Monday, September 30, 2019
Indigenous Communities In Australia Health Health And Social Care Essay
Autochthonal communities in Australia are those communities that are said be the original dwellers of the Australian continent and the adjacent Islands. They are referred to as either Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders and do up merely 2.7 % of the Australian population. This community has diverse sub folks each exposing alone imposts, linguistic communication and civilization. Although the autochthonal community has lived longest in Australia, they are said to be the group that least enjoys proper wellness attention. The life anticipation among this group is 59.4 for work forces and 64.8 for work forces while maternal and child wellness attention bing in this community reflect that of the remainder of Australia during the 1920s.Although baby mortality has improved it is non the same as that reflected by remainder of Australia ( Barraclough, Gardener 50 ) . The greatest factor other than political relations that has been blamed for hapless proviso of wellness attention to the Aborigines is cultural chasm between the service supplier and the consumer. One must retrieve that the natives hold tight to their civilizations and their perceptual experiences on medical conditions are advised by their cultural beliefs. Traditional Aboriginal wellness theoretical accounts are determined by their â€Å" dreaming †patterns. Such theoretical accounts are holistic and both physical and mental unwellnesss are penned to the evildoing of any facet of jurisprudence. There forward those medical practitioneers who does non understand the beliefs of his Aboriginal patients might stop up being uneffective in their work Although the Australian authorities has for old ages attempted to supply better attention to the autochthonal community, it was n't until 1995 that a web of autochthonal wellness workers was formed in order to excite wellness attention activities. This web whose formation was facilitated by the â€Å" Australian Centre for Health publicity †helped in placing the preparation demands for those medical practitioneers working among the autochthonal communities and proviso of informed services to this community ( Funell, Koutoukidis and Lawrence117-119 ) . Through the Frame work for â€Å" Aboriginal and Torres Island Health partnership †, the Australian authorities has made a committedness to portion duties with the Aboriginal wellness practicians, provide long term support, just entree to wellness attention, and proviso of mainstream services that contribute to the betterment of Aboriginal wellness. It has besides committed itself towards the proviso of financess that are equal to the autochthonal people wellness jobs, credence of autochthonal services where mainstream wellness attention is unequal, better coordination of medicine activities among the Aborigines and the development of a proper information base to be used in supervising the wellness processes among this communities. Despite the authorities committedness, the Aboriginal societal constructions and autochthonal cognition and constructs is non clearly articulated in the Australian Policy on autochthonal wellness. The success of nurses within the wellness sector will depend on a model guided by recognition of diversenesss, regard and trust. In kernel there forward, apart from medical cognition for those working among the Aboriginals there is a demand for accent in accomplishments on development of trust, better communicating accomplishments advised from the civilization of the autochthonal people, understanding of 1s civilization and its differences with others, dialogue for patient ‘s information and understanding how civilization daze works. This attack will assist contend cases racial favoritism in infirmary where some nurses are treated incorrect by the patients or their co-workers due to different racial beginnings. The autochthonal wellness enterprises have led to constitution of webs and partnerships and diverse methods of conveying wellness publicity information. It has besides included input from the autochthonal communities in planning and execution of wellness plans and in preparation and production of resources needed for improved health care to this group. However there is a demand for a plan that will increase interaction with mainstream wellness sector for unvarying proviso of medical services. Report 2 – Health and illness issues related to immigrants Harmonizing to the ABS study of 1989 1 in every five Aussies was an immigrant. But the phenomenon is common in this continent which has welcomed Anglo-Celtic immigrant since 1788.Recently though there has been an inflow of immigrants from Asiatic and other European states. These Asians migrators and others who have troubles seting to the Australian manner of life are normally referred to as â€Å" cultural immigrant †. These people come from really different civilizations from that of Australians and their cultural perceptual experience has challenged the wellness sector in their intervention. The above challenges stem from hard in interaction with these cultural communities due to their cultural backgrounds and a concern with the happening of diseases particularly mental 1s among the refugee population. Studies into mental morbidity among the refugees has led to combative consequences since it depends on the psychiatrist diagnosing of the status and the challenge of depending on an translator. Surveies might wrongly attach incidences of mental unwellness to a certain cultural group yet some of theses happenings may hold been brought upon non by experiences at place but by the challenges of settling into a new society ( Lupton and Najman 145 ) . The complexness of understanding the wellness conditions of the immigrant population is farther explained by their societal economic stature. For case, in 1990 some of the 12000 Turks who migrated to Australia in the sixtiess were involved in a survey. More than half of the respondent claimed to be ailing and claimed to hold nervus jobs. Despite the ego studies, most of the unwell did n't travel to the infirmary and those who visited Turkish head-shrinkers were given drugs without diagnosing. This survey found out that the members of the Turkish community had mental conditions because they came from a really different cultural background and had small or no occupation accomplishments and so they took up the most unsafe occupations while most suffered from unemployment. Where alternate methods other than drugs were used to handle the psychiatric illnesses the jobs drastically reduced. This means that one has to understand the specific social-economic dynamic to manage a medical job am ong the immigrant communities in Australia ( Lupton and Najman 153 ) . Further, when managing medical instances among the immigrants, one must see the beliefs and patterns of an cultural group. Whatever the promotion in western medical specialty, impression of wellness attention are culturally variable. For case in Hong Kong rubeolas are considered by some groups non as a disease but as an inevitable, natural and necessary happening yet the Australian wellness sector considers it unsafe. The immigrants are being educated on the right medical perceptual experiences. The appropriate behaviour of ill individuals besides varies among the migrator groups. For case, Greeks are really demonstrative with their hurting and refer to their ligament, musculuss and sinews as nervousnesss. Such a patient require a batch of attending and apprehension. The authorities has hence had the challenge of educating the immigrant groups in abandoning their â€Å" common people †theoretical accounts in order to accomplish effectual intervention. Never the less one must be careful to explicate the diversenesss in the western redress so as to avoid jobs where some groups like the Vietnamese believe so much in the ‘Western injection ‘ such that they do n't believe in the effectivity of other effectual agencies like tablets. Despite the above cultural perceptual experiences among the immigrant there has been a conjunct attempt among medical practicians to understand them. There is a nevertheless a demand for cautiousness on how one uses the cultural information in disposal of medical attention. Report 3 – Principles of best pattern, quality confidence and accreditation related to nursing and Australian wellness attention system The traditional methods of quality confidence in the wellness sector focused on diagnosing and intervention of diseases and searched for error in wellness service bringing. But the recent decennaries have brought alterations in the Australian wellness system where best patterns are measured in footings of bar of diseases and publicity of good wellness. Such alterations have been inspired by the happening of a more knowing consumer who demands commensurate attention for his wellness jobs. It has besides been brought by the technological alterations taking topographic point and statute law that favor better wellness attention. The demand for quality control in the wellness sector in Australia has been precedented by the consumer demand for quality services and it ‘s the duty of the medical attention supplier to afford him that. In 1994, the â€Å" Australian Council for Health Care Standards ( ACHS ) †gave a statement called the â€Å" charter for Change †. This documented indicate how the council was to map in the hereafter. In 1995-96, the council formed a squad that would confer with with the wellness attention sector on in development of a ‘Quality Improvement plan ‘ ( EQuIP ) that would move as a usher to the proposed alterations. EQuIP set criterions for sanctioned medical criterions and by 1997 it had become a nationally and international accreditation programmed for Health bureaus in Australia. Accreditation by ACHS is concerned with a clinical reappraisal of direction and the consequences of wellness attention services. It besides gauges the use capacities of disposal and all the sections supplying services. Based on study that is written after the study, a wellness attention supplier might have a ACHS accredition.But an organisation has to run into a certain standard before it gets the accreditation ( Funnell, Koutoudis and Lawrence 64 ) . ACHS criterions are famed for confer withing with and affecting the wellness attention sector in the development of their criterions. It covers infirmaries, nursing places, Day surgery units, community services and bureaus and any other wellness organisations. There are 900 infirmaries and wellness attention who had been accredited to ACHS by 2007.The criterions addresses the issues of continuum in proviso of wellness attention and infrastructural criterions of the wellness attention system. The continuum aspect screen consumers needs runing from entree of wellness attention services, entry, appraisal, attention planning, proviso of attention, rating, separation and community attention while the substructure criterions, cover the major administrative maps. The Australian Medical system has farther embraced â€Å" Continuous Quality betterment †at work topographic point and it involves ; edifice of consciousness where the key clients and procedure involved are identified, the development of a general CQI plan that defines ends, deployment or execution of the plan and eventually full integrating of the system in the wellness attention sector ( Harris 397 ) . Changes in the Health attention system have encouraged medical professional like the nurses to originate a figure of wellness attention alterations since they are progressively going aware of the powerful part they can do in act uponing the restructuring of the wellness sector in Australia. Health attention statute law has given them the political dentition to organize anteroom groups and exert force per unit area so that the alterations are antiphonal to the overall demands of the society. In add-on medical professional in Australia take portion in clinical audits so as to mensurate the effectivity of their patterns. This audit patterns go on within the National Health Service and its an built-in portion of clinical administration ( Courtney and Mc Cutcheon, 115 ) In decision, the Australian wellness attention has been motivated by intelligent client and the handiness of resources to run into the present and future wellness jobs in development of quality wellness attention system. However, the system give best consequences when the Health attention directors demonstrate to her staff that observation of quality is a demand demanded from all. Work Cited Barraclough, Simon and Gardner, Heather. Analyzing wellness policy: a problem-oriented attack. Elsevier Australia, 2007. Courtney, Mary and McCutcheon, Helen. Using Evidence to Guide nursing pattern. Elsevier Australia, 2009 Funnell, Rita. , Koutoukidis, Gabby and Lawrence Karen.Tabbner ‘s Nursing Care: Theory and Practice. Elsevier Australia, 2008. Harris, Mary G. Managing Health Services: Concepts and Practice. Elsevier Australia, 2005 Lupton Gillian M. and Najman Jakob M. Sociology of Health and Illness: Australian Readings. Palgrave Macmillan Australia, 1995
