Saturday, August 31, 2019
Hotel Rwanda Essay
The film Hotel Rwanda was about Paul Rusesabagina who was the hotel manager of Hotel des Mille Collines. In this film, he was set in a time and an environment where there was so much internal violence and conflict between ethnic groups or communities in Rwanda between the Hutu and the Tutsi. Paul was trying to run his hotel amidst all these controversies and dangers lurking around him, his family and his fellow countrymen. He was well-aware of these hazards being placed right in the middle where he would encounter people from both ethnic communities while being a part of one. This film presented the alarming event that changed and set the country of Rwanda in the map of the world as a place where some of the worst atrocities of mankind had been committed, where around 800,000 people were killed in short span of three months. Amidst these horrifying circumstances, Paul stood up to save not only his family and friends but his fellowmen doing everything he could to save the lives around him.            The film showed the burden Paul had to carry as a husband, as a father and as a citizen. Paul was a Hutu but his wife, Tatiana, was actually a Tutsi. Being married to his wife, a Tutsi, Paul would be considered a traitor to the Hutu. The highlighting part of the movie was on the night of the civil war where Paul had to save his family and friends. He then brought them to his hotel. At the same time, more refugees were also arriving at the hotel. Paul left the hotel to seek help and would then talk with the Hutu army general who after some time agreed to go to the hotel. When they arrived, the hotel was already under siege. Paul searched for his family and found them safe hiding.            This film was about the Rwandan genocide which happened in 1994. This genocide arose from the conflict between the Tutsis and Hutus. Since the colonial times, there had been tension between the Hutu who happened to be the majority in the country and the Tutsi’s who were the minority. Belgians were the colonial masters who brought about the problem by empowering the minority Tutsi’s making them the elites of the country. As a result of this, the Hutus continued to be seen as second class citizens in a country where they were the majority in terms of population. The social structure which had been fairly dynamic was divided into two competing and fighting ethnic groups; this resulted in a full blown genocide in Rwanda in April 1994 which saw more than 800,000 people die within a short time most of them being hacked to death (Marko-Stockl, 2004).            The movie was very alarming and terrifying seeing how certain communities in a country would fight amongst each other. The most frightening reality was that 800,000 people were killed in just around three (3) months. I personally feel that such events like these would sometimes be influenced by so many factors and circumstances. The reason would largely point out to the historical occurrences that happened in the country especially the influence of the colonial power that took control of the country. The movie was interesting and depicted an inspiring story of love for one’s family and one’s country. It showed that in times of great peril, there were still those who would be courageous enough to stand up, lead and protect those that he could. The movie should be something that would let those in power and those who could do something in times of events like genocide or other heinous and disturbing events to reach out and help. Imagine that people and organizations would discuss in meetings and conferences whether or not to help a country while thousands and thousands of people were dying. I believe that Hotel Rwanda should be seen not just as a mere movie, but a warning and an eye-opener to truths and realities present in the world that would be ignored and set aside. This movie would be a beacon that would stand against apathy and indifference present in the world, in the leaders and in the attitudes of so many people. Work Cited Edith Marko-Stà ¶ckl. The Making of Ethnic Insecurity: A Case Study of the Krajina Serbs. (2004) Â
Friday, August 30, 2019
The Tragic Hero of “Antigone”
Lindsey Folcik Mrs. Monzel Period 1 8 April 2010 The Tragic Hero of Antigone In Sophocles’ play Antigone, both Creon and Antigone display some characteristics of a tragic hero. Creon is the king of Thebes following the late Oedipus and his sons. He decrees that no one should ever bury Polyneices because he was a traitor to his city, while Eteocles would be buried with full military honors. Antigone hears this proclamation and decides to bury her brother, Polyneices, in order to follow the laws of the gods. They could both arguably be the tragic hero of the story. A tragic hero is usually of high birth that has a tragic flaw that causes them to fall from a great height after having a moment of recognition all too late. This comparison between Creon and Antigone will show that Creon best fits the characteristics of a tragic hero. The definition of a tragic hero includes having an anagnorsis, or moment of recognition when they realize their tragic flaw, and this is one way in which Antigone does not qualify as a tragic hero while Creon does. In the beginning, Creon is very stubborn in his decision to kill Antigone for burying her brother. Even after he hears Teiresias’ prophecy, de does not change his mind. It is not until later he realizes that â€Å"it is worse to risk everything for stubborn pride†though it is still much too late for him (235). He sees that â€Å"the laws of the gods are mighty, and a man must serve them to the last day of his life! †(236). He has not served the gods by denying Polyneices a proper burial. By foolishly rejecting the laws of the gods, his â€Å"own blind heart has brought [him] from darkness to final darkness†(242). Now he has recognized the wrongs he has committed against Oedipus’ children, which ultimately causes his downfall. Antigone, on the other hand, is aware of the consequences of her actions from the very beginning. She says to her sister â€Å"I will bury him; and if I must die, I say that this crime is holy†, showing that she has very consciously made this decision. She is also aware of the inevitable outcome of her decision, but it does not stop her as she says to Creon, â€Å"I knew I must die, even without your decree†(208). She ends up accepting her punishment, and still stands by her decision. Even as Creon is about to send her to her death, she says sternly, â€Å"I have not sinned before God†(227). In contrast to Creon’s blind decision making, Antigone made her rash, yet conscious, decision fully aware of the bleak ending, so she never has a moment when she realizes her flaw. In Antigone, Creon is an excellent example of a tragic hero. He has a major tragic flaw and falls from a great height. It could be argued that his tragic flaw is excessive pride. He tries to reason his decision to kill Antigone by asking the Choragos, â€Å"Who is the man here, /She or I, if the crime goes unpunished? †(209). The power of being king seems to have gone to his head. He believes that his â€Å"voice is the one voice giving orders in this city! †, which is true, but his edict is still not popular with many of the citizens (220). He is so prideful, he will even hurt his son, Haimon, to prove his point. He plans to â€Å"Let [Antigone] die before his eyes! †(222). In the end, Creon locks Antigone up in a stone vault to kill her, but he was so full of pride and did not want to be proven wrong that he was willing to hurt his son. Another way that Creon is a very good tragic hero is that he falls from a great height. This great height is the throne of Thebes. Since the death of Oedipus and his sons, he has â€Å"succeeded to the full power of the throne†(196). He is now the most powerful man in the land. Creon states that â€Å"whoever is chosen to govern should be obeyed†, and he insists on showing just how much power he holds. However, after he has his moment of recognition and his fortunes are reversed, he has fallen lower that anyone else. He says that now he has â€Å"neither life nor substance†(244). He has killed Antigone unjustly and indirectly murdered his son and wife. There is not much more miserable than that, in great contrast to his once high and honorable position as king. Through an examination of his tragic flaw and fall from grace, it is easy to see why he is a great example of a tragic hero. One of Oedipus’ daughters, Antigone, could also arguably be the tragic hero of Sophocles’ play. She has some of the main characteristics of a tragic hero, like having a tragic flaw, although she does not have a moment of recognition or fall from a great height. It seems that her tragic flaw is also excessive pride in addition to making impulsive decisions. After Creon’s decree, she refuses to give up, claiming â€Å"Creon is not strong enough to stand in my way†(191). Then, when her sister, Ismene, tries to caution her against such a rash and dangerous decision, Antigone rejects her, as she says, â€Å"I should not want you, even if you asked to come†(192). Sometimes, her great amount of pride comes off as insolence. While she is speaking to Creon prior to her death she says rudely, â€Å"Ah the good fortune of kings, / Licensed to say whatever they please! †(210). Ultimately, her pride and lack of thoughtful decision making cause her demise. But even though she has this tragic flaw, she does not fall from a great height. Her status in society is relatively low, especially compared to that of Creon. As her sister puts it, â€Å"We are only women†(191). In ancient Thebes, women are very low on the social ladder. Also, her family’s â€Å"curse†does not help her status as a woman. The Chorus says that they â€Å"have seen this gathering sorrow . . . / Loom upon Oedipus’ children†(215). The story of her father and family has brought her no honor because â€Å"The blasphemy of [her] birth†has plagued her her entire life (226). So, when she has been found burying Polyneices and is condemned, she does not fall from honor, as a true tragic hero would. Even though Antigone does posses some characteristics of a tragic hero, she does not match the definition as closely as Creon does. All in all, Creon is the true tragic hero of Antigone. He is a perfect example of one, because he has a significant tragic flaw, a moment of recognition, and falls from a very high place. Some may argue that the tragic hero is Antigone, because she has a tragic flaw. But she does not have a moment of recognition or fall from a great height. Clearly, through these examples, Creon is the tragic hero of the play. Works Cited Sophocles. Antigone. Trans. Dudley Fitts and Robert Fitzgerald. The Oedipus Cycle. USA: Harcourt, 1977. 186-245.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Early Childhood Education Essay
