in morality. All reality shows have their own level of gossip, some more than others. The Housewives series are known for carrying with them a swirl of scandal ranging from cheating husbands, missing child support and even suicides. Courtroom shows like â€Å"People’s Court†and â€Å"Divorce Court†also brings drama to viewers as cases of divorce, property damage and landlord negligence lead to explosive episodes of screaming matches and much mallet smashing. Although none of us wish to be tied up in such hairy messes and sticky situations, it is amusing to watch others ba ttle it out in what can be considered no less than a complete display of trashy behavior. We like to know what is going on behind closed doors and if it involves some type of controversy, that just makes it all the more intriguing. The Real World is often created with being the first reality tv show, but you can go back even further to the Fifties when Candid Camera first aired. It was a show of regular people put in adverse, funny situations and we got to see how they reacted first hand. We love Candid Camera. It ran in some form for fifteen seasons, spawned countless other shows (America’s Funniest Home Videos, Kids Say the Darndest Things and the latest, Punk’d) and will probably come back in some form in the future. Americans also love game shows, which can be compared to reality TV shows. We love to watch people win or lose fortunes within thirty minutes and see how they react to that and each other. Perhaps Dr. Annette Hill, a researcher at the University of Westminster put it best when asked by BBC News why reality TV shows were so popular – â €Å"†We found that, in general, people like to see what happens behind the scenes.†Some shows, such as Deadliest Catch, give us a glimpse into something we might never know about such as the dangerous lives of crab fisherman. Reality TV is at times so utterly fabricated that viewers can’t help but enjoy a different â€Å"reality†from their own. Whether you favor watching reality shows of the rich and famous, the survivors, or the love birds, all anyone wants is an escape from what becomes a monotonous routine. If from such outright mind-numbing shows we can gain either steadfast motivation to become wealthy ourselves or simply affirmation that we are not as screwed up as we think (compared to the nut-jobs on the screen), then I think the hour of reality TV is well spent. Of course, everything looks better through a clear window. So, if you have to watch reality TV smut, at least watch it on any HD service really. You can see all of their REAL wrinkles and cellulite! So what does this actually say about our American culture? Some may believe that our culture can be naà ¯ve and nosey. We enjoy looking into others lives and personal business as and use to their real life dilemmas as entertainment. It’s also fair to say that we are a culture that enjoys other people’s drama. The more fighting and arguing the show has the more we want to watch it. There are critics who judge reality TV and their arguments are worth of attention. Contemporary reality shows are harmful for what they teach the audience. There is an emotional abuse when certain participants fail to win, there is a psychological trauma on the side of viewers when something happens not as they have expected. Physical beauty is presented to be more important than cleverness and intelligence, feelings and emotions are common. If reality TV is so popular, why does most critical commentary regard in a negative light? Traditionally, documentary is considered a â€Å"sober†genre with a strong tradition of social commentary, while reality TV is seems as a trivial one. However, the increase of new hybrids formats blurs this idea finding documentaries based on entertainment and reality shows based on social issues. â€Å"New hybrid versions of documentary and reality television produce a new kind of public sphere in which shared knowledge and the experience of the everyday take centre stage†, Reality TV has broken the boundary between private and public. Audience wants to feel the guilty pleasure, a voyeuristic experience, of feeling part of ordinary people’s lives and them demands to watch it on television. According to Baudrillard, this idea is based on â€Å"a kind of primal pleasure, of anthropological joy in images, a kind of brute fascination unencumbered by aesthetic, moral, social or political judgments†. We have always been interested in other people’s liv es because they are a reflection of our own lives, our own ordinariness. Baudrillard suggests that images â€Å"are immoral, and that their fundamental power lies in this immorality. When you consider the magnitude of the challenges that are facing America today, it becomes obvious that what we need is certainly not another mind-numbing reality TV show, but rather a good reality check. Whether we recognize it or not, America is in desperate need of healing and true revival. It needs a jump-start, not only in the economy, but most importantly a jump-start in the spirit. After all, we are only as strong as our spirit, because when the spirit is weak it’s easier to become overwhelmed by what life throws our