Sunday, September 29, 2019
How to measure Poverty In Ireland
What is Poverty? Poverty is when a person or a family does not have enough money to meet basic needs such as clothes, food and shelter. People may experience debt, social exclusion, and be unable to afford education, housing and even medical bills of any kind. Consequences of poverty can affect both the physical and mental health of those experiencing it, as well as, having high economic costs, and can result in a rise in crime and drug culture. There is a number of ways to measure poverty; the first one I am going to discuss is Measuring Relative Poverty.Relative Poverty means having an income below 60% of he median income for an adult per week. For example, if the median income is à ²?200 per adult per week and the said adult earns Just à ²?180 per week they are said to be experiencing relative poverty. To put it simply relative poverty is a measure of income inequality. This method is quite useful in measuring poverty in 1st World Countries (Developed Countries). Its works parti cularly well and can be quite accurate in developed countries because they tend to have all employed and unemployed people on record and know exactly how much people are earning.Whereas, in developing Mounties the information they have (if any) on their population can be inaccurate and definitely less trust worthy. I think that this is definitely a good way to measure poverty once you can be sure that the information supplied to you is accurate. The only discrepancy I see in this method is that it is not thorough enough and does not look at the daily struggles people face like measuring consistent poverty does. Measuring relative Poverty changes with a nations view on what a decent standard of living is. Another way to measure poverty is Measuring Consistent Poverty.Like measuring relative poverty, measuring consistent poverty also means having an income below 60% of the median income per adult per week, but also â€Å"experiencing enforced deprivation†‘. It means that a person is earning below 60% of the median income and is unable to afford fundamental commodities like new clothes, â€Å"not being able to afford food such as meats or fish†ii, being unable to heat your home, or having to go into debt in order to pay your bills. Measuring consistent poverty is more appropriate for developing nations where people are faced with starvation and death daily.Measuring Relative Poverty would not work here because most people would have no income at all and those who earn over 60% of the median may still be facing starvation or death too. I definitely feel that measuring consistent poverty is a more accurate measure of poverty because it does not measure poverty in terms of how a nation decides what a decent standard of living is but in fact measures it in terms of how people are coping with what they earn. The final way to measure poverty which I am going to discuss is the United Nations Poverty Index.The United Nations Poverty Index is based on 3 key factors; survival, knowledge and a decent standard of living. Is does not measure poverty with respect to income. It is â€Å"derived separately for developing countries and a group of select high-income countries to better reflect socio-economic differences and also the widely different measures of deprivation in the two groups†iii. The first factor in which they take into account is survival; they look at what the probability is of what the average age the average person will live to.In developing countries they usually set the age at 40 years of age whereas in high-income (developed countries) they use 60 years of age and then compare the results. The second factor in which they use to measure poverty is knowledge (or literacy). They accumulate the percentile of adults that are able to both read and write. The UN (United Nations) believes that being excluded from the â€Å"world of reading and communication†is definitely an indication of poverty.The third (an d final) aspect they use to measure poverty is the overall standard of standard of living. They look at the countries â€Å"overall economic provisioning†iv and then make a Judgment on the situation. I believe that this is quite a useful way to measure poverty but only for extremely poor countries (developing Mounties). With such a big body like the UN they need a general system like this in place in order to measure poverty in multiple countries and then compare them with one another.Personally I think that measuring relative poverty is the best and most efficient way to measure poverty in Ireland. Ireland is a first world country and, before the recession, had a low percentage of unemployment. The issues I have with this method are that I think it should take into account the daily disadvantages people may or may not face. This would increase accuracy and give the country more knowledge on how poor people facing poverty really are.It is also based on what the government bel ieves is a decent standard of living, which I think is very hard to Judge and could cause for discrepancies in the resulting statistic. In respect to the other two measures (measuring consistent poverty and the United Nations poverty index), I feel that they would not be Justified in Ireland because the poverty in Ireland is not anywhere near as serve as it is in developing countries, but I do think that we could do with implementing some of the characteristics from these measures in order to increase the accuracy of our measure.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Enterprise Application Architecture Research Paper
Enterprise Application Architecture - Research Paper Example These three disciplines have each contributed to the development of this discipline. Computer science is a discipline that has been very important in the development of information science enterprise architecture. This discipline has been seen to be instrumental in developing underlying theory and scientific theories. The discipline is the mother of all other information technology ideas and theories. It is the one that has been seen to be used to develop architectures that are used in developing software. Most of the research about new paradigms in software development has been seen to be developed using computer science knowledge. Computer science is used to do research on the new ways of developing software. Most of the theories that have been seen to develop have been seen to come out of computer science. Computer science is not concerned with the application of the software and the various software paradigms that have been developed per se, but it has been seen to be used to dev elop architectures and prototypes that have been used to develop software (Sate University, 2011). On the other hand, information system has been seen to be instrumental to get the real requirements of the systems that are being used in organizations. The main aim of information systems is that of assessing the relationship that information systems have with the organizations that they are installed in. the relationship that exist between the organization and the enterprise information system not only deals with the theory that are used to develop the information system architecture that are installed in the organization but is also concerned with the development and the application of the architectures too (Sate University, 2011). It is also concerned with training of the users into good use of the software. The information system course is meant to help students to connect business and information technology and make strategic moves in this. Information systems are not meant to ru n on their own. This will enable the current methods in technology and the current trends to be adopted. The knowledge that is taught is geared to understand the application part of the application. Enterprise application software will be used to evaluate the performance of a given architecture and the features that these architectures. They will then be assessed and recommended accordingly. From this, it is clear that information systems course helps to understand the application and the effectiveness of a given architecture. On the other hand, library information science is a science is also equally important in enterprise application development and architecture. Although its contributions are minimal, it is hard to ignore this discipline as it is equally important. It adds to the knowledge of information systems. It has been used in the knowledge of information systems. References Sate University. (2011). Software development job description, career as a network administrator, s alary, employment. Infoworld, 63(2),
Friday, September 27, 2019
International marketing management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