Throughout history there seems to be a trend that early childhood education was supplementary. Even today we still experience these similar issues. However there are a lot of other issues that come into play in early childhood education. Some issues that prevent children from learning are the child’s culture, learning disabilities, temperament, behavioral problems, and achievement gaps. We cannot control these issues from happening but we can adapt and cater to each child for some of these issues especially observing a child’s temperament. There are nine temperament traits that we should look for according to article 17 of the Annual Editions textbook. This is beneficial so that we can, â€Å"tailor our approach to each child’s cluster of temperament traits. As you tune into temperament, you are likely to become more successful in helping all children adjust to situations and persons in was that promote their social ease and competence. †(Annual Editions #17) Besides observing temperament, achievement gaps can come into play. â€Å"The achievement gap between poor and middle-class black and white children is widely recognized as our most important educational challenge. †(Achievement Gap handout) There are different types of gaps such as the reading gap, the conversation gap, the role model gap, and the health and housing gaps. â€Å"Young children of educated parents are read to more consistently and are encouraged to read more to themselves when they are older. †(Achievement Gap handout) When a child enters preschool or kindergarten, there is an achievement gap already with the reading level of middle and lower class children. This issue unfortunately affects the lower class children dramatically and this is only one of the different issues on the topic of achievement gaps. There are a few individuals that impacted early childhood education significantly and two of them are Maria Montessori and Jean Piaget. Maria Montessori still impacts early childhood education today and there are still Montessori schools all over the world. Montessori was the first woman in Italy to earn a degree in medicine. Her first intention was the study diseases in children but later on became a strong influence in early childhood education. She became so popular at one point she was opening up Montessori schools all over the world and touring as well. Montessori has five principles to her theory. The 1st principle in her theory is having respect for the child. According to the handout on Montessori, â€Å"children are unique individuals†where teachers must respect each child for their differences. The 2nd principle is known as the absorbent mind, the belief that a teacher should not teach them because children can learn on their own instead. This principle is categorized into three stages ranging in ages. From birth to three year old, the child develops their senses from the environment around them. By age three to six years old, the child’s senses are sharpen as they learn more about the world around them. The 3rd principle is known as sensitive periods, when the teacher must step back and be observant of each child in the classroom. When a teacher feels that a student is sensitive to a certain skill then they can learn it. It is time for the teacher to introduce this task. There would be many opportunities afterwards where the child can practice this new task till it is perfected. Finally, the 4th principle is the prepared environment where children can be comfortable and learn best in. The teacher must customize the classroom for children. It is fit to be more convenient for the child to do things for themselves. The goal is to get the child must be independent and to take advantage of the freedom around them. The child will learn to rely less on their teacher but more on themselves. This idea is strongly emphasized in the classroom because Montessori believed that the education should be child centered rather than teacher centered. Even though a school may not be officially be a Montessori school you can find a few ideas that were influenced by her. The prepared environment and respect for the children are definitely things you see at any good school or program. Moving onto the second individual, Jean Piaget was a Swiss philosopher and natural scientist that is famous for his theory of human intellectual development. His theory has four stages of development. The first stage is the Sensori-Motor Stage, which occurs mostly around the age 0 to 2 years old. This stage, â€Å"child relies on touching, feeling, and using his senses to find out about the world. †(Handout on Piaget) The second stage is the Preoperational Stage, which occurs mostly from 2 to 7 years old. During this stage, â€Å"the child still relies on using the senses, but is increasingly able to use language and words to represent things not visible. †(Handout on Piaget) The third stage is the Concrete Operations Stage, which occurs usually around 7 to 11 years old. At this point â€Å"the child is developing the concepts of number, relationships, processes, and more. He is becoming able to think problems through mentally, though still in terms of concrete or real objects rather than in abstractions. †(Handout on Piaget) The fourth stage is the Formal Operations Stage, which happens when the child is 11 years old and older. â€Å"The child is able to proceed a step further; he can now mentally think in terms of concepts and abstractions, rather relying on concrete or real objects. †(Handout on Piaget) There are other good ideas used in classrooms today. These ideas are taken from Piaget’s theories on how children and grow and learn. According to this extraordinary scholar, all children have the curiosity to learn about themselves and the world. If children are stimulated and found the skill interesting then they will learn. Piaget also strongly believed that when teachers provide the material then children are eager to learn. Even today these theories offer guidance for teachers to find different methods to inspire children to learn especially at a young age. Developmentally Appropriate Practice, also known as DAP, is a widely used practice for teachers working with children. In 1987, â€Å"the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) published a widely used position statement about developmentally appropriate practices for serving young children from birth to age 8 in early childhood programs. †(Handout of Early Childhood Programs) However in â€Å"1997 the NAEYC revised the Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs, clarifying the misunderstandings and misinterpretations that arose from a decade of extensive dissemination of the original position statement. There are three dimensions in Developmentally Appropriate Practices and they are age appropriateness, individual appropriateness, and cultural appropriateness. There are numerous ways that they are demonstrated in a pre-K program. Age appropriateness is a common characteristic that is seen in most pre-K programs. â€Å"Developmentally appropriate practice suggests that teachers should not attempt to direct or tightly structure learning experiences and that formal academic instruction at the preschool level should not occur. †(Handout on Early Childhood Programs) Another example is with cultural appropriateness, especially when it has to deal with holidays. Most pre-K programs, unless it’s a non-secular school, go over different holidays and mention which cultures celebrate which particular holiday such as Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanza. As young children learn about themselves and the world in school, literacy is constantly being exposed and is developing in their minds. It is important that their literacy is developing in their young lives because this also increases their vocabulary and grammar skills. As teachers read aloud to them and provide activities for children, early literacy is expanding their knowledge. Once this is evident, teachers can be on the look out for certain behaviors in children. This allows them to know that children are ready to learn how to read. There are four behaviors to identify and they are handling books, looking and recognizing, comprehending pictures and stories, and reading stories. Other characteristics that occur in children are their loose teeth are falling out as well as putting their arm over the head and being able to touch the ear. (class lecture) Today there are programs that are supporting early literacy for young children. In the film Foundations of Reading and Writing, it stressed how reading should not be taught too early. Alternatively, literacy can be taught in creative ways. In the film, several teachers believed that activities is beneficial for children and will promote early literacy. Block playing and painting are a few examples of activities that help children recognize shapes and colors. This simple activity can assist children to start recognizing letters and putting it in a certain order to create words, such as their name. It is up to us as teachers to promote early literacy and to enhance this development.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Product Usage Categories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Product Usage Categories - Essay Example They therefore have conventional and definite market a feature that makes specific producers to compete for the definite demand. Such products as bread and butter or margarine are complementary products since the purchase of bread necessitates the purchase of either margarine or butter, these falls under the food category. Additionally, the purchase of sugar under the same category necessitates the subsequent purchase of either tea lives or any other beverages. Under the same category, such goods as Pepsi cola and coca cola among other forms of fruit juices are substitution products since the purchase of one brand of a soft drink invalidates the purchase of the other. Such products therefore survive on the relative markets they build for themselves and must carry out independent marketing to win over the market. This is unlike the case with complementary goods in which the advert of a margarine must couple the advert of bread. Complimentary products are not competitors in the market while substitution goods compete for the same market thereby making the marketing mix components such as price important in thei r marketing strategies (Tabbush,
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Is there an afterlife and what would be required for an afterlife Essay
Is there an afterlife and what would be required for an afterlife - Essay Example Death has been considered the only certain thing in life. There is even consensus to the effect that a number of changes take place during the transition from life to death, which therefore follows that changes making up life are distinct from those making up survival. In distinguishing these two varying changes, we can give a number of personal identity criteria through time to explain death (Baillie, 1993). First, we can use a criterion that has been popularized by Hume, Plato and a multiplicity of world religions. According to this criterion, human beings are either immaterial souls or even pure egos (Hume, 1739). This can be construed to mean that human beings possess the physical bodies only on a contingent basis and therefore not a necessity as far as living (in this life and the afterlife) is concerned. This being the case therefore, it is proper to argue that human being continues to live even after death. If anything their bodies are contingent and not necessarily a must-hav e in their living and especially their afterlife (Ayer, 2006). The second criterion has to do with the claim that a human being has two distinct components namely a body and a mind. This criterion, the so-called Cartesian Dualism, named so in honor of Rene Descartes, claim that the two components namely, the material body and the immaterial mind are distinct and therefore can exist separately. In fact it goes on to claim that the immaterial mind can exist separately from the material body particularly when the material body dies. This idea has however failed to convince many people because of a number of obvious faults in the reasoning behind it. For instance, is it logical for an immaterial mind to effect any change in a material body? This is the main problem that this idea has been unable to address, a problem that has since assumed the name â€Å"the problem of interactionism†(Levine, 1989). The reasons that Hume advance in arguing that death is survivable are convincing in whichever one looks at them. For instance, I am convinced that there must be another component that leaves the body to rot, otherwise what happened when a human being is resurrected by a supernatural being. Does he/she resurrect with another body or the same body which at the time must have long decomposed. This clearly demonstrates just how probable a human being might possess a separate invisible component that is left behind after his/her fresh dies and subsequently decomposes (Jerome, 1966). In opposing the idea of an afterlife, Hume argues that every creature’s ability is always proportionate to the task ahead of it. This is best demonstrated in a Hare’s or an Antelope’s ability to out-run a fox or a Lion respectively. It is also the reason why a Hare have not been equipped with the ability to appreciate Operas, which would be superfluous to its life. Given that a match between abilities and tasks has been found to cut across all creatures, it is reason able to assume that we are also matched to the tasks before us (Hume & Sayre-McCord 2006). Looked in the context of our ‘design flaws’ as far as having the ability to anticipate an afterlife is concerned, one can only conclude that there is no afterlife. Look at the way we are normally less concerned with doing good for a reward in our afterlife. Look a