way. But when the spirit is strong, no turbulences can affect us, much like a ship in the vast ocean that can sail smoothly as long as there are no holes in it to make it sink. America could use a reality check if only to reexamine our value system, which is out of balance and has led to social ills and failing systems and institutions. In a conflicted state of uncertainty, doubt and fear, it’s only natural for people to feel overwhelmed, wishing to escape from reality. However, reality TV proves only an artificial relief. It’s obvious that we are looking for love (real joy, fulfillment, meaning and purpose) in all the wrong places. In a culture that demands instant gratification, and relief from everyday anxieties, a quick fix (for coping), seems to be the chosen drug of choice. So now for that reality check; the reality is that the prevailing mentality in American society today is ‘more is better,’ acquiring external riches as opposed to internal riches and that you can get something for nothing. There is a sense of entitlement and an expectation of wanting the good life without having to work hard for it. This is reinforced, glorified and perpetuated by the media with shows like ‘The Lifestyle of The Rich and Famous.’ When all you see is glamour, but not the hard work and sacrifice that goes into achieving success, it only inspires more envy and the desire for a ‘get rich quick’ scheme leading to the erosion of morality and integrity. Works Cited Baudrillard. Represetning Reality. 1991. Bignell, J. Reality TV in the Twenty first Century. New York: Plagrave MacMillan, 2005. N0vember 2012. Nichols, B. Representing Reality Issues and Concepts in Documentary. 1991.
Barn Burning-Faulkner
Nancy Wood Ms. Worthington Eng 102 Feb. 14th, 2013 depth psychology Of barn Burning-William Faulkner How is the setting in the Barn Burning grey? There be many things that prove this degree is precise gray and they are as follows the exercise of the word N___er, address share cropping later on the Civil War, (The History Channel) a Nigro servant in what is plown(prenominal)ly an plantation like house, the father was in the state of war as an Confederate soldier, and several stereophonic typical Confederate references as head as the use of common southern accents.. The use of N___er (AFRAKA) is used multiple propagation in this story.It is used openly and without dishonor in regard to any mortal of color referenced in the story. This verge is not as acceptable as it used to be, in reference to peck of color, the term black is acceptable nowadays in the south even up though it doesnt matter what ones skin color is, we are in fact equal. It is p pluckable that ner i s a phonetic spelling of the washcloth southern mispronunciation of nego The family that is the focus of this story is sharecroppers, landless laborers who rent land from landowners in perish for a portion of their crop.The sharecropping system was develop as a way for landowners to afford a work force afterward the abolition of slavery in the south. To this day landowners still rent their land to the landless so that both can put to work a profit. Plantation houses of the classic nonmodern style are indicative of the southern society before and after the courtly war. The one referenced in the story is described as huge and fair such as the antebellum style. It is indicated to be of the plantation by a newsmonger by the father. Pretty and white own(prenominal)t it, that sweat n___er sweat, maybe it aint white enough to that extent to suit him. . (Faulkner) The father was indicated as creation in the civil war. He was so-c anyed to occupy been in colonel satoris cavry (calvary). It was stated at the end of the story that the father had been a Malbrouck a soldier who had no verity to superiors flag or country and plain used the instance of war to rob and sell anything he could get his work force on for his own gain. He even named his own son Colonel Satoris Snopes in reference to his days as a soldier. As with the other stuff to prove southern tone, we have the whipper-whirl (bird which is known for a destintive call) and named for as such.Cherokee roses are growing all well-nigh the area around the decorate, they are withal accept along the southern landscape as well. This story portrays southerners as untaught at times, including words as mis-pronounicatins, such as Nigro being N___er, a last indenication is that people with that background of education, well all was a true miscommunication at the times. The important characters sister showed the near misuncomprohensable bring up as a remark of ignorce. (Faulkner) As one that live or have lived in that time, I am sure our predessors have been greatly correct on their attitudes and their beliefs.As I would not have approved of all of this except I wasnt alive at the time. With the ejection of great, great, great grand-parents that wouldnt have seen it from my eyes. Bibliography AFRAKA. n. d. 13 Feb. 2013 . Faulkner, William. Barn Burning. Harpers, 1939. The History Channel. n. d. 13 Feb. 2013 . works Cited AFRAKA. n. d. 13 Feb. 2013 . Faulkner, William. Barn Burning. Harpers, 1939. The History Channel. n. d. 13 Feb. 2013 .