International marketing management - Essay Example is report aims at understanding the various definitions that have been set down by the various authors in the past and to analyse whether the statement by Markides (1999) has significance in the true sense. The following section will deal with the various definitions that have been developed over the years. Strategy includes a number of different aspects that it is associated with. Firstly, a strategy is normally long planned. This is in a hierarchical system of goals and objectives. A strategy is a combined effort to create a blend between the external environment, internal resources and the capabilities of the resources within the business (Bernus,, 2003). â€Å"Strategy is the direction and scope of an organisation over the long term, which achieves advantage in a changing environment through its configuration of resources and competences with the aim of fulfilling stakeholder expectations†(Johnson, Scholes & Whittington, 2006, p. 9). According to Johnson, (2006), there are six major elements that strategic decisions are made out off. It is essential to understand that strategic decisions are normally long term directions of organisations, which include the scope of the organisation. Also this includes to a great extent gaining advantage over the competitors and addresses the changes that happen within the business environment. Strategies that are developed, try to develop the resources and try to improve the capabilities of the people within the organisation. These strategies are also expected to be based on the values and expectations of the stakeholder. According to George Steiner, strategy has become a part of the management literature as a mode to compare and counter the competitor’s actual or possible moves. He also highlights in his works that there is very little people who agree to the meaning of strategy in the real business world. He uses a few different definitions to explain strategy: According to Henry Mintzberg, strategy can be
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Hispanic American Diversity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Hispanic American Diversity - Research Paper Example edly larger percentage of people of color and visible minorities within key social institutions such as government office – President-elect Barack Obama is perhaps the most obvious example today but there is also increased representation of visible minorities across the country in all aspects of public office – the police services and the education sector, just to name a few. Changing worldwide immigration patterns have led to an increased flow of people from around the world to the United States, facilitating interracial and intercultural communication. American society has quickly become far less homogenous and cultural institutions are beginning to reflect this. Today, 1 in 3 Americans identify themselves as Hispanic, African-American, Native American, Asian America or Pacific Islander. It is predicted that by the year 2050, more than half of the American population will be identified as minorities. The growth of Hispanic communities in the United States has been profound over the last century and this paper proposes to undertake a thorough analysis of the various Hispanic communities in the United States today. Contrary to popular opinion, the Hispanic community in the United States is not a monolith and is composed of various Spanish-speaking groups which may share various commonalities but also differ in a variety of respects. Accordingly, this research paper aims to explore the linguistic, political, social, economic, religious, and familial conventions and/or statuses of the four major Hispanic groups living in the United States. In short form, these groups include Mexican-Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cuban-Americans, and Spanish-American s. Following a brief yet comprehensive overview this essay will conclude by summarizing major differences and commonalties apparent among the groups. We now turn to an introduction to the Mexican-American community (Gans 1995). Mexican-Americans speak Spanish as their mother tongue and include both an older
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Housing Declared Bottoming in U.S Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Housing Declared Bottoming in U.S - Essay Example The central issue in the article is the state of the U.S housing market this year, prior to past trends and expected outcomes in future. The market’s collapse hits a bottom position in the 20th and 21st centuries, but different stakeholders show their optimism towards recovery and sustainability of favorable business in the market. Confidence of consumers, home seizure trends, supply of foreclosure and market healing processes in 2012 (Keith & Short 89) are central to the interest of the article. Different views are aired but one thing is for sure; the housing market’s performance is poor, with unpromising months to come due to recovery allowance period. The housing market’s recent performance is the issue at hand. Past recorded prices and house demands are not comparable to the current situation. The tortoise speed increase in demand is shedding some light to improved sales, but the optimal functionality of the market is far from being realized. The author’s point of view is not different from those of contributing stakeholders, evident that the housing market is on the verge of collapsing if not already collapsed. However, the author is one of the optimistic stakeholders, arguing that the market is taking a stable aspect and that its recovery is or will be sustainable in the next few months. The author’s opinion is substantiated by drawing evidence from numerous experts in housing matters. The housing market in U.S is actually bottoming. Hitting an all-time low since 1930s means that the trough has already been realized. This means that the article is right, and this is because the claims of the article are actually backed by evidence from various housing variables in the market. The claims presented by various parties including the author are right. The performance of the market is poor, with low response to recovery strategies (Olivier 150). Data has also been employed to reinforce the claims. All interviewees
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Critically review how the management of quality has changed over the Essay
Critically review how the management of quality has changed over the last century - Essay Example "With the creation of this new department, there came new services and issues, e.g. standards, training, recording of data and the accuracy of measuring equipment" (the UK Government Department of Quality and Industry 2005). It is obvious that the duties of this "chief inspector" were laying in something more than just an acceptance of goods. Thus a defect prevention practice appeared to be required. The 1920s was the period when statistical methods efficiently merged into quality control practice, and it was in 1924 when Shewhart created the first outline of a timely chart for quality control. Thus his investigations and the work of the followers of this practice represented a great amount of what involved the up-to-date theory of statistical process control. Nevertheless this practice was hardly applied in manufacturing companies until the late 1940s (Ackoff 1993). It is well known that it was the time when industrial system of Japan was actually collapsed, and it was infamously well-known because of cheap counterfeit of goods and an ignorant illiterate labor force. Fortunately the Japanese identified these problems and entered upon solving them in time (Connor 1997). In the beginning of the 1950s quality management quickly occupied a fitting place in Japanese manufacturing business and came into essential play in management philosophy of Japan in such a way that by the 1960s quality management had taken a place of national bias. As a result by the end of 1960s Japan's imports in Europe and the USA surged noticeably, first of all "because of its cheaper, higher quality products, compared to the Western counterparts" (Dooyoung, S., Kalinowski J. G. & El-Enein, G. A. 1998). In 1969 the first cross-border conference on quality control management supported by Japan, The USA and Europe was carried out in Tokyo. A mind appeared that quality control management in Japan even differ from that one in other countries as it was "company wide quality control" with all the working team from a worker to the top manager taking considerable part in the process (The UK Government Department of Quality and Industry 2005). This type of management characterized Japanese companies by the end of the1970s. Although supporting of this tendency in the West began later, nearly in the 1980s, when western companies proposed their own quality policies, concepts and ideas in order to compete and overtake Japan. "Total quality management (TQM) became the centre of these drives in most cases" (Giroux, H. & Landry, S. 1998). In the light of intensive global
Monday, September 23, 2019
A study on the interpersonal challenge that leaders face in their Research Paper
A study on the interpersonal challenge that leaders face in their professional lives - Research Paper Example Leaders are required to be sincere as well as fully committed to their professions as well as to their leadership. However, sometimes, a leader fails to fulfil both responsibilities due to certain reasons. In order to overcome such issues, the leader follows certain principles and theories, determined to turn around the crisis they face in their professional lives. In 2007, the researchers of Centre for Creative Leadership (CCL) conducted a study on the leadership trends in business and found that the leadership face various challenges as a result of new innovations, competitors with greater talent and potential, collaboration and globalization. OBJECTIVES OF THE RESEARCH: To understand the challenges of risk management that the leaders face in business. To examine the trends in leadership. To understand the various impacts of challenges of risk management. To find solutions to these challenges. To draw a conclusion by justifying the solutions for these challenges Here, the paper emp loys various scholarly journals and other resources for the purpose of research, and the study is based on interpersonal challenges the leaders or business executives face in the organization. This project relates with SI as it is one of the topics, which students can understand through SI by way of discussion and such other forms. This topic must be a taken in Peer Assisted Study Session (PASS) and the ideas of this study can be taken from the SI programs. The various challenges the leaders face in their professional lives are one among the popular topics of debate currently. Hence, the relevance of this study is understood and acknowledged. RESULTS OF THE RESEARCH: In the modern economy, all areas in leadership face several challenges. In the business context, there are mainly two types of challenges: internal and external. Here the research focuses on the external interpersonal challenges faces by the leaders in their professional lives. These challenges are experienced due to la ck of direct control in areas such as market segment and other fluctuations within the industry. The organizations all around the world aim to go for the best leadership approach, as it is one of the fundamental as well as crucial elements responsible for the overall performance of a business. All types of business are interconnected with the present economy, thus demand, inflation, deflation, market etc influence the business to a large extent. Therefore, even a slight fluctuation in these factors can impact the performance of the organization. In these cases, the leaders do not have control over such factors, thus it transpires that a business concern faces more external changes than internal ones. Based on the study, various results have been obtained, and a crucial factor identified was the global economy. It is a fact that the global economy is still a little unstable since the economic crisis of 2007. The crisis occurred as a result of huge amounts of debt and as a consequence , political issues also emerged. A lot of fiscal adjustments had to be made due to the impact caused by the economic crisis. †The challenges posed by the Global Financial Crisis have impacted leaders of all major Businesses†(Anwar 2). Of these challenges, faced by the leaders, risk management is one of the most important factors to be considered. Risk management includes low prices of assets, diminished liquidity in markets