Analysis of The Cold War Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Analysis of The Cold War - Literature review Example The Cold War for the Soviet Union was to take control of the communist nations under their policy whereas the United States had the aim of removal of communism from the world. The relationship of the Soviet Union and America was never to the par as the communist nation was an ally of the Germans before it attacked them. Communism was prevalent in the Soviet Union since its birth under the leadership of Lenin (McMahon 2003). This was followed by the rule of Joseph Stalin who further enforced communism over the states that fell under the jurisdiction of the Union. It was then that anti-communist policies started to escalate in the United States creating hate amongst the masses. Yalta Conference which took place in February 1945 was the start of rough relations between the two superpowers of the world. The American President at that time was Truman who was strictly against the communists and this led to the worsening of bilateral relations between the two countries. The invention of the atom bomb and the use of it in World War II created fears for the Russian government which further led to the Cold War (McMahon 2003). After the victory in World War II events followed which led to the Cold War among the superpowers. The Iron Curtain Speech was delivered by Winston Churchill on March 5, 1946. He urged the United States for a coalition against the union because of their policies against the democracy of the world. In 1946 it was found that Soviet spies were in America looking for information regarding the atomic bomb. Moreover, an agreement was violated by the Soviet Union when they did not withdraw their troops from Iran because of its resources of oil. Instead, a region of Iran was annexed by the Soviet Union which later came to be known as the Soviet Socialist Republic of Azerbaijan (Gaddis p. 30, 165-168). In the latter part of the 1950s, it was seen that the Russian President got even more furious at the actions of the United States. After World War II it was s een that several of the nations faced the problem of famine. It was here that the United States launched a plan known as the Marshall Plan to provide the famine struck places with food and other supplies. The foreign ministry of the Soviet Union replied to the Marshall plan in a negative manner stating it as an act sought to infiltrate the European countries.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Handling Difficult Conversations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Handling Difficult Conversations - Essay Example Employees are engaged in gossip with each other. Due to gossiping, the employees were not able to focus in their work. Additionally, avoidance of the situation has led to inefficiency in the work procedure, which further was identified to be accountable for unproductivity. This was hampering the work culture and environment of the workplace. As a Human Resource (HR) manager to overcome the situation, a meeting was organized with the employees. In the meeting, an interaction was developed in order to determine the reasons for gossiping during working hours in order to develop an appropriate strategy to overcome the difficult situation. In this respect, I have implemented an effective communication strategy of motivation based on which the employees would be able to develop respect and compassion amid employees and accordingly, they will be able perform their operations productively. Subsequently, the strategy aided in squashing the habit of gossiping amid employees (Guo & Sanchez, 2005). Difficult conversation is identified as a process of communicating messages that are accountable for raising confusion, pain, embarrassment, fear or anxiety amid employees in a workplace (Harvard Business School Publishing, 2014). Difficult conversation can be mitigated through good communication process between managers and subordinates from top level along with middle level managers to labor groups. In this regard, managers should adopt different communication techniques that include manage self, manage conversation and manage relationship (Edmondson & Smith, 2006). Additionally, communication process is required to be based on three important factors that include temperance, clarity and neutrality (Weeks, 2001). In this context, the strategies of managing self, conversation and relationship with the assistance of effective communication would facilitate in managing difficult conversation successfully. Communicating at regular interval with
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Iinternational Business Porters Diamond Analysis of the Mexican Essay
Iinternational Business Porters Diamond Analysis of the Mexican Business Environment - Essay Example BRIC countries are those that dominated global economic talks in 2001 and years after; at that time, these countries had demonstrated great potential in exploiting economic opportunities. These countries have moved on to become great and major players in the global economy, with great growth in their GDP. BRIC countries comprise of Brazil, Russia, India, and China; currently, these countries have now been classified as the powerhouses of the world economy. They have reformed their macroeconomic policies, something that has given them a cutting edge in creating economic competitive advantages globally. Later, a new perspective and outlook on activities by other countries brought up the MINT countries, as those showing huge advances in their economic growth. Currently, different countries are involved in various practices that can enhance their competitive advantage. Many countries are reforming the macroeconomic policies in the process of attracting local and international investments to spur the growth and development of economic activities in these countries. MINT countries are those that have shown tremendous developments in the economic activities, thus leading to expansion of their economic activities. These countries include Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Turkey; according to Jim O’Neill, an economist, these countries have an upsurge of economic activities that have placed them perfectly in the league fast-growing economies. An important characteristic of these countries is the fact that they have young and aggressive populations that have the ability to take on various economic activities.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Has the Obama Health Care Law Affected Floridians For the Better or Essay
Has the Obama Health Care Law Affected Floridians For the Better or the Worst - Essay Example Under the PPAC, the American health insurance sector became a mandatory and dictatorial part of each and every person's life. Health care is no longer optional and anyone who dares to defy the law will be duly punished. The law has been viewed by many to be unconstitutional and a violation of basic human rights. That is why state legislative houses across the country have been doing their best to repeal the law on the state level. One of the states that has been trying to repeal the PPAC because of the far reaching negative effects that it has on the overall population of the state is Florida, under the able leadership of Gov. Rick Scott. In Florida, a state which houses a large number of retirees, 80 % of the retiree population will be looking at higher insurance coverage costs as Obama-care as the PPAC has come to be known, forces the Floridians to purchase health insurance coverage that they either do not need or does not totally apply to their medical needs according to Rajasekhar (2010). The main problem with Obama-care is that even though the legislators had the best intention of the people at heart, they neglected to take the individual needs of every state in their drafting of the law. Most of Florida's population is comprised of retirees who rely mostly on Medicare and Medicaid for their health insurance coverage. Obama-care promised to provide cost savings to the Floridians. However, Rajasekhar (2010) explains that what happened instead is that the law carved out $529 Medicare savings that instead got funneled into other, more expensive health care projects. Such a move cannot serve to benefit the poor Floridians who will be forced to take on Medicaid coverage instead.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Oligarchy in the US Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Oligarchy in the US - Essay Example The audience of the article is the average American populace. Aristotle, credited for the term oligarchy, defines oligarchy as the exercise of power by wealthy citizens, which causes intense political disparities that essentially accompany excessive material inequalities. While the average American populace constitutes a large percentage of Americans as compared to the wealthy, they still have no voice in decision making concerning economic and political issues in America. As a result, economic disparities continue to persist within Americans, and the average American populace must understand their role in public policy making. Jeffrey Winters and Benjamin Page present evidence that the United States is both democratic and oligarchic. The fact that oligarchs can operate separately without knowing each other is evidence that oligarchy can go unnoticed in several instances (Winters and Page 739). In addition, the extent of economic disparity in the United States proves the authors points about oligarchy. Even so, the authors affirm that there is significant substantiation from academic research that public policy in the United States is not set by oligarchs, but rather reacts strongly to the inclination of normal citizens. The coexistence of oligarchy and democracy is evident because, at times the decision of people counts, while in other cases, the viewpoint of the wealthy sways public
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Tragedy and The Common Man Essay Example for Free
Tragedy and The Common Man Essay Quote: â€Å"I believe that the common man is as apt a subject for tragedy in its highest sense as kings were. On the face of it this ought to be obvious in the light of modern psychiatry, which bases its analysis upon classific formulations, such as Oedipus and Orestes complexes, for instances, which were enacted by royal beings, but which apply to everyone in similar emotional situations. †– Arthur Miller In Arthur Miller’s essay â€Å"Tragedy and The Common Man†he explains to us what he considers to be tragedy and what a tragic hero is today. He debates that in order to be a tragic hero the hero doesn’t need to be a king or have any noble background and instead, the common man can be considered a tragic hero as well. Arthur Miller justifies that the tragic flaw is when a tragic hero refuses to accept anything that may affect their personal dignity. Arthur Miller’s ideas on tragedy are precise and can be applied to a various number of tragedies seen throughout media. In the movie â€Å"A Time to Kill†Jake Brigance one of the main characters is a lawyer who decides to defend his African American friend Carl Lee after he is charged for killing two Caucasian men who previously raped his eleven year old daughter. The setting of the movie is in a very racist community therefore when Jake decides to defend Carl the tragedy begins. In the movie Jake encounters many obstacles one of the first of them being when his wife and child are forced to leave because their safety is not guaranteed in their community anymore. Brigance can simply drop the case and have his family stay with him however he decides to stick to what he believes in is right and allows his family to leave. Throughout the movie you can see that Jake is becoming very lonely not having his family by his side but he pushes those feelings. At one point in the movie Jake loses his house due to a racist colt also known as the â€Å"K. K. K†. While Jake is at work the colt decides to burn down his entire house unaware that his only family he has left which is his Dog is in there. Once Jake comes home to see that his house is severely damaged he slips into a state of denial and refuses to believe that his only companion he has left may have died. In the movie scene you can see that Jake is struggling so much he begins to doubt himself. â€Å"Were going to lose this case, Carl lee†¦ I want to cop a plea, maybe Buckley will cop us a second degree murder and we can get you just life in prison. Jake could have decided not to defend Carl Lee and to allow any other lawyer do to the job but he refused to