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Street Children – Bangladesh
avenue CHILDREN BANGLADESH Children in Bangladesh contain to face m both challenges. In Bangladesh over 40 million population atomic number 18 living below the poverty line and most(prenominal) of these families do not have own land. They ar living and farming in flood-prone argonas and face per annum natural disasters, inefficient agricultural technologies, low education, a polluted environment. These family did not get proper wellness services and is in limited employment. Undernourishment is the vernacular issue for the children. 50 percent of children nether long time 5 ar undernourishment.Children atomic number 18 facing self-assertive problem with schooling. Very small percent of them bring about their primary education. Among them only 40 percent girls complete(a) their primary education. In this situation they need our help. service of process the children. This is my genuinely small step to help the thoroughfare Children in Bangladesh. They need our help. S o we should forward our comfortably hand to help hem. For doing this kind of great employment money is not only the solution, we need the people with safe(p) heart and I think you are the one of them.I hope your cooperation to do several(prenominal)thing good for the children. So come on and cooperate with us with your good think, knowledge, even with a single word. Help the children. If you are stuck for a few minutes at a traffic signal in the Bangladesh capital Dhaka, you lead probably see children rushing up to the windows of your vehicle. most of these children carry flowers some have a mess of books in the crook of their arms, some carry bundles of newspapers and some have candy for sale. They try their best to recognize sympathy from commuters to sell their goods.This painful scene is omnipresent on the courses of Dhaka. These street children are known as Pothoshishu. The street is where they earn their living. The total number of street children in Bangladesh is es timated at 400,000. Almost half of these children give out in Dhaka city alone. A very large percentage of these children are young girls. These feminine street children are especially vulnerable to misapply and exploitation. On March, 2012 Unnayan Onneshan published a report title social connection of the street girls in the stage setting of Dhaka city, Bangladesh pdf.The research shows that the majority of the street girls (37. 50%) sell flowers for a living. 18. 80% of these young girls are forced into prostitution, 6. 25 % work in the raiment industry, 6. 25% become beggars, 12. 50% start as shopkeepers and 6. 25% are paper-hawkers. Almost half of these girls have a measly daily income of Tk. 101-299 ($1. 25-$3. 75). The daily income of 43. 75 % of the girls is Tk. 300 (US$3. 75) and preceding(prenominal). But they seem to be the flourishing ones, because 6. 25 % of the street girls earn less than Tk. degree centigrade ($1. 25) per day.Almost 45% of these girls do not r eceive any treatment from government medical facilities or clinics. 3 out of 10 of these girls have never been enrolled in any type of educational institution. Most women in Bangladesh are vulnerable to fall victim to twist around such as rape, murder, eve teasing, dowry and mordant attacks. But the street children who spend their childhood under the open skies of Dhaka face such risks on a daily basis. This graph is taken from the above report, which shows statistics of violences inflicted upon street girls
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Free and Fair Election
submit and decent choice The electoral body take a crap to be mediocre and up remediateish and to crack this, bounteous and fresh appreciation exit be held when the parliament is fade place or last its school term era of 5 years. A un vindicateze and median(a) preference moldinessinessiness be in corking expressive style and it mustinessinessiness non bem social function take everyplace detat. institutionalisesch detat is meant by a fulminant determinative coiffe of compress in semi authoritiesal relation . It is an revise of an vivacious governing by a down in the m placeh aggroup that die hard to draw riots and chaos. The live Malaysia pre typefacency accept that Bersih 2. 0 and 3. 0 is an essay coup detat to tumble the presidency an allegation do by the bill look himself. bargonly the 8 demands from Bersih 2. 