Sunday, September 22, 2019
International Marketing ..Rococo Chocolates Research Paper
International Marketing ..Rococo Chocolates - Research Paper Example However the island of Grenada being hit by a tremendous hurricane spell huge loss for the cocoa planters and farmers. Rococo chocolates helped the hurricane affected farmers and planters through the production and sale of a special variety of chocolates. The joint venture that took place between Rococo Chocolates and Grenada Chocolate Company helped in the formation of Grococo. The joint venture form focuses on the production of organically based products of chocolate, which bears the hallmark of quality and taste. Grenada Chocolate Company also looks forward to the betterment of the farmers working in cocoa plantations. Cocoa produced from these farms help in the production of chocolates. The company in this light operates as a cooperative firm that takes special endeavor to grant equal work and better opportunities for both the plantation and the factory workers (About Rococo, 2009). Marketing Environment of Rococo Chocolates The marketing or the business environment of a firm is d ivided along two sets of factors viz. internal and external. The directions and policy mechanisms of the company can control the internal set of factors. On the contrary the external set of factors are those, which cannot be controlled by the actions of the company. These factors belong to the external environment of a firm. ... Internal Factors of Rococo Chocolates Rococo chocolates through its marketing policies have taken a further step to expand its market share through the use of Internet marketing. The chocolate firm though operates on wide markets through big retail firms in a desire to increase customer traffic have started selling its products online through its websites. The company launches the Internet site during December 2009 to help enhance the idea of chocolates sold as gifts during Christmas (A new e-commerce platform for Rococo Chocolates, 2010). Further Rococo Chocolates has a huge product portfolio containing of gift boxes and hampers, confectionary products, art products of chocolates, gift bags and other chocolate products like bars and sweets to cater to the increasing needs of different customers (Products, 2009). The marketing policies for Rococo chocolates also reflect on the firm’s pricing strategies. Rococo Chocolates has devised products for different sets of customers by setting different prices, which ranges from below five pounds to more than fifty pounds. (Spend, 2009). External Factors for Rococo Chocolates With these internal factors in place, Rococo Chocolates aims to target a new market in United Arab Emirates. Thus the external marketing factors of the firm would be studied in that respect. The United Arab Emirates is presenting a widely encouraging market for the chocolate and confectionary producers. In times of economic unrest also the Middle East countries presented a demanding market for chocolate and confectionary products thus helping their manufacturers. During 2008 the market for such products in Arab Emirates increased
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Discussion Post Essay Example for Free
Discussion Post Essay New Format Requested this week While the format is to be changed thisweek, you are still required to make 3 postings; one original post and comment on two other students post. ORIGINAL POST REQUIREMENTS: You are to apply the major topics covered in the course (finance/accounting, economics, marketing) to your company and provide an analysts report. 1) (Apply Marketing techniques to:) create an interesting, unique or otherwise attractive catch line (humor works great for me! ) as your post title. Make a recommendation (can be here AND in your subject line) (some of you may not feel you have enough experience where your opinion (i. e. , recommendation) is worth something in this world. however note, you may have more experience NOW than some analysts at major investment banking houses! (scary I know! )) 3)(Use your corporate report to:) provide certain and specific quantitative analysis of your company. DONT repeat your entire report. but provide highlights.. as some examples: Net Income rose 20% from 2008-2011 to $1. 35 billion Expenses dropped. by 15% Shareholder equity (highlights mean outlyers of data.. especially NEGATIVE information 4) (Use some economics learned. predict macro and micro futures).. describe what Macro world events have affected your company (global eco slow-down. price of oil) .. even micro events (consumption among consumers was down due to. )provide sensitivities for world events on your corporation and how it will affect that companys future activities. Provide predictions about future macro economic events and how your company will react going forward. The Network amp; Space Systems segment is engaged in the research, development, production and modification of products and services to assist its customers in transforming their operations through network integration, information, intelligence and surveillance systems, communication, architectures and space exploration. The Global Services amp; Support segment is engaged in the operations, maintenance, training, upgrades and logistics support functions for military platforms and operations. The Boeing Capital Corporation segment facilitates, arranges structures and provides selective financing solutions for its commercial airplanes customers. In the space and defense markets, it primarily arranges and structures financing solutions for its Boeing Defense, Space amp; Security government customers. Its portfolio consists of equipment under operating leases, finance leases, notes and other receivables, assets held for sale or re-lease and investments. The company was founded by William Edward Boeing in 1916 and is headquartered in Chicago, IL. http://www. marketwatch. com/investing/stock/ba/profile 2) The Boeing Company has a long history of providing complex systems and integrated assembly’s to its customers. 3) The Boeing Company is headquartered in Chicago IL. In 1997 Boeing and McDonnell Douglas merged to form what is the Boeing Company of today. This was approximately 1 year after Boeing acquired Rockwell Corporations Space and Defense division. The company has over 249 subsidiaries. The largest competitor on the commercial side is Airbus a division of EDS and the largest competitor on the Defense, Space and Security side is Lockheed Martin with many other companies lining up for second place. In order for Boeing to maintain it’s market share the company has had to continually research and develop new products in both major business units. Notes for special consideration†1. Cash and cash equivalents increased from $5,359 billion to $10,049 billion from 2010 to 2011 2. Retained Earnings rose from $24,784 billion to $27,524 billion during the period of 2010 to 2011 3. Net Earnings rose from $1.3 billion in 2009 to $4. 02 billion in 2011 4) Boeing is a company that is always going to be challenged. The challengers for the Defense, Space and Security market typically have come from within the US but that is starting to change. EADS which is the largest defense business in Europe is continually trying to enter US ma rkets. Also Airbus which is a subsidiary of EADS is the most prominent competitor in the commercial segment but many countries such as Japan, China, Brazil and Canada are working very hard to position themselves as challengers to the commercial market. This will be a challenge for Boeing and Airbus for the next several decades. Commercial airline customers and airlines will continue to demand enhancements and improvements to the commercial airplanes and the service / cost associated with the. This will continue to drive performance by the manufacturers including Boeing which is the industry leader. The US government acquisition may decline depending on the outcome of the presidential and congressional elections. Boeing and it’s competitors in those markets will look toward no US markets to sell their products. Continued increase in energy and material cost will drive Boeings focus on keeping costs down. 5) Research and development are the single most important factor in keeping Boeing relevant for the future. Research and development expense amounted to $3. 9 billion, $4. 1 billion and $6.5 billion in 2011, 2010 and 2009, respectively. In 2009 this included $2. 7 billion alone for the new 787 commercial aircraft. Research and development costs also include bid and proposal efforts related to governme nt products and services, as well as costs incurred in excess of amounts estimated to be recoverable under cost sharing research and development agreements. Bid and proposal costs were $332 million, $355 million and $343 million in 2011, 2010 and 2009 respectively. Ramp;D within the Defense, Space and Security business unit is primarily focused on supporting customer requirements and providing new technologies to meet the needs of military, security and space agencies.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Type 2 Diabetes Leg Ulcer Case Study
Type 2 Diabetes Leg Ulcer Case Study This essay will focus on Molly who is an 82-year-old female who has type II diabetes and has developed a leg ulcer. This essay will primarily focus on Molly’s leg ulcer. It will also discuss how primary health care (PHC) relates to the patient, how it can assist Molly with her health problems, providing her sufficient information and adequate care. Two principals will be discussed from the Wellness Model, these include ‘positivity is empowerment’ and ‘wellness is an active process’ and how it relates to Molly’s situation. A learning program will also be presented; this will discuss two teaching methods in regards to the leg ulcer and new skills and behaviors that can benefit Molly. It will also discuss what other health professionals can be included in her care and resources that can support her learning. The essay will also discuss the support that can be given to her husband after she has passed away. The leg ulcer that Molly has developed can impact on her life dramatically, it may cause Molly to feel self-conscious, it can force Molly to socially isolate herself from the community and spend her time indoors. It may also affect her health, due to the leg ulcer; she will be unable to mobilize independently due to pain, increasing the risk of more pressure ulcers. Primary healthcare (PHC) is essential care that is made to be accessible to all people. It is based on various factors such as practical, scientifically, technology and socially acceptable methods. It requires the full participation of individuals and it is important that primary healthcare is affordable to maintain self-reliance and self-determination (Koutoukidis, Stainton, Hughson, 2013). Primary health care has an important aspect to Molly’s health, it can assist Molly’s developed leg ulcer. PHC will provide her with the sufficient information and adequate care that she will need to manage the leg ulcer . It is very important for Molly to receive the appropriate care that she requires as it will allow her to understand her condition (Koutoukidis, Stainton, Hughson, 2013). Molly is financially stable, as she