accept the fact that the court could allow an eleven year old girl to be victimized and not have any justice served because of the color of her skin. In the book â€Å"Rome Juliet†Romeo and Juliet experience tragedy because of accident and bad luck, the unfortunate fact that Friar Lawrences letter never gets to Romeo in Mantua. Miller says that in order to be classified as a tragic hero you must be willing to lay down your life in order to keep your dignity and Juliet does this. O happy dagger! This is thy sheath; there rust and let me die! (Juliet). When Juliet does not receive the letter form Friar Lawrence and thinks that Romeo is dead she realizes that in her battle to get what she wants she has lost and therefore lays down her life for Romeo. This shows that Juliet a child who wasn’t royalty suffered just as much as someone with a noble background would suffer if they were going through the same issue. I can speak about tragedy and being a common man because at one point in my life I’ve experienced it. Last year in grade ten I was diagnosed with a tumor on my thyroid. When the doctors told me I had a tumor on my thyroid they explained to me that they were unsure if it was cancerous or not. For two weeks I had to wait for the results during those weeks I had this fear following me around and all I could think about was whether I had cancer or not. I went through several tests. After all my results from the test came back the doctor explained to me that my tumor was benign which meant it was not cancerous but the problem was it wouldn’t stop growing. It grew to the point it seemed like I had an Adam’s apple. The only choice I had was to cut out the tumor or take pills which could control it however I would have to take the pills throughout my entire life, the pills were expensive. I decided to get the surgery done instead and I now have this very large scar on my neck. As you can see I also experienced tragedy when I was diagnosed with the benign tumor. Common men can be tragic heroes as well regardless of the reputation or the status they hold. Tragedies are not meant for just people with high positions or everyday people who would read or watch media that had to do with tragedy wouldn’t be able to comprehend it. Everyone suffers some type of tragedy in their life which allows us to understand tragedies much better.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Handsomest Drowned Man Essay Example for Free
The Handsomest Drowned Man Essay The story begins with several children playing on the beach. That pretty much suffices for They see an abnormal looking bulge in the ocean. They try and guess anything that it might be until it washes up shore and they realize it’s a drowned man. The children, being children, start to play with the body until an adult spots the new toy and lets the rest of the village know. The men of the town carry the body to the nearest house and talk about how heavy he is. Since the body was in the ocean for so long, they figured it was the water that went to his bones. In their small fishing community, there is such little space around that dead bodies are not buried, but thrown over the cliffs and into the ocean. Since the village is so small, the men look around to see that none of them are missing, and automatically know that the dead man is a stranger. That night, the men of the village go around to other towns to seek a better idea of where he might’ve come from. The women stay behind to clean the ocean’s waste off the body. As they clean him off, the women notice that he comes from somewhere far away because the junk that they clean off isn’t a part of anything around their part of the world. When the drowned man is finally cleaned off, the women are left in awe because he is the biggest and tallest and most proud looking man they have ever seen. Hes so big that the women can’t find a bed big enough for him. They can’t find any clothes to fit him, so the women, sewed clothes for him from a sail. While they work on his clothing, the women feel like everything has changed because of their discovery. They start to compare the dead man to their husbands in such a way that made their husbands seem like the worst choice they’ve ever made. The oldest woman in the group of women looks down at the drowned man and says he has the face of someone named Esteban. All of the other women agree right away. Later on after midnight, while the women watch the body being dragged along the ground, they start feeling pity for the drowned man because of his massive size which must have been a burden for him. They thought about his life; and how he would have probably had trouble going through doorways, hitting his head on crossbeams, and not being able to find a chair sturdy enough to seat him. When the men come back and announce that none of the nearby villages can claim the dead body, the women get hyped up about the idea that he is now theirs. The men think their women are being ridiculous and just want to get this burial done as fast as possible. They make a type of stretcher to carry him to the cliffs. While the men rush to get the task done, the women try to waste time by covering the dead body up with other little items. The men complain the entire time until the handkerchief uncovers the dead man’s face and they all stand there in awe about how handsome he is and know that he is â€Å"Esteban†. They thought the same thing about the man and how he must have had such a hard time moving his massive body around and how burden he was causing the villagers. So the villagers make a formal funeral. They go to villages around them to get flowers, and they choose for him honorary family members from their village, The women mourn so loud it steers the sailors off course. As they carry his body to the cliff, the women are aware for the first time that everything they know doesn’t compare to the beauty of their drowned man. When they finally let the body go off the cliff, they don’t anchor it, so that he can come back if he wishes. The villagers realize that everything will be different from now on. They will make the best of their village and make it progress by building houses bigger and better, paint them bright colors, and plant flowers on their cliffs so that future sailor’s going by will see and smell them, and they will know that it’s â€Å"Esteban’s Village†.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Development of Preschool Children
Development of Preschool Children 3 and 4-year-old children are often referred to as preschoolers. Preschool children want to become more independent and do things for themselves. They are enthusiastic about learning and acquire their knowledge through experiences and playing. Their motor, social, emotional, cognitive, and language skills all developing, as they try to gain inner control. Preschoolers want to establish themselves as individuals and can more easily express their needs since they have a greater grasp of language. The preschoolers body is continuing to lose baby fat and gain muscle. Their arms and legs are becoming more slender and their upper body more narrow and tapered. Some children grow taller so much more quickly than they gain weight and muscle, that they may begin to look somewhat skinny and fragile. This doesnt mean that they are unhealthy or that anything is wrong; some children just fill out gradually as their muscles develop. Most preschoolers grow about 2 to 3 inches in height and gain about 5 pounds each year. Also boys tend to be slightly larger than girls (Berk, 2008). A childs face also will mature during this time. The length of their skull will increase a little, and the lower jaw becomes more pronounced. At the same time, the upper jaw will widen to make room for their permanent teeth. Because of this growth, their face actually will become larger and their features appear more distinct. Children are playful by nature. Their earliest experiences of exploring with their senses lead them to play, by themselves at first and then eventually with others. Usually between 4 and 5 years old, preschoolers discover that they share similar interests and seek out kids who are like themselves. They discuss, negotiate and come up with ways to create elaborate play scenes; take turns; and work together toward mutual goals. Childrens play can be divided into 4 categories, some of which overlap. Dramatic play is fantasy-directed play like dressing up in costumes, pretending to be different characters, using toys to represent characters in stories, and creating imaginary settings. Some examples of manipulative play are using small toys like blocks or Legos to build objects, putting together puzzles, and making bead necklaces. Physical play uses the whole body in activities with bikes, balls, jump ropes, hoops, and play structures. In creative play children use art materials such as paint, clay, markers, pencils, glue, etc. Preschoolers improve their mobility skills through a variety of motor activities involving the entire body. Gross-motor development includes locomotor dexterity, which requires balance and movement, and upper-body and arm skills. Examples of locomotor skills are jumping, hopping, running, and climbing. Toddlers can climb up one step at a time, but preschoolers can use alternating feet to climb stairs. Most preschoolers progress from riding a tricycle to a bicycle, and some older preschoolers are able to roller-skate. Two basic upper-body and arm skills developed during the preschool years are throwing and catching a ball. Preschool children gain more precision in fine-motor development between 3 and 5 years old. They attain more control of finger movement, which lets them become capable of using small materials that require grasping and control. According to the National network for child care some milestones in gross and motor skills in preschoolers include hopping on one foot, galloping, beginning to skip, pumping themselves on a swing, zipping, snapping and unbuttoning, cutting, lacing and making representational pictures like house, people or flowers (Malley, 1991). During the preschool years children are in the preoperational stage. Throughout this stage children think in terms of concrete materials, believe that everyone thinks as they think, are perceptually bound and make judgments based primarily on how things look (Morrison, 2009). In the preoperational stage, children are very heavily influenced by their perceptions and do not fully grasp the concept of conversation. Children who have trouble with conservation have trouble understanding that the quantity of something can stay the same regardless of physical transformations. One example of this is if a child is shown 2 identical cups filled with the same amount of beans, and then you pour the beans into 2 different size cups, a child will think that one cup has more beans, not understanding that the same number of beans is in each cup. Another characteristic of the preoperational stage is egocentrism, which is the failure to distinguish the symbolic viewpoints of others from ones own (Berk, 2008 pg325). Children also have trouble with logic and abstract thinking during this stage, because so much of their knowledge is based on their perception. Being in the preoperational stage comes with some key changes in thinking and cognitive development. In addition to acquiring language, children also start to discover fantasy and imagination. With developing language skills comes the awareness of that something can be represented even though it is not seen. For example, the word balloon describes a balloon, just like the image of a balloon does, even if the balloon itself isnt actually visible. Children also start to use their imagination by pretending that objects are other things, transforming sticks into swords, big boxes into houses, and dirt into a racetrack. Preschoolers sometimes have imaginary friends. They have a tendency to brag and can be bossy towards their peers. They have a desire to feel important and worthwhile. At times they can be aggressive but enjoy being with other children and want to make friends. They like to pretend to be important adults such as a teacher, parent, doctor, shop owner or police officer. They want and seek out praise for their achievements. Social experience, along with cognitive development, contributes to gains in emotional understanding (Berk, 2008 pg 370).Emotional understanding is a childs ability to express his or her emotions appropriately, to