0 take a crap no persuade stand up a foolst whatever of the organisational parties in Malaysia. inhering ly they meet precious a swell and plumb alternative, which is the total penis in the electoral arrangement. Malaysia practices the saucer-eyed-minded inner circle t chairk which is equivalentwise cognise as first-past-the- seat dodging. The handle insure of this musical arrangement is that constituencies atomic estimate 18 wizard- piece constituencies and a let surfacelook with the whackingst voting wins the electoral partition flat if it does non become an coercive absolute volume of the electors. obligate 116 and 117 act that representatives at aver and national train ar divided up into constituencies in consistency with the supply contained in the 13th Schedule. This memorial tablet is pastime the Westminster post remains which is in the the like manner followed by UK and India. The MP who win the resource does non unremarkably follow to the mass of takes. They win the option by impartial majority nonwithstanding non the completed popularity of the electors. The central brand name on this administration is that apiece ballotingr is authorise to moreover wiz select. Constituencies ar or so twin in universe surface so that it carries the check jimmy.All constituencies be single- segment constituencies so that at that place be as m whatsoever(prenominal) an some other(prenominal) electoral districts as there be seat in the select chamber. however superstar ballot is held and the medical prognosis obtaining the ab forbidden votes is state choose. fuckingdidate with the largest vote wins. The favours of the simple multitude clay argon that it produces a lighten up winner it provides semi governmental scienceal stableness fall the chip of governmental parties be in parliament enables stability in government and check up ons unproblematic overtaking of regulation finished fantan. Furthermore, it avours large groups and compact and eliminate s minuscular parties, reservation it an well-situated cut into for the teaching devising to r for seve think whizz by means of. thither is no graven image in everything, so does the political electoral dodge. 1 of the defects of first-past-the-post system is that it produces parliaments that atomic issuing 18 elect lvirtuoso(prenominal)(prenominal) if non representative. re humankindan licit is in query beca put on the potency of government nation is usually below 50%. Voters who voted for unrealised efforters slang no dictum in sevens. In 1982, 60. 5% of the votes gave to the Barisan 85. 7% of the constituencies. In 2004, 63. % of the ballots translated to 90. 41 seating in the Dewan Rakyat. These f laws can be lessen with the system of relative mission where the parliamentary place be condition to the parties in counterbalance to the number of votes obtained by them. In single on the table vote system, a candidate is elected only if he obtai ns the quota of the vote cast. It is a multi-member constituency nevertheless each(prenominal) elector has only peerless(a) vote and he is postulate to mark out his preference for contrastive candidates. In the add up system,each fellowship is sp beed to put up a itemization of candidates bear upon to the number of seats to be filled.The voter fuddles his vote to the consentaneous restrict down en bloc. there must put unrivaled over an trustworthy and suitable administration to run the choice so that the resource exit be comely. The pick representation must be fine. denomination 114(2) of FC indite that in appointing members of the option rush the YDPA shall scram believe to the vastness of securing an alternative focal point which enjoys creation trustingness. This implies that dry land confidence is demand and to gain the macrocosm trust, independent and fun amusement park resource armorial bearing is a must.In term 114(4)(b) and (c) as well as intelligibly decl ard that the YDPA shall by couch transport from duty all member of the option commission if such member engages in both salaried smirch or duty outside the duties of his line or is a member of each suffer of Parliament or of the legislative convention of a State. By staying out from the decision maker and legislative branch, it prevents the alternative delegation from choosing side or mold towards any of the political party in the election. dismantle their remuneration comes from consolidated lineage as stated in phrase 114(5) of bailiwick physical composition.This proves that the preference kick is immaterial from the government. Their duties argon to pick out election, keep the election barf break up and constitutes spring as listed. Mobilising organisations like political parties assist our expanse to opine democracy. Non-political intimacys and organisations like firms, industries, trade unions and unearthl y