has been seeking medical treatment, where she has to treatment for her leg ulcer. The local GP has also recommended for Molly that she should sit with her leg up to promote healing. PHC will also allow Molly to contribute in decision-making, this will permit her to have a say in the care she will receive, and make her feel in control of the situation and to maintain her independence (Koutoukidis, Stainton, Hughson, 2013). Wellness is defined as having maximum health, it relates to an individual making a decision that contributes in improving their health and gives an opportunity for them to be able to live to their full potential (Koutoukidis, Stainton, Hughson, 2013). Wellness is identified to be ‘holistic’, and includes 6 dimensions, social, occupational, spiritual, physical, intellectual and emotional wellness (Southern New Hampshire University, 2015). Using the wellness model, we are able to support Molly by helping her make positive changes that improve her level of health. By promoting one of the principles ‘Wellness is an active process,’ Molly will be provided with assistance and education that will expand her knowledge, permitting her to learn more about how to manage her leg ulcer, and learn different ways in handling her health concerns, increasing her independence (Southern New Hampshire University, 2015). Another principle that we can promote for Molly is Ã¢â‚¬Ë œPositivity is empowerment’. This principle takes into consideration ones feelings, meaning that having a negative attitude can affect the health outcome, whereas, having a positive attitude can help the patient feel empowered and in control of a situation (Southern New Hampshire University, 2015). Promoting the principle ‘Positivity is empowerment’ for Molly will motivate her into making significant changes in her health without having the need to doubt herself in her decisions. Positivity has a great effect to how Molly perceives her situation whereas; having a negative effect can bring her down and impact on her healing (Southern New Hampshire University, 2015). Health care providers will also be there to support Molly in anything that she will need and reassure her if things don’t go to plan. Within Australia, the incidence of diabetes amongst the adults is 4%, this rate has risen from 1.5% since 1989 (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2015). There are two main issues that are related to insulin in type 2 diabetes, the inability of the body to secrete insulin and insulin resistance. Normally, insulin would bind to receptors on cell surfaces and initiates a reaction that is involved in glucose metabolism. However, in type 2 diabetes, this process is impeded, which leads insulin less effective at stimulating glucose uptake by the tissues and the release of glucose in the liver (Farrell Dempsey, 2011).A factor that may have caused Molly’s leg ulcer is the loss of sensory due to neuropathy. Pain and temperature are the first sensations that are affected by neuropathy, this makes it difficult for the patient to feel tissue damage, inflammation, or injury (Meiner, 2014). Molly’s eyesight may be deteriorating due to diabetic retinopathy (DR). This is mai nly caused because of micro vascular damage that diabetes inflicts in the body. Hyperglycemia damages the retinal vasculature and the progression of retinopathy is caused by the severity and duration of high blood sugars (Shah, 2008). Both a physiotherapist and a dietician would be recommended to assist Molly on her health issue. The physiotherapist would be involved in renewing her mobility and relieve any pain that she may be feeling, a dietician will be able to introduce Molly to a new healthy eating diet (Funnel, Koutoukidis, Lawrence, 2009). Eating healthier can promote wound healing, as her blood sugar levels will be manageable increasing the blood supply to her feet (Diabetes Australia, 2015). Molly can be taught how to look after her leg ulcer by demonstrating how to treat and prevent infections. A way we can teach her is by using very simple verbal discussion and demonstrations so that she is able to understand. If she is unable to understand what is discussed, she can be provided with information sheets or pamphlets with large writing and pictures showing her instructions. By doing this it will help Molly understand on how to keep her ulcer clean and prevent further infections. This is a very important skill to have if she is unable to access a clinical facility, Molly will be able to change her dressing on her own or with the help of her husband (The State of Queensland, 2012). A community program that Molly can be introduced to is The Leg Ulcer Prevention Program, which is available for people who are receiving care for leg ulcers. This program assists people to better care for their ulcer, by helping them manage chronic disease risk factors, promote wound healing and the reoccurrence of leg ulcers. This program also helps patients with treatment and helps them take ownership of their leg ulcer and self-care activities (Kapp, Miller, Donohue, 2010). An additional program that can be used to support Molly’s learning program is a pamphlet called ‘The Care of Venous Leg Ulcers’ this pamphlet is able to explain how essential it is to manage a leg ulcer and it clarifies how to care for it on a daily basis. This pamphlet must also be altered to meet Molly’s needs such as enlarging that word size so that she will be able to read more clearly (AWMA, 2012). Grief is described as feelings experienced by an individual that accompany an unexpected or actual loss that may occur in life (Farrell Dempsy, 2011). Supporting the spouse in this grieving situation is important. Developing a therapeutic relationship between the enrolled nurse and spouse can allow the spouse to feel comfortable and encouraged to communicate their feelings and work through it. This will allow the spouse to express their feelings of loss, even anger (Funnel, Koutoukidis, Lawrence, 2009). The nurse has to remember that if anger is shown, it is not towards them or anyone but a way of responding to the situation occurring. By encouraging the spouse to communicate and express their feelings of loss are important components of a nurse’s role. The nurse requires a caring, willingness to listen and an understanding empathic approach. If the nurse shows this, the person is more likely to feel comfortable to express their feelings if they feel the nurse is willing to listen to their concerns (Funnel, Koutoukidis, Lawrence, 2009). In a grieving situation the nurse cannot grieve for a person; the nurse will acknowledg e the loss, by facilitating the expression of feelings and thoughts and providing appropriate support as they move on the feelings of grieving. The nurse should respect the spouse if he is not willing to express his feelings of grief, although the nurse can make it clear that if he decides to do at a later opportunity it can be possible (Funnel, Koutoukidis, Lawrence, 2009). A service that would be recommended for Pat is Reach Out. Reach out ( is a service providing strategies and support to individuals who are going through grief, it will give Pat the reassurance that there are people out there, including his family who will be there to support him in this very difficult time. In conclusion Molly was able to receive all the appropriate care the she needed to address her health issue but unfortunately has passed away. Pat is currently under care with the support of family members and health care providers. References: Australian Wound Management Association (AWMA). (2012). Care of Venous Leg Ulcers. Retrieved from AWMA: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2015). Diabetes. Retrieved from Authoritative information and statistics to promote better health and wellbeing: Diabetes Australia. (2015). Diabetes and Your Feet. Retrieved from Diabetes Australia: Farrell, M., Dempsey, J. (2011). Smeltzer and Bare’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing, volume 1 2 (2nd Edition). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams Wilkins Funnel, R., Koutoukidis, G., Lawrence. (2009). Tabbner’s Nursing Care (5th Edition). Australia: Elsevier Kapp, S., Miller, C., Donohue, L. (2010). The Leg Ulcer Prevention Program: nurse perspectives on a multimedia client education package for people with venous leg ulcers. Wound Practice Research, 18(2), 91-99. Koutoukidis, G., Stainton, K., Hughson, J. (2013). Tabbner’s Nursing Care: Theory and Practice (6th Edition). Australia: Elsevier. Meiner, E. S. (2014). Gerontologic Nursing (5th Edition). Retrieved from Reach Out Australia. (2014). Working through grief. Retrieved from ( Shah, C. (2008). Diabetic retinopathy: A comprehensive review. Indian Journal Of Medical Sciences, 62(12), 500-519. Retrieved from|A195127190docType=GALErole = Southern New Hampshire University (2015). Wellness Model. Retrieved from Southern New Hampshire University: The State of Queensland. (2012). A way with words: A guideline for the portrayal of people with disability. Retrieved from
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Discuss the theme of the Dream in Of Mice and Men. Essay -- English Li
Discuss the theme of the Dream in Of Mice and Men. â€Å"Everyone in the world has a dream he knows can’t Come off but he spends his life hoping it may. This is at once The sadness and greatness and the triumph of our species†John Steinbeck ============== Discuss the theme of the Dream in ‘Of Mice and Men’. Steinbeck’s quote above portrays an important aspect of ‘Of Mice and Men’. Steinbeck remarks on how people can create a dream and how they can have positive and negative effects from them. A dream is human nature, where a person can get away from the outside world by thinking or imagining what their life would be like if the dream came true. Throughout the book there are four main dreams, which the characters have in ‘Of Mice and Men’. Firstly George and Lennie’s dream about owning their own land. This progresses when Candy makes the dream more realistic. Curley’s dream was about wanting himself to be physically bigger and to gain peoples respect. Curley’s wife’s dream was to go to Hollywood and be a big time actress. Crook’s dream was to have freedom like he had when he was a child. George and Lennie’s dreams were very similar in their own way. Georges dream was about getting a piece of land of his own and Lennie’s dream was to tend to the rabbits on their own piece of land. George and Lennie’s dream was the main dream throughout the book where they thought of owning a ranch of their own. Lennie’s concern in the dream was about tending the rabbits, which is emphasised in the number of times he mentions it during the book, â€Å"tendin ´ the rabbits†. George has a complete different view on the same dream. He wants the land so he can be dependant on himself, so he doesn’t have to work for other pe... ...o give good advice and listen to people. Slim had the most respect out of all the ‘ranch hands’. It is unusual the way Steinbeck has showed this character, as he owns such a big part of the story yet doesn’t have a dream. Whit also shows that he wants to do something with his life as he read his friend’s letter printed on the magazine, he felt slightly jealous. John Steinbeck has portrayed the theme ‘dream’ very well in the book. The way he has made nearly all the characters have a dream where they display high hopes. In George and Lennie’s case, being their own bosses. This dream can be metaphorically described as the Great American Dream, which shows anything you have in your mind you can achieve it, if you try your best and work hard for it. Unfortunately in ‘Of Mice and Men’ neither of the characters achieve their dream due to certain circumstances.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