correctly understand other peoples emotions, and to understand the outcomes of certain emotions. Children with high levels of emotional understanding can cope with their own or other peoples emotions in a way that creates positive social interactions. Preschoolers usually start to develop self-conscious emotions as they start evaluating themselves, instead of simply reacting to peers or adults evaluations. For example, a toddler may be perfectly happy coloring all over themselves from head to toe with markers, but wont experience guilt or shame until someone expresses their displeasure at the situation. A preschooler may still enjoy drawing on themselves, but as soon as they see a parent coming, shame and guilt may surface as a result of considering their appearance. A chil d may also now experience a sense of pride when Mom or Dad says, You did a great job cleaning up your mess. Preschool is a time when children start to develop friendships with their peers and this is essential for positive social and emotional development. Preschoolers think of a friend as someone they have fun with and are willing to share their belongings with. Preschoolers give twice as much reinforcement-greeting praise and compliance-to children they identify as friendsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦they are more cooperative and emotionally expressive-talking, laughing, and looking at each other more than nonfriends do(Berk, 2008 pg 376).While preschoolers understand the uniqueness of friendship their concept of it is still immature. They can be best friends with a peer one day and not like them at all the next. Parents can influence their childs early peer relationships both directly and indirectly, by giving their child more frequent social experiences, discouraging teasing, being emotionally positive and demonstrating cooperative play. Social experiences are critical in the development of a preschoolers moral understanding. Disagreements with siblings or peers over toys, taking turns or ideas give children their first concepts of fairness and justice. Children also learn by observing how their parents react when then have broken a rule and the way they talk about moral issues. Children who are advanced in moral understanding usually have parents who can adapt the way they communicate with their child about honesty, arguments and sharing in a way the child can easily understand. During preschool children have a massive increase in language development. This escalation in language skills represents the development of cognitive abilities. Children become more complex thinkers and these changes are exhibited in their language. Preschoolers are curious about language and rely progressively more on language to make their wants and needs known to adults and peers. Preschoolers can learn an average of 5 new words a day increasing their vocabulary from 200 words at age 2 to 10,000 words by age 6 (Berk, 2008 pg 356). To build their vocabulary so quickly, children use the fast mapping process where they connect a new word with a primary concept shortly after being introduced to the new word. There are different theories on how children acquire their vocabulary. Some theorists believe that children are naturally predisposed to distinguish word meaning using mutual exclusivity, which is a childs assumption that words refer to entirely separate categories (Berk, 2008). These theorists also believe that syntactic bootstrapping, which is the discovery of word meanings by observation of how words are use in the structure of a sentence, plays a major part in language development (Berk, 2008). Another theory is that word learning is controlled by the same cognitive strategies that children apply to nonlinguistic information. These strategies become more e ffective as childrens information processing, communication skills, vocabulary size, knowledge of categories and mastery of syntax improve (Berk, 2008 pg 357). Generally preschoolers can use simple sentences that follow a subject-verb-object order. Once they have mastered three word sentences they start to make small additions and changes in words that allows them to express word meanings in different ways and more efficiently. As with vocabulary development there are different theories on grammatical development; from the use of semantic bootstrapping (using word meanings to figure out grammatical rules), to the belief that children master grammar through direct observation, and including the idea that they have a special language making capacity for assessing the language they hear and develops the discovery of grammatical regularities. Preschool children have typically well developed conversation skills. They use gestures and objects to assist them in conveying their meaning. By 4 years old a child can adapt their conversation to fit the age, sex, and social status of the person theyre talking to. Their conversations tend to be less mature in highly demanding situations (like while on the telephone) where they cannot see the other person or use conversational aids (Berk, 2008). There are several ways in which parents and teachers can enhance all the developmental skills of a preschooler. Some activities that enhance physical and motor skills are dancing, swinging, sandbox play, throwing, playing with play dough and finger puppets, putting puzzles together, drawing, and stringing and lacing activities. Through directed and undirected play, children are naturally able to practice and learn both gross and fine motor skills and coordination (Snuggs, 2008). Enhancing cognitive development is about strengthening and exercising a childs thinking skills, not just giving them information. Activities like hide and seek (using variations of counting), Simon Says, I Spy and board games like Memory, Connect Four and Tic Tac Toe are all beneficial ways to enhance a preschoolers cognitive development. Planning activities in which the children have to work and plan together, helps build their social skills. Providing an opportunity for different personalities to interact, plan and work together, preschool children will learn the skills of compromise and sharing, while developing their social and emotional skills. A class play is an ideal group activity for the children to participate in. The most important thing we can do to ensure healthy social and emotional development is to be a positive role model. By being trustworthy, caring, and patient role models, we can help children develop a positive attitude. By showing respect to our children we help them learn to show respect for others. In order to enhance positive language development in preschoolers it is important to be patient while they are talking and give them time to express themselves. A few activities that can help further their development are having them draw a picture and make up a story about it, singing songs and using word play and letters to build the childrens phonological awareness, alphabet knowledge and vocabulary. I believe that each preschooler is a unique individual who needs a secure, caring, and stimulating environment where they can grow and develop emotionally, intellectually, physically, and socially. Parents and teachers should adapt to the needs of each child so that they can feel capable and successful.
Nineteen Eighty Four - Fiction :: essays research papers
â€Å"Nineteen Eighty Four†– Fictional World      In English this semester we have studied three different texts. All three texts were based on original, fictional worlds. The fictional world which stood out above the rest and really amazed me would have to be ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’. ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ was the most realistic out of the three. While reading the novel you really get into the fictional world and think like the main character Winston Smith. Three aspects of the text which made this world so interesting to study were The Inner Party, Big Brother, and the Thought Police. Each of these interesting aspects in Nineteen Eighty Four play a great part in the novel itself and the way the fictional world works.      The Inner Party played a huge role in creating the fascinating world in ‘Nineteen Eighty Four’. The Inner Party was in charge of Airstrip1 and wanted to be superior over everyone. They wanted the party to be the people’s first loyalty over anything else. They didn’t allow marriage or even sex for this was an act of loyalty between two people and not to the party. An example of this is when Winston and Julia were caught having a sexual relationship and were taken away by the Thought Police. They were then made to betray eachother, love the Party, and to believe what ever the party said was true. The Party had control over everything even peoples minds. This was proved when O ‘ Brien held up four fingers and said to Winston â€Å"how many fingers am I holding up?†Winston replied â€Å"Five†.      Big Brother also played a big role in creating the world which ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ was based in. Big Brother is a figure, which the Party has created to frighten people and give them more power. The Party can do anything they like and when someone questions them they can just say there under orders from Big Brother. Big Brother is everywhere in every house (except proles), every street, wall, and he is always shouting out â€Å"BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU†the text which backs this up is when Winston describes that ‘On each landing, opposite the lift shaft the poster with enormous face gazed from the wall. It was one of those pictures, which are so conceived that the eyes follow you about when you move’. Big Brother is so important to the world in the novel because the figure stops thought crime, gives the people someone to look up to and someone to love, lets the Party tell the people anything they want and the people will beli eve it, such as propaganda.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Roles of Women in Vedic Culture Essay -- Sexual Marriage Papers
Roles of Women in Vedic Culture Vedic culture seems to have conflicting views regarding its attitude towards women, specifically its attitude towards a woman’s sexuality. This conflict can be seen by contrasting the ways in which women are treated in sacrificing rituals with how they are treated in a more intimate atmosphere, such as lovemaking, which is still often treated as a ritual in and of itself; ritual regarding fertility, love, and childbirth. To represent the roles of women in ritual, Stephanie W. Jamison has written â€Å"Sacrificed Wife, Sacrificer’s wife, which is a description and evaluation of women’s roles in ritual and hospitality in ancient India. â€Å"The general subject of [Jamison’s] book is the conceptual position of women in early Indic culture, but it is not designed as an inclusive overview of women in ancient India and all the institutions and attitudes affecting them. Rather it focuses on a single, apparently marginal female role-the activities of the wife in solemn ritual†¦ and isolates a set of conceptual functions the wife fills in ritual practice†(Jamison 4). To get a more expansive view of women’s roles in ritual, it is important to also consider other texts, perhaps including what is known as a â€Å"sex manual†for the roles of women in other aspects of their culture. The â€Å"Kama Sutra†will help to provide a contrast between the roles of women in solemn ritual, and the roles of women in sex ritual, since sex is often viewed as just as ritualistic as the Srauta ritual, described in Jamison’s text. The two texts, combined, will illuminate a contrast between the differing views of women, as Jamison’s book illuminates negative attitudes towards a woman’s sexuality and inequalities in the participatio... ...arding a woman’s sexuality, whereas in the â€Å"Kama Sutra†the woman’s sexuality is appreciated as a beautiful thing, and as a thing that is capable of being used in a positive way for both the woman and her partner. Certainly there are even moments of inequality apparent in the â€Å"Kama Sutra†, but, there are also passages that describe the importance of equality, and yet others that describe the duties of a man to please his wife. Whereas women are treated as deviants for their sexuality in ritual, they are praised for it in the bedroom, revealing a conflict in male minds as to how they feel about a woman’s sexuality, confused about whether they want a virgin or a whore. Works Cited Dane, Lance. The Complete Illustrated Kama Sutra. Inner Traditions. Singapore. 2003. Jamison, Stephanie W. Sacrificed Wife, Sacrificer’s Wife. Oxford University Press. New