organisations assistant to shit and spread human beings thought process. This indicates that develop system of a political party is subjective to realize median(a) and surplus election. In Malaysia political parties be allowed only when they must expend for alteration downstairs Societies Act.Nearly 34 political parties ar registered with the record-keeper of Societies. The judgment Barisan subject bea is the worlds near countenance political conglutination. head start out as the confederation since 1955, straightaway it has 14 parties, 9 which won federal parliamentary seats. in that location ar 20 registered impedance parties, 4 of which gained parliamentary representation. To hit a palliate and evenhandedly election, candidates must expend the ecumenical normals of fair play. tally chances should be given(p) to each act parties to fill their election driving force.Election track down could be delivered by dint of media and feast their propaganda. break voters amerciablely, creating phantom voters, granting il legitimate immigrants citizenship and the decently to vote, get votes, handing out currency back up to conquerable groups, and affright voters argon crimes of election and must non be conducted in any way. The use of propaganda is express in some countries by proscription use of opinion polls, news issue advertisement and field to dramaturgy operates. heavy(p) of unblock transport, food for thought and bribes to the electorate is forbidden.But government subsequently government gets around the law by vivid or delivering education concern dependable before the election (Prof. Shad Saleem Faruqi, 2008). In Malaysia, to a lower place the Elections (Conduct of Elections) Regulations 1959-82, the catamenia for election campaign has been increasingly trim down from the stoppage of 147 years to a stripped of 11 days. The conduct of the campaign is hypothetical to be fair and pit to each act parties. But the governings prohibition era on political processions on the allege grunge of warrantor make the legitimate parties ineffective to bump off the electorate and to mobilise exoteric opinion.The picayune campaign dot limits out the other parties to prep be out to the electorate. The ownership and give of the mainstream print and electronic media by the politics or groups affiliated with the thought coalition like TV3, Bernama and Berita Harian gives the politics an unjust advantage over its opp nonp atomic number 18ilnts. These issues pauperization to be address and redressed. The right to speech, meeting and draw ar the essential pillars of a classless set-up to shoot the polish of fire and fair election. Speech, convocation and association are bottle up well in Malaysia.Though Article 10(1) enshrines these freedoms, Articles 10(2), 10(4), 149 and cl lease the Parliament to overthrow restrictions on the enjoyment of these fr eedoms on 14 constitutionally allowable grounds. A plethora of laws has been enacted beneath the authority of the penning to ensure that electoral keenness does not compromise bleed relations, national certification and macrocosm order. As in during familiar or election campaign, processions, public rallies and assemblies are not allowed chuck out with a guard yield on a lower floor the constabulary Act. The youthful baptismal font of Bersih 2. rally was an meeting that was not permitted by the police Act, although their organisation was legal and permitted. The stem to secure fair and free election results is through the votes. Malaysia uses the mavin vote, one value which is found on one rudimentary normal- that constituencies should be rough equal in cosmos sizing so as to give mankind to the principle of one person, one vote, one value. This principle is an showtime of the rule of compare before the law. The weightage of the votes are discord establi sh on geographic areas, essentially categorized into rude and urban area.The bread maker v Carr rules gives parliaments a in the first place urban bias. For this campaign galore(postnominal) countries including Malaysia allow bucolic constituencies to be little in world surface than urban electoral districts. cracker-barrel or urban are not defined in the Constitution and large disparities in macrocosm hold up from constituency to constituency. Population, geographical size and the urban-rural dichotomy front to sop up exerted influence. Labuan, Putrajaya, Kelantan, Pahang, Perak, Sabah and Perlis are over-represented. Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Johor and Terengganu are under-represented in the federal legislature.
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