motivation :: essays research papers
There are several Organizational Behaviors that can be attributed towards how successful a company or one in a company will be. I have decided that the two most important elements are the motivational behaviors and the stress factors. The reason I have chose these are that someone that is motivated and can deal with stress in positive ways will be a success. Also when a corporation can motivate its employees and helps them deal with stress they are usually successful as well. Stress is a very serious problem, and can be affiliated with many fatal conditions. Stress can also be put into positive use by the correct individuals. Eustress is stress at normal healthy levels and will be prevalent in motivated individuals. In emergencies eustress can be used to enhanced focus and give a burst of energy. Eustress also has other positive effects such as cardiovascular efficiency and increased arousal. In the Japanese workplace there is too much stress and is causing somewhat of an epidemic. Yearly about 30,000 workers die from a condition known as "karoshi†, which is when they literally work themselves to death. Although in America the stress levels haven’t become an epidemic some surveys show that about 75% of American workers consider their jobs stressful. There are several factors that contribute to these high stress levels. At the moment the way the world is becoming globalized and how America is in an economic recession that is causing downsizing are considered the two biggest stressors. The downsizing is not only because of the recession but a common trend in business is to hire less then adequate number of workers then working them to their full potential or even beyond their full potential. Another problem that causes a lot of stress is known as â€Å"a square peg in a round hole†. This is when an individual is in a position that does not fit their personality. An example of this is someone such as an extrovert working a position that is better suited for an introvert. Sometimes one personality may not fit what they are doing at work and will be more successful in a different position. This is something many managers ignore so if someone wants to change their job they have to do it themselves.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Minority Research Paper
Description of the Market Market specifics need to be carefully analyzed and marketers should become familiar with the data for each. In order to market a brand or specific goods/services, marketers should be sensitive to each group and shouldn’t be afraid to tap into each market. Below is information on the three largest minority groups in the United States and what each one prefers. African Americans †¢The total numbers in the US is 42 million (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢African Americans make up 13. 6% of the total US population (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The rate of growth for this minority group from 2000 to 2010 was 15. % (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The average household size is 2. 7 (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The average age for African Americans is 32. 1 (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The percentage of African Americans 25 and older that hold a ba chelors degree or higher is 18% (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The median income per year was $32,068 (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢More than half of the African-American population (55%) live in the Southern states. Texas, Florida, and Georgia have a population of about 3 million, while New York still has the highest with 3. 4 million (â€Å"Black Demographics†).Metro areas with the largest African American population with 1 million or more are: †¢New York, NY †¢Atlanta, GA †¢Chicago, IL †¢Washington, MD-VA †¢Philadelphia, PA †¢Los Angeles – Long Beach, CA †¢Miami – Fort Lauderdale, FL †¢Houston, TX †¢The brands that have a higher than average purchase rate among African Americans are Procter & Gamble, L’Oreal, Yoplait, General Motors, Oreos, Slim Fast, Tide, Campbell’s, Ragu, Lexus, Pampers, Jell-O, and Levi’s (Sampey). †¢Specific products that hav e above average usage for this group are basic food ingredients, beverages, personal care items, and beauty care. The best media to use in order to target this group is television because African Americans watch more TV than any other minority group. The next best would be the Internet and the radio. Asian Americans †¢The total numbers in the US is 17. 3 million (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢Asian Americans make up 5. 6 percent of the total US population (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The rate of growth for this minority group from 2000 to 2010 was 46% (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The average household size is 3. 53 (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The average age for Asian Americans is 34 (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). The percentage of Asian Americans 25 and older that hold a bachelors degree or higher is 50% (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). That is higher than any g roup in the United States. †¢The median income per year was $67,022 (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢About three-quarters of the Asian American population live in metropolitan areas such as the San Francisco Bay Area, New York metropolitan area, and the Greater Los Angeles Area (Beckwith). They make up for 1-2 million people in each place. They are mainly concentrated in five states, which are: †¢California †¢New York †¢Texas Illinois †¢Hawaii †¢A few brands that have a higher than average purchase rate among Asian Americans are Toyota, Honda, Coca-Cola, IBM, Head & Shoulders, and Tylenol (Lindorff). Wealthy Asian Americans tend to buy luxury brands, such as Chanel, Rolex, Loius Vuitton, Armani, and Nordstrom (Lesonsky). †¢Specific products that have above average usage for this group are furniture, footwear, clothing, food, and vehicles. †¢ The best media to use in order to target this group is the Internet and newspapers, as well as direct mail printed in their language. Hispanic Americans The total numbers in the US is 52 million (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢Hispanic Americans make up 16. 7 percent of the total US population (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The rate of growth for this minority group from 2000 to 2010 was 43% (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The average household size is 4 (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). This is most likely due to a high fertility rate among this group. †¢The median age for Hispanic Americans is 27 (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†).. †¢The percentage of Hispanic Americans 25 and older that hold a bachelors degree or higher is 13% (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†).That is the lowest amongst the three groups. †¢The median income per year was $37,759 (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢Hispanic Americans are concentrated in the South and the West geographically. About 50% of the population lives in California, Texas, and Florida. California has the highest than any other state, which is 14 million (â€Å"infoplease†). †¢Examples of brands that have a higher than average purchase rate among Hispanic Americans are Corona, Sunsilk, OPI, Ouidad, and Goya (Genuario). †¢Specific products that have above average usage for this group are small appliances, footwear, furniture, and food. The best media to use in order to target this group is through Spanish television networks and printed media. BUSINESS POTENTIAL African American: The African-American community is a very important market because of their great spending trends and buying power. Their buying power is estimated to reach $1. 1 trillion in a few years (â€Å"Multi-ethnic Demographics†). This ethnic group consists of 43 million individuals and marketers should be worried if they haven’t tapped into this ever-growing market (â€Å"United Stat es Census Bureau†).African-Americans are one of the most brand loyal customers and make trips to the store more than any other group. If a national marketer were to get the attention of this ethnic group, the brand they would be promoting would grow, since African Americans stick to their brands. A new middle class has emerged for this group, thanks to more educational opportunities that result in higher incomes. This growing middle class is very fashion, brand, and price conscious and goes shopping for pleasure and social fun. This alone should encourage more marketers to pursue this minority group and give ideas on how to market specifically to this group.Asian American: The Asian American population is growing faster than the total population due to immigration. It’s growing even faster than the Hispanic group and is the fastest growing ethnic group in the US (â€Å"Multi-Ethnic Demographics†). The overall business potential for this minority group is very hig h because Asian Americans are more likely to be rich than any other minority consumer. That is because they are better educated, even more so than the average American. They are in a lot of top-level jobs and have high specialties. Their buying power is very high and continues to grow.Currently, they spend more than $500 billion annually and their buying power is projected to reach up to $697 billion by the year 2014 (Lasonsky). Much of the valuable market segment is still underestimated and overlooked. That’s why it is important to dig in to this market and develop a great marketing strategy. This group spends more on education, housing, and food than the average US household. As a marketer, there is a good start already by knowing what the consumer wants. A lot of brands have an attitude that asks why they should target this market if they’re already buying the product.Well, it’s important because there is a huge opportunity to build long-lasting relationships and customer loyalty. Asian Americans are consumers that like to educate themselves about prices and products before they dive in and buy something. So, if you would like to catch this market’s attention, make sure you emphasize great deals and focus on product quality. Hispanic American: The Hispanic American market is a very important part of the US economy. This group is growing quite rapidly and marketers should be aware of all of the data. By 2015, the buying power for Hispanics is expected to reach $1. trillion (â€Å"Multi-ethnic Demographics†). In the last few years, the increase in income and population has given marketers new opportunities. This allows them to come up with a whole new marketing plan to serve the Hispanic American’s needs. This market should be approached as a long-term investment. Since the median age for Hispanic Americans is 27, we can see that this ethnic group is younger than the others (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). This gives marketers a chance to succeed in using geographic, demographic, and psychographic segmentation.By using this information, marketers can position themselves favorably and gain market share. Since many Hispanic Americans speak both English and Spanish, this gives marketers a chance to develop marketing synergies. Marketers should also make sure their general market message reflects the Hispanic culture because if a consumer feels that the brand does not care about them, their message would be ineffective. In order to reach Hispanic Americans through marketing, make sure you know their backgrounds, give them a feeling of ‘home,’ and most importantly build relationships.Bibliography â€Å"Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month: May 2012. †United States Census Bureau. United States Census Bureau, 05 Sept 2012. Web. 7 Sep 2012. . Beckwith , Ryan. â€Å"Asian-Americans Don’t Live in Swing States. †Congress. org. Congress. org, 03 May 2012. Web . 