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Coaxial Cable :: Networks Telecommunications
Introduction Coaxial cable: is an electrical cable consisting of a round conducting wire, surrounded by an insulating spacer, surrounded by a cylindrical conducting sheath, usually surrounded by a final insulating layer. It is used as a high-frequency transmission line to carry a high-frequency or broadband signal. Sometimes DC power (called bias) is added to the signal to supply the equipment at the other end, as in direct broadcast satellite receivers. Because the electromagnetic field carrying the signal exists (ideally) only in the space between the inner and outer conductors, it cannot interfere with or suffer interference from external electromagnetic fields. Coaxial cables may be rigid or flexible. Rigid types have a solid sheath, while flexible types have a braided sheath, both usually of thin copper wire. The inner insulator, also called the dielectric, has a significant effect on the cable's properties, such as its characteristic impedance and its attenuation. The dielectric may be solid or perforated with air spaces. Connections to the ends of coaxial cables are usually made with RF connectors. Radio-grade flexible coaxial cable. A: outer plastic sheath B: copper screen C: inner dielectric insulator D: copper core There are two types of coaxial cables: 1. Thinnet 2. Thicknet Thinnet Also known as "Thin Ethernet" or Thinnet, 10BASE-2 is an IEEE standard for baseband Ethernet at 10MBps over thick coaxial cable. 10Base2 has a maximum distance of 185 meters. Thin Ethernet is five millimeters in diameter and used to connect machines up to 1,000 feet apart. Thinnet (thin Ethernet) is an incarnation of the Ethernet standard in which coaxial cables are used in a LAN (local-area network) configuration to connect computers together. A Thinnet setup is capable of transmitting data at a rate of 10Mbps (megabits per second). It is also cheaper and easier to install than Thicknet. The first variation on the original variety of Ethernet was simply to use a thinner coaxial cable and relax the constraints on how and where transceivers can connect. 10BASE-2 does this with coaxial cable that looks just like the cable used for receiving cable television or hooking up a television set to an antenna. The only difference in the cable itself is the impedance rating. A television cable is rated at 75 ohms and a 10BASE-2 cable is rated at 50 ohms. In a pinch, a small length of one can be substituted for the other. The connectors used in 10BASE-2 are called BNC connectors for Berkeley Nucleonics Co.: they were originally used in nuclear physics.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Application of Honeycomb Sandwich Structures
Sandwich construction by and large consists of 3 parts ; the nucleus stuff that is lightweight and is covered by face sheets from the top and the underside. The stuff of the face sheets are normally made from stuffs that have high stiffness, while the nucleus of the construction is made up of extremely compressive stuff and high shear strength.Even though the constructions are lightweight, they have a high fracture/bending strength and buckling strength. Therefore this allowed the sandwich structures to go an indispensable portion of the modern lightweight building. The composite sandwich constructions are by and large preferable structural signifier because they can be easy constructed by utilizing stuffs that are significantly lower in costs, while they besides have higher bending stiffness, while keeping the same sum of fibre reinforced polymer stuffs being used. The nucleus is the portion that is responsible for the separating and repairing the shins, while besides defying cross shear, screening and radiation, absorb impact energy, and insulate heat transportation. The bonding of the faces to the nucleus, is to obtain a burden transportation between all the constituents. Polymeric cores that have higher denseness besides have higher shear and compaction strengths, but this besides makes them heavier hence a via media has to be reached between keeping low weight and high public presentation. The faces of the sandwich construction should hold high stiffness that will therefore five high flexural rigidness, a high compressive strength and high tensile strength, should be impact immune, good surface coating, and eventually it should besides be wear and environmental opposition so it does non respond with the surrounding. The usage of â€Å"sandwiching†, we are able to dramatically increase the strength and flexural rigidness, if we are to compare it to a individual tegument construction while non adding much weight. General demands of the construction:In order for the home bases to defy the compressive, tensile and shear emphasiss that are induced by the design burden, they should be thick plenty.The nucleus should hold more than adequate strength in order for it to defy the shear emphasiss that are being induced by the tonss, while besides the adhesive must besides hold sufficient strength, so it can be able to transport the shear emphasis into the nucleus.The nucleus should besides be thick plenty and have enough shear modulus to be able to forestall the overall buckling of the sandwich under tonss, and to besides forestall crimping ( the procedure where two pieces of metal or ductile stuff are joined by the distortion of one or both of them to keep one another )The nucleus cells should be little plenty in order to forestall dimpling ( pregnant chads are the little indentures or depressions that appear on the surface of a organic structure ) under burden.The nucleus must hold adequate compress ive strength that will assist it defy the suppression by the designed tonss that act normal to the panel facings, or by the compressive emphasiss that are induced through flection. The overall construction must hold sufficient shear and flexural rigidness to be able to avoid the inordinate warps under the designed burden.Dame that occurs in sandwich complexs, is a instead complex phenomena that is due to the legion failure mechanism.The honeycomb constructions are either natural constructions formed such as from bees, or semisynthetic constructions that use the geometry of the honeycomb in order to let the minimisation of the measure of stuffs that is being used in order to assist make a minimal weight while besides holding minimal stuff costs. The honeycomb structure’s geometry can differ immensely, but the most common characteristic of all of the constructions is the scope of hollow cells that are formed between the thin perpendicular walls. Normally the cell forms are eith er hexangular or columnar. The honeycomb like construction offers a stuff that has really small denseness and comparatively high compaction and shear belongingss. The stuffs of the semisynthetic honeycomb structural stuffs are often made by puting the honeycomb stuff between the two thin beds that provide the strength when there is tenseness. A plate-like assembly signifiers. The honeycomb stuffs are immensely used where a marginally curved or level surfaces are required and their high weight to strength ratio is valued. They are to a great extent used in the aerospace industry chiefly for this ground, while some stuffs such as advanced composite stuffs and fibreglass have been included in projectiles and aircrafts for over 50 old ages now. Honeycomb sandwich constructions can be found in several other applications, such as from something every bit basic as packaging stuffs utilizing paper-based honeycomb ( composition board ) , to athleticss merchandises such as snowboards and skis. Honeycomb sandwich constructions are industry by utilizing a broad assortment of different stuffs that depend on the application intended and the features that are required. Honeycomb nucleuss such as paper/cardboard and thermoplastics, used for low stiffness and low strength for low application tonss, to high stiffness and high strength for applications that require high public presentations, the nucleuss used in such instances are from fibre reinforced plastics or aluminium. Harmonizing to the size of the panel, the denseness or sum of the honeycomb cells that are within it, and the facing stuff the strength of sandwich panels are used. The honeycomb complexs are immensely used in assorted industries, from the automotive and aerospace industries, to furniture and wadding industries. The construction is named â€Å"honeycomb†due to the ocular resemblance to a bee’s honeycomb Honeycomb nucleuss are used in a broad assortment of applications such as ; Marine vass, aerospace applications, walls, doors, ceilings, warming and air conditioning units, in mensurating the energy loss of sound extension in media, lifts, in the directional systems of air, visible radiation and H2O, and eventually in bathroom and kitchen dividers. They are besides used in applications such as in the devising of human body of the modern type of expression one autos. In the expression one autos the honeycomb is sandwich in between two C shins that will make a really stiff and strong construction, which will therefore supply the protection to the driver if he is to hold a unsafe clang. Advantages of honeycomb sandwich over other conventional stuffs:It has really low weight therefore makes it easier to work withLastingnessHigh stiffnessSaves cost in productionIt requires really small careAdvantages of honeycomb sandwich constructions:Without dramatically increasing the weight, elevated degrees of strength and stiffness can be reachedThe sandwich building besides could move as either a thermic dielectric or a thermic transportations, this procedure depends on the stuff that is traveling to be used.Besides the moistening of noise and quiver occurs due to the nucleus stuff.Relatively light stuffs could be used.A huge array of stuffs such as C, paper, aluminium etc. could be used.The nucleus has a high strength to burden ratio while besides holding an first-class compaction strength.A disadvantage of the honeycomb nucleus is that some of the stuffs are expensive, while other stuffs are caustic depending on the stuff that is being used. Different types of nucleus stuffs that are used are:Nomex honeycombVinyl sheet frothBalsa woodPolyurethane sheet frothAluminumPaper/cardboard nucleusNomex honeycomb: is flame and fire resistant, has good impact opposition, is flexible, and lightweight. The Nomex honeycomb is chiefly used in the aerospace industry for the structural applications, due to it offering the best strength to burden ratio of nucleus stuffs. This peculiar type of honeycomb is an aerospace class fibre that is coated by phenol. Due to the cell structures being over expanded, it allows it to obtain more flexibleness, which hence besides makes it the most suitably applied in tight radius curves. Vinyl sheet froth: is one of the most adaptably used nucleus stuffs in the market. It is a closed cell, stiff stuff that is immune to thin acids, hydrocarbons, base, sea H2O, Diesel oil, methyl intoxicant, gasolene, and it besides able to self-extinguish its ego. It is presently being used on a large graduated table in the aircraft industry and the public presentation automotive constructions industry every bit good. It can be applied anyplace, such as topographic points that require high belongingss and easy handling. The froth is typically thermoformed in an oven or utilizing a heat gun while force per unit area is gently applied. If ultimate if it is desired to make the ultimate Peel strength a perforation roller is used in order to increase the surface country of the froth, which leads up to the addition of the Peel strength an excess 15 to 20 % . The vinyl sheet froth is really good appreciated due to it holding superior structural and mechanical belongingss. They are besides re ally easy handled in treating such as thermoforming, cutting, and determining. They are besides used in the procedure of rapid majority edifice, or in the bonding of single sheets that will supply the extra thickness that is needed in mark countries. It is besides H2O immune and insulative. Polyurethane sheet froth: It is stiff, with first-class floatation and thermic insularity belongingss, while it is besides closed