7 Sep 2012. . â€Å"Black (African-American) History Month: February 2012. †United States Census Bureau. United States Census Bureau, 05 Sept 2012. Web. 7 Sep 2012. . Black Demographics. com. Black Demographiics, 2010. Web. 7 Sep 2012. . Genuario, Leah. â€Å"The U. S. Hispanic Beauty Market. †.Picard Holdings LLC, 2011. Web. 9 Sep 2012. . â€Å"Hispanic Americans By the Numbers. †infoplease. Pearson Education, 2012. Web. 8 Sep 2012. . â€Å"Hispanic Heritage Month 2012: Sept. 15  Oct. 15. †United States Census Bureau. United States Census Bureau, 05 Sept 2012. Web. 6 Sep 2012. . Lesonsky, Rieva. â€Å"Small Business: Tap Into the Affluent Asian American Market. †Small Business Trends. Small Business Trends LLC, 13 June 2012. Web. 8 Sep 2012. Lindorff, David. â€Å"Marketers slowly begin to tap into U. S. ‘s rich Asian consumers. †. Media Life, n. d. Web. 8 Sep 2012.Sampey, Kathleen. â€Å"African-Americans Show More à ¢â‚¬ËœLove' to Brands Than Caucasians. †Yahoo Finance. Yahoo. com, 15 Aug 2012. Web. 7 Sep 2012. . Bibliography (cont’d) â€Å"Study: African Americans love them some brands. †Electronic Urban Report. EurPublisher, 07 Aug 2012. Web. 6 Sep 2012. . Westlund, Richard. â€Å"Marketing to Hispanics 2010. †Finding the Gold in Hispanic Marketing. Adweek, 27 April 2011. Web. 9 Sep 2012. . â€Å"2010 Census Shows America’s Diversity. †Multi-ethnic Demographics. National Association for Multi-Ethnicity in Communications, 2012. Web. 9 Sep 2012.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Mental Illness and Crim Behavior
A study done in 1999 shows that out of the three million arrests made, we can see that no specific race, economic group, or gender group is the cause for such a high number of arrests. In the reading it seems as if criminal behavior is spoken about as a means to satisfy ones needs in order to make up for something that they lack. For example in the reading it explains how young adults are often frustrated with their lives regardless of race or economic status, they will find a way to take their frustrations and lash out. This is to say that no matter how â€Å"normal†or â€Å"bizarre†the criminal’s mind seems to be, the criminal still has comprehension and attention to detail of the crime they have been involved in and so they cannot be claimed as â€Å"mentally ill†. Contrary to these findings, one might argue that even though crime is not necessarily a â€Å"race†or â€Å"economic†factor but it does play a role in one’s life (environmental factors). In general it is known that criminal behavior is both an individual and social problem. Some crimes are plotted and carried out while others seem more of a compulsive act. Either way, these crimes require â€Å"logic and self-control†, as it says in the reading. (Page 26) This reading further suggests that no matter how out of the norm a criminal act mat be, the offender has a complete understanding and awareness of the crime and their actions that go along with carrying out the crime. This defeats the groundings of the insanity or the mentally ill but guilty defense. However, after looking back at the reading, one may question the statements made because they seem to one sided in that they are not exploring the idea of a criminal who is mentally ill and just exploring the idea that society is the cause of criminal acts. One statement that is made which stands out is when it is said that â€Å"crime is not contagious like the chicken pox†. While it stands true that just because one person in a community decides to partake in criminal behavior, it does not mean to say that others will soon begin to engage in similar behavior simply because they are close to that initial person. However, when it comes to people who are mentally ill the crimes they commit are a type of â€Å"chicken pox†in that certain mental illnesses cause certain types of crimes so that it is sometimes detectable based on one’s behavior if they are going to commit a crime linked to their mental illness. Also, if a criminal with a mental illness is put into the general population of a correctional facility, they may be influenced by others and their behavior to act in a way similar to those they had contact with. Although the environment of a person often determines their behavior, logic, and emotions their DNA or pre-disposed conditions also play a role. Referring back to the example given on page 27, a man who murdered his wife in the heat of an argument would not be considered for the insanity defense because of his â€Å"temporary insanity†through a violent crime of passion. To Samenow, this person was not â€Å"seized by an alien†or had an â€Å"uncontrollable impulse†and so this man was not out of character for committing this crime because according to Samenow he had voiced in the past that he had wished her dead or that the man often held vendettas against those who crossed him. Samenow then shows a case in which a man with worse problems (his wife cheating on him), did not seek revenge in this way and chose to act rationally by petitioning for a divorce. According to Samenow the first case exhibits a man not with a mental illness but with a social/personal problem whose environment forces him to choose to act in such a way. Although compelling it can be argued that this instead is an example of a man who is able to portray or mimic what the â€Å"norm†is and can appear to be functioning normally despite having there be a severe mental illness such as a personality disorder in which he engages in purposeful malicious behavior (pushing his wife, seeking revenge for those who harm him) and may actually be more harm to himself than others before murdering his wife. This person may be highly charming, intelligent, and able to be very put together meanwhile internally he cannot cope with the environment around him and so he creates this persona of the person who others expect him to be. This is a person who suffers from a major mental illness and will not be able to emotionally understand their crimes or the logic/morality for why it is wrong. Although having a mental illness may for an individual to act in a certain way, it does not excuse their actions and they should have consequences just as any other person would. However, a person with a mental illness should be held to a different level of responsibility since they already cannot cope with their lives which is why they acted in such a way to begin with. A criminal with a mental illness should be put into therapy to allow them to gain techniques to cope with life and with situations which cause them to act out along with an incarceration sentence.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau and Wollstonecraft
Looking to the science of the day, Hobbes determined that there was no soul and attempted to describe human nature as pure mechanics. Human nature was therefore driven by the need to satisfy the physical demands of the body and based on basic passions in life. These are to satisfy physical appetites, to seek power to maintain their wealth and to be superior to others by seeking glory. Hobbes saw the state nature as â€Å"solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. †The state of nature is anarchy, with constant violence (or potential violence) by amoral leaders terrorizing the population.Reason is the answer that will lead to a social contract and government. Individuals will give up their individual rights and freedoms to secure peace. Morality and property can then be dictated by the state, since human nature is not equipped to handle those concepts without conflict. This will allow each person to then pursue their own self-interests without fear of violence. The sovereign au thority is the office or institution of government that is contracted by the people. It is the artificial construct onto which the powers are conveyed by the social contract.The only limits to the sovereign’s powers are self-imposed, since it must exist outside of the population; although it should always strive for the good of the people to remain legitimate. Civil law is dictated by the sovereign. Civil law should be designed to promote well-being and progress for society with appropriate punishments for law breakers. Hobbes believed in an absolute monarchy. By making one man in charge, it would make it easy for the people to understand their roles and obey laws.With no confusing dissension or contrary views, people do not have to waste time and effort making political decisions; after all, that’s why they entered the social contract in the first place. He did not, however, believe in the ‘divine right’ or hereditary kings; the contract was conveyed upon an ancestor, which has no bearing on the legitimacy of the heir to rule. Although Locke’s views are similar to Hobbes’, they are not quite as grim and fearful. Similar to Hobbes, he believes that people are naturally free and equal. Locke believes that man is social by nature and is naturally moral, rational and egoistic.In a state of nature, man will generally act with a mutual trust and respect and honor their commitments and obligations to other. Although he emphasizes these positive traits of humanity, he recognizes that since that is not always the case, people will need to form a type of social contract to preserve their rights and liberties. For Hobbes, natural law is a selfish state where people do not recognize the rights of others’ property and liberty. Locke believes that, although they don’t always act in accordance with it, man inherently knows right from wrong and are capable of acting in a lawful manner.The goal of government is to preserv e the rights to life, liberty, health and property of its society and to pursue the public good even where this may conflict with the rights of individuals. It is also to punish wrongdoers and transgressors of the laws it sets for the common good. Since ones path to salvation and religious preferences fall outside those boundaries, government should not enforce or espouse any one form of religion over another. Class and hierarchy is a natural outgrowth of Locke’s views on property.Credited as the founder of the â€Å"Protestant work ethic†, Locke believed that those who worked hard will possess more. By agreeing to have money be an equalizing factor for trade, this will naturally contribute to some having more wealth than others. This is fine and natural, as long as the producers are working without injustice or injury to others. In retrospect, Locke may be considered the father of feminism. Although he still believed women should be subordinate to men, he also noted t hat women were capable of rationality and equally shared in the paternal