cell. Some of the grounds as to why the Marine industry has been utilizing the froth extensively for the last few decennaries are that: -it is non really expensive when a lower belongings cored laminate is required. -The sheets are besides available in a broad assortment of thicknesses and are besides stiff. -The closed cell construction, allows it to defy the soaking up of H2O, gasolene, and oil.The froth demands to be stored off from sunlight in order to avoid debasement. It can besides defy temperatures that range from 60 F up to 300F. Balsa wood nucleus: This is the most used type of wood nucleus. It was specifically used in in the Marine industry, normally used for boat hulls and decks. One of the chief grounds as to why balsa is used, is because it is a natural merchandise, and could provide the market demand invariably due the balsa tree’s speedy growing rate. Some other advantages include its low cost, it is a light stuff yet being really strong. Some disadvantages include, – the possibility of being damaged by H2O, because it rots when it gets wet. – when we compare it to a solid fibre glass stuff it is more expensive, hence the fibre glass is by and large used as the alternate stuff to the balsa wood nucleus in the Marine industry. Aluminum honeycomb nucleus: The aluminium honeycomb construction provides the maximal stiffness that could be obtained and is the stuff that has one of the greatest strength to burden ratios, when compared to the other available structural nucleus stuffs. A chemical transition surfacing to protect the foil from corrosion is used after the foil is good cleaned. If maximal protection from corrosion is wanted, Alcore’s proprietary PAA coating is used in order to protect it from really rough environments. Some of the aluminium honeycomb belongingss include: -its first-class strength to burden ratio. –its ability to defy corrosion. –its ability to execute in elevated temperatures. –resistant to fungus and fire. –easily formed and machined. –does non absorb wet. –high thermic conduction. –withstands up to 350F. –has high stiffness. –super level surface. –it is a sound and thermic dielectric. –absorbs quiver. –it can be recycled . –easily fabricated and installed. –convenient in care. The applications where aluminium honeycomb nucleus could be used in include: Marine vass, doors, walls, ceilings, warming and air conditioning units, in mensurating the energy loss of sound extension in media, air and visible radiation and H2O directional systems, lifts, and eventually in bathrooms and kitchen dividers. Paper/cardboard honeycomb nucleus: Is normally used in the fabrication of panels in the trappings industry and is by and large used in the interior doors in the edifice sector.Some of the applications where the paper nucleus is used include: advertisement shows, it is used in the devising of carton palettes, used in the devising of container palette, automotive parts, trade carnival bases and packaging stuffs. It is a comparatively light and strong stuff, and its concentration and strength are due to the about perfect hexangular form that its cells make, which hence makes it highly immune to compaction, and is applicable in a broad assortment of instances. Properties of the paper honeycomb nucleus include: it is a 100 % reclaimable stuff, has high force per unit area strength, environment friendly, due to its great strength to burden ratio it is an first-class nucleus stuff that is able to be used for most applications, it is easy to utilize, really cost effectual, it is adaptable to huge utilizations in the uninterru pted production procedure, it gives a smooth surface with the stuffs that are confronting it, it is used in either cold or hot pressure, can be easy stored, has smaller weight, due to it being a 100 % reclaimable it produces no waste, and eventually it is a good noise and heat dielectric. Thevaluesof thermic insularity are relatively good and they depend on the denseness of the nucleus and specific building. In some instances, the thermal demands determine the thickness of the panel that is needed. By make fulling the cells with other stuffs such as loose insularity or froths so we can farther better the insularity values of the honeycomb. The distortion of the panels due to the different thermal and wet conditions was discovered to be about equal to the same order of as that of the panels that are made of plyboard which is glued to the wood frames while being insulated and have emphasiss moving on its faces. When the fire opposition of the honeycomb panels are compared to the about hollow panels with similar facings, it is significantly higher. While to farther increase the fire opposition, the cells are filled with foamed rosin. To the shapers of the merchandises such as furniture and doors the advantages of the sandwich building to them is clearly seeable and favourable. When builders and designers are interested in new edifice stuffs, the chief factors that are inquired are the strength of the stuff, opposition to fire, and the sum of thermic insularity that the honeycomb nucleus affords, how practical it is to utilize the sandwich buildings in edifices, and eventually the convenient beginnings of the sandwich panels. To bring forth the wavy or corrugated type of the honeycomb, the channel or cell is made by organizing the paper in between the grooved axial rotations on the equipment that is used in the procedure of bring forthing the corrugated container board. The advantages and disadvantages that are unnatural to the building differs from each type of nucleus. This difference lies in many factors such as, the equipment that is needed for the production procedure, the restrictions in adhesives and rosins, strength of stuff, the changing trouble of accurate film editing, easiness of transportation, the thermic insularity belongingss, and many other factors. When the rosin and basal stuff intervention are mentioned, such jobs as the rosin, fibre, lastingness, and wet strength are significantly common to all types of nucleuss. By utilizing paper that is lighter in weight, we are able to cut down the cost of the initial stuff every bit good as cut downing the saturating rosin needed to make the construction based on a given volume. The thermic insularity values of a honeycomb nucleus depended on the type of building and its denseness. Filling the cells with foamed-in-place rosin or with fill stuffs resulted in some betterment in the thermic insularity value. The lowest value obtained compared favourably with that of common mineral-wool merchandises. Paper honeycomb assemblies in one signifier or another are going more and more of import as nucleus stuffs in sandwich-type edifice panels. Light, strong, and stiff panels can be produced by adhering facings plyboard, chipboard, aluminium, or other sheet stuff to such lightweight nucleus stuffs. Research work on sandwich building has been carried on at the Forest Products Laboratory for over 20 old ages. The early work was devoted to the development of high-strength, lightweight sandwich stuffs suited for aircraft application, and the finding of their technology belongingss. After World War II, because of the increasing demand for edifice stuffs, the rules learned in probes of aircraft stuffs were modified to bring forth panels suited for edifice intents. For such applications, thermic insularity and lastingness became more of import and strength demands possibly lessened. It was evident early in the work on paper honeycomb nucleuss that, if they were to be used in panels where any great grade of thermic insularity was needed, it would be desirable to make full the cells of the honeycomb. In 1944, a few exploratory efforts were made to make full the cells of the honeycomb, and a phenolic rosin was successfully foamed into the honeycomb constructions. Cores were forced into blocks of balsa wood with small trouble. These few experiments indicated the possibility of make fulling the air infinites of the honeycomb construction when improved ‘ insularity belongingss are needed. To utilize sandwich building in edifices erected in cold northern climes, it appears to be necessary to make full the cells to obtain insularity belongingss equivalent to those of conventional insulated building. In some instances, increasing the thickness of the nucleus stuff between the facings may be the most economical manner of bettering insularity belongingss ; in other instances it may non be practical. When sandwich building was foremost considered for constructing stuff in dividers and doors, its ability to absorb or convey sound was frequently questioned. Most of these panels would hold really small built-in sound absorbing belongingss because of the hard-surfaced facings and the low mass of the panels. These belongingss might be improved, nevertheless, by agencies of perforations in one of the open faces or by particular nucleus buildings. Paper can be converted to honeycomb nucleus in a figure of different ways. The expanded type is made by interspacing sheets of treated paper with parallel and uniformly spaced strips of adhesive and spread outing the assembly, after adhering, to organize a nucleus with hexangular cell subdivisions ( fig. 1, top ) . Another type is made by looping and adhering sheets of resin-treated paper to organize round cells stand foring a â€Å" figure 8 †in cross subdivision ( fig. 1, underside ) . From assemblies of sheets of corrugated paper, a figure of different nucleus buildings are besides possible, some easier than others to manufacture. Eight of such buildings are shown in figure 2. Most of the experiments reported herein were made with the corrugated nucleus.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Managing Diversity in the Workforce
Abstract Having the need to live in a world of diverse culture, business companies deal with the hardship of dealing with the differences of the workforces in their organization. Is this a problem that cannot be solved? Recent studies show that this problem could actually be turned into a solution that the company could use towards its success. How? This is what is going to be discussed in the paper to follow. The possibilities of turning a diverse workforce into a unified organization would be introduced in this research in an aim to prove that managing a diverse workforce is more of a challenging opportunity than that of an irreversible business dilemma. Outline Introduction Introduces the subject to be talked about in a historical basis What is Diversity? Deals with the definition of diversity as a word to describe social differences and as a word that affects business activities. Getting along with Diversity A compilation of suggestion from business experts that have mastered the art of managing diverse workforces Conclusion The author’s opinion on the topic being discussed based from the researches that have been posted in the paper. Managing Diversity in the Workforce Introduction HAVE you ever heard stories of a race of people who had no mouth and therefore could neither eat nor drink? They were said to survive by smelling, mostly apples. A bad odor would kill them. There were also tales of a West African people who had gold to trade. A Portuguese ship’s captain of the time reported: â€Å"Two hundred leagues beyond [the] kingdom of [Mali], one finds a country the inhabitants of which have the heads and teeth of dogs and tails like dogs. These are the Blacks who refuse to enter into conversation because they do not wish to see other men.†Those were some of the strange ideas that were held many years ago, before the age of travel and discovery. Such stories were taken seriously for centuries. Nevertheless, as explorers charted the planet, they found no mouth less apple smellers, no dog-headed people. Today there remains little mystery about those who live beyond our borders. The world has become a global village. Television brings foreign lands and peoples into our living rooms. Air travel makes it possible to visit those lands within hours; millions of people do so each year. Others are on the move for economic or political reasons. States a report of the United Nations Population Fund: â€Å"On a scale unknown in historyâ€â€and certain to growâ€â€people around the world are uprooting themselves and migrating in search of a better life.†About 100 million people live outside the country in which they were born. Increasingly there is economic interdependency among nations. A global communications network, like a gigantic central nervous system, links every nation of the earth. As ideas, information, and technology are exchanged, cultures merge and adapt to one another. Throughout the world, people dress more alike than ever before. Cities of the world share much in commonâ€â€police, luxury hotels, traffic, stores, banks, pollution. Thus, as the peoples of the world come together, we witness what some describe as an emerging world culture. Nevertheless, while peoples and cultures intermingle, clearly not all see one another as brothers. â€Å"Everyone’s quick to blame the alien,†wrote a Greek playwright over 2,000 years ago. Sadly, the same is true today. The evidence is no farther away than newspaper reports of bigotry, hatred of foreigners, â€Å"ethnic cleansing,†racial strife, religious riots, massacre of civilians, killing fields, rape camps, torture, or genocide. Of course, most of us can do little or nothing to change the course of ethnic conflicts. We may not even be directly affected by them. For many of us, however, problems come from a lack of communication with the foreigners with whom we come into contactâ€â€neighbors, workmates, or schoolmates. Does it not seem odd that people of differing ethnic groups so often find it difficult to trust and appreciate one another? After all, ours is a planet of enormous diversity, endless variety. Most of us appreciate the rich variety of food, music, and color as well as the many kinds of plants, birds, and animals. Somehow, appreciation of variety does not always carry over to people who do not think and act in the same way that we do. Instead of looking at the positive aspects of diversity among peoples, many tend to focus on the differences and make them a point of contention.  Certainly, living in a world that is governed with diversity, it could be expected that in the workplace, diversity itself is also present and thus cannot be avoided. Many workers refer to this hardship as the common source of many conflicts within the working area. Hence, the performance of the employees is then directly affected. Impossible as it may have seemed, diversity within the workplace has still been referred to by many modern business enthusiasts such as John Riddle in his book â€Å"Business Management†. How could this be possible? Before knowing the preferred solution of experts towards the said problem, it is important to take notice of what is really meant by being diverse, and how does it really affect the entire performance of the workforce. What is Diversity? Diversity, when referred to in business terms may mean a lot of things. An organization’s workforce may be referred to as diverse for many reasons as well. Diversity may occur because of the differences of opinion because of the differences in personality, in age, in educational attainment, in status in life and even in culture. Mostly, as observed on different business companies, the main reason of such diversity is the existence of a much distinct group of races making up a single workforce for a company. How could all these happen? As mentioned in the introduction, many people have already transferred from place to place and a lot of those people, the so-called immigrants, have already decided to stay and work on the foreign lands they have gone to. Hence, the main effect of this social move on achieving success on other places, the employment of the multicultural population has been the resort to supporting the lives of the said immigrants. Hence, the workforce of every company making up the business industries are at times having the same worries on how to face the challenge of dealing with and managing people who are widely different from each other. Getting along with Diversity As mentioned earlier, management of a diverse workforce has been one of the biggest problems that concern the human resources department of any type of company present in the business industries. Hence, it is just reasonable to say that at some points, some management teams may find it a difficult task as well. However, the author, John riddle says otherwise. According to him, â€Å"these are all factors of management that should be considered by good managers even before entering an organization†(113). Hence, this definitely means that avoiding diversity in the workforce may be impossible but giving a resolution to it is not that impossible. After all, there is still a common ground among the working force of each company no matter how diverse they may be it is that they are humans, which makes them capable of being dealt with and managed well. In this regard, John Riddle has suggested several points of consideration when dealing with such business problems. In general terms, he summarized the ways by which a good manager could handle the difficulties of dealing with a diverse workforce. The said suggestions are as follows: Concentrate on the strengths of the employees. When a manager discovers the tasks where the employees usually excel in, they should be assigned to them as they are expected to be more productive on those fields of the job. Understand the abilities and the potential of each employee present in the organization. These potential assets of the employees could as well be used by the company itself in aiming for the goals that it has set up for the future. Allow communication lines t be open at all times. It is very important for managers to be good listeners. The ability of hearing what the employees want form the company as well as to how they could be of bigger help to the organization could be used as a resource of ideas for the company as well. Make the employees feel that they too have a sense of authority in the company. However, this type of authority should not overstep that of the administration’s. It should be clear that this authority could only be exercised at specific times and places when it is permitted. This may often refer to an ‘open door’ policy that deals with an easier type of agreement between the employees, which could give them a chance to affect how the organization is being managed. They are then allowed to give suggestions; however, no suggestions are implemented unless approved by the administration. Make sure that all employees understand the business goals and objectives. It should always be remembered that a well-informed employee, whether young or old, is a productive employee. A manager should always remember that he is supervising people with feelings who are valuable members of the organization, hence, treating them with great respect at all times no matter what culture they come from is one of the most important virtue any manager could post as an example for his colleagues. Treating everyone fairly and sensitively is the key to creating a fine working environment. It should be remembered that because of the different clutters of the people, they all have different preferences; they have different personal obligations and other more. Considering the fact that dealing with multicultural workforce also involve dealing with their differences of belief, a manager could as well consider fairness at all times to be able to set a common ground for everyone else in the organization. Keep everyone else busy and going all the time. Feeling one’s worth is usually measured on the things they are able to do for the organization in a day. In this manner, it could be said that regardless of one’s difference from the others, being able to do something for the company and being of worth to the organization makes an employee feel that even though there are differences, he still belongs to the organization he is working for. Keep employees informed of the ins and outs of the organization. Keeping employees in the dark when some changes within the organization arise may give them the notion that they are not given importance by the administration of the company. Acknowledge the employees’ efforts, years of work, talent, creativity and good job attributes. Doing so would help everyone else strive for the best while they are working in the company. It could be noticed that the suggestions listed in here are general. Putting these suggestions into good use have mostly caused several companies to achieve unity beyond diversity in their own much diverse workforces. Hence, as Jones commented in his book â€Å"Contemporary Management†, â€Å"diversity is a normal part of modern management. Being globally distinct, it could not be avoided that dealing with different people everyday is a challenge to the modern managers today†(180). Conclusion The certainties of dealing with diverse people in the workforce are around ninety-nine percent. Considering that we are living in a culturally diverse society, it could be argued that a diverse workforce is indeed a challenge to many business managers today. However, at first, this fact may seem a big problem, on the other hand, if the managers are able to see the common ground of everyone else, which is being human, the said managers would recognize the possibility of making diversity a source of further progress for the company. Mixing up the talents and the abilities of the employees for the goal of the organization would surely help the company reach its peak potential. BIBLIOGRAPHY Riddle, John. (2001). Business Management. Adams Media Corporation. Avon, Massachusetts. Adams, Bob. (2000). Managing people: Lead your staff to peak performance. Adams Media Corporation. Avon, Massachusetts. Hiam, Alexander. (2001). Motivating and rewarding Employees: New and better ways to inspire your people. Adams Media Corporation. Avon, Massachusetts. Martinez, Esdras. (1998). Buisness Managements theories and practice. Rex books Publishing. Manila, Philippines. Jones, Gareth R. (2004). Contemporary Management. Irwin/McGraw-Hill; 4th edition.      Â
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Persuasive Writing Assignment Essay
Rebellion is when one refuses to accept authority. The transition of childhood into adulthood is most often represented by actions of rebellious nature. The average teen is always looking for away to escape conformity. Two pieces of work that express a common theme of rebellion and conformity are, The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger and the movie Conspiracy Theory starting Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts. Both pieces express this common theme of rebellious and conformity in a society that simply won’t allow it. In the novel The Catcher in the Rye the main character, Holden Caulfield, goes through many hardships in trying to search for his place in society. Holden rebels throughout the whole book against rules, schools, and people that he encountered. An example of Holden’s external conflict with conformity was on his date with Sally. At the end of their date, Holden shares a dream of running away with her to escape the normalcy in everyday society, â€Å"I have about a hundred and eighty bucks in the bank. I can take it out when it opens in the morning, and then I could go down and get this guy’s car. No kidding. We’ll stay in these cabin camps and stuff like that till the dough runs out,†(Page 132). How the movie Conspiracy Theory is related to The Catcher in the Rye, is that the movie’s main character Jerry Fletcher is a New York City Taxi driver who is always telling people that a list events trigged in the world are done by Government conspiracies but he never seems to get anywhere with his theories. However one of the conspiracies comes true and the CIA is trying to shut Jerry up before he does anymore damage. Now the reason why these two are connected is because, in both cases each character are trying to achieve being different and don’t want to be tied down by what other people tell them to do. In Jerry’s case he is trying to tell the truth about these theories to the general public and try to raise awareness about it before it’s too late. In Holden’s case, he feels that he needs to escape this sort of normalcy that exists in his society. The example of running away and living in the country has everything to do with conformity. The external conflict that both characters face have to do with making sure they don’t fall into the trap that society has set out of them and to try and achieve the impossible in a impossible world. Both Jerry and Holden always fee that they are being alienated in society and both are trying to find a purpose in life.
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