power of raising children.Most notably, he claimed that marriage was a contract entered into by both parties and that both should be able to dissolve the contract at will; it took almost 300 years for society to catch up and instigate no fault divorces. Locke believed government should be formed with both an executive and legislative branches. The legislative determines the laws and may assign judicial, or magistrates, to exercise it. The executive is responsible for enforcing the laws and conducting foreign affairs. There should be a system of checks and balances between the two branches, to avoid despotism and illegitimate governments.Since a monarchy puts the power of both branches into one person, Locke believed all monarchies to be illegitimate forms of government. By advocating some form of representative or democratic government, society can insure that there representatives are working in their best int erests. Despotism occurs when either of the two branches of government exceed their authority and begin acting against the benefit of the people. Civil society can then remove the offenders from office through their electoral process or agree to set up a new form of government.When the people are denied these means to choose their government, violent revolution may be the answer. Rousseau believes that the state of nature is solitary existence guided by two principles – self-preservation and compassion. Social interactions were driven by the necessity to satisfy their own needs; war and aggression would be unlikely, since primitive man’s compassion drove him to avoid suffering of others. Civilization and establishment of nuclear families led to the beginnings of society, which corrupted the state of nature and led to human nature.Human nature is based on oppression and inequality, the haves dominating over the have nots. Society and governments were established to prot ect the rights and properties of the few landowners without regard to the rights of the laborers. His path to liberation is paved with a just, moral civil society that works for the benefit of all of its members. People must draw on their compassion and work towards the good of society, rather than selfish goals. In this manner, a social contract can be formed that will benefit all of society.Rousseau’s social contract involves an overhaul of civilization and a community that is willing to that is willing to forfeit all of their rights. Although not necessarily a violent revolution, he suggests that liberated people form a new community and create a government. This moral body of citizens would only consider the greater good and not selfish, private interests. He does not envision this to be without economic inequality, however, as long as it does not interfere with political equality; there should not be a situation where one man is able to buy or sell a vote.The basis of le gislative power is the general will of the people. Although entrance into the community must be unanimous, voting is done by majority. All citizens must participate in open discussion before voting. Votes should only be counted from those expressing the general will; those voting based on selfish interests should be discounted, although no practical way of knowing or enforcing this is described. Since authority and freedoms all reside within the general will, transgressors against the general will can be coerced or forced to liberate themselves.There are underlying conditions necessary for the formation of the social contract. There must be a legislator, a divinely enlightened man who will lead the community into an understanding of its true public interest. He initiates the contract and then retires before he can be corrupted. A civil religion is necessary, one that does not divide the community’s loyalties. The civil religion is founded on the way of life of the citizens, i ncluding customs and traditions. It must include belief in God, immortality of the soul and the social contract.The society must be small, modeled after the polis, and agricultural in nature, rather than founded on commerce or industry. The executive institutions are the bureaucracy of the sovereign. The magistrate lays down the laws and is supported by policeman and jailors. The censor is in charge of compliance with the civil religion, using education to guide people. The censor monitors the arts and sciences to insure people are not whiling away their time and distraction themselves from the common good.Two other offices may be used in exigent circumstances to allow for checks on the government. A tribunate can be used to limit the magistrate or a dictator can be used as supreme commander in war or natural disasters. Government should take the form of a republic, with full participation in the legislature and delegation of authority for the executive. Depending on the wealth and size of the state, monarchy, non-hereditary aristocracy or democracy could be acceptable forms of executive. Rousseau was adamant that men and women were vastly different and should be educated appropriately.Men should learn a trade and how to become an enlightened citizen. Women should learn how to raise children, tend house and be a good wife. He did not consider women rational enough to be citizens. Education is not to be done by rote memorization, but is instead to take the form of exploration and learning through experience. In direct response to Rousseau, Wollstonecraft argues that educating women in the same fashion as men makes them better able to function in the roles of wife, mother and daughter.She argues that virtues are not gender specific, but without equal education, women cannot achieve virtues founded on knowledge. Since education begins in the home and mothers were to raise the children, women must be educated to be better mothers and provide their children with ne cessary education. Wollstonecraft sees human nature as truly equal, including equality between the sexes. The basic capacities of all humans are the same for reason and knowledge and the difference between the sexes has arisen out of the societal constructs that separate them.She supported the concept of a social contract, albeit with the inclusion of women as fully realized citizens. She did not believe that either a monarchy or aristocracy could be a legitimate form of government since it perpetuates the subordination of women. She considers property to be as one of the ills of society because it gives rise to the societal problems, which contribute to keeping women ignorant and subordinate. Civil society must be founded on reason, which women are as capable of as men given the proper opportunities and education.
Adidas Sustainable Development Strategy Essay
The textile and the apparel industries face nowadays a lot of evolution due, first to macroeconomic consequences and then because of the growing eco-friendly influence. To understand the key challenges of the sustainable development in the textile and the apparel industries, we, first, need to get the whole picture of the situation. The global textile industry is getting through a struggling time for the global economy due to crisis. This situation increases the price volatility of raw materials and energy resources. We can also add-up to this trend, the rising labor cost that contributes to amplify the negative effects on the industry. This uncertainty in the marketplace leads to lack of projection for years to come. At a worldwide stage, the textile market knows different situations. Europe is facing a recession while North American market is struggling. This current trends leads to reduced worldwide sale perspective. In Asia, the situation is more complex. China is the major actor in the market. More and more, price rises in China due to a higher domestic demand and higher wages. See more: Distinguish between problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping Essay This economic trend creates opportunities for other Asian countries to become new sourcing targets (Bangladesh, Vietnam, Cambodia, India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia). However, new countries doesn’t have necessary quality and quantity requirement, which put companies in a huge dilemma in 2012 and for years to come†¦ Concerning sustainable development in the textile and apparel industries, many challenges are expected. For years and years, consumers have wanted cheap and trendy clothes, no matter where they came, who produced it and the material composition of the purchase. Now, they have changed their mind in many aspects. Consumers expect more and more socially acceptable workplaces to employees in production. They want companies to focus on improving human being, which includes better work conditions and better salary. However, this desire is problematic and contradictory for the industry. Indeed, this change will imply higher price that only a minority of consumers are up to pay. Key actors on this market need also to be responsible and active in the society and towards communities. Apart from this, consumers also require that companies produce in environmentally friendly way, which represent the main key challenge. Consumers care more and more to let enough raw materials for future generations and avoid global over consumption. The Chemistry industry brings solution to replace these raw materials. However, it can’t replace every material: water, which is an essential factor for production of textile, energy (it concerns mainly non-sustainable sources, except solar and other sustainable energies) and raw materials (real organic cultivations are insignificant in the industry). However, instead of raw materials, regenerative raw materials are more and more used. There is line and hemp that are resistant and doesn’t need pesticides. However, it can be only use for particular textiles. Besides, we can find chemical fibers, which represent 60% of the current market. They are better than natural fibers but are dependent on petroleum. This problem is a bit compensated by the fact it can be recyclable in PET bottle for instance. Cotton represents only 38% of the market in volume and wool, 2%. For dyestuffing, Chemistry has also played a huge role. Now the synthetic process replace natural because it turns out to be more ecological and with a better quality. Moreover, we can also save resources like energy and chemicals by using sustainable development energies like solar, wind or hydroelectric energies. We have to consider fossil energy and try to replace them by renewable energies to avoid price pressure and volatility. Companies want also to develop environment-friendly production technologies for textile industry. Most of the time, Chemistry helps to save resources because they are less demanding in water for finishing and dyestuffs and in energy for washing. They clean fibers better, reduce amount of defective goods and preserve machines. However, huge tests and controls are required to avoid toxic and harmful component to spread into our daily life through our clothes Another key challenge for the industry is to develop the recycling economy. A model called 3R illustrates this targeted economy: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. It follows this chain: â€Å"resources-products-consumer-renewable resources†to implement the closed-cycle logistics. Moreover, this cycle allows controlling the process of contamination in this cycle. The second-hand purchases can optimize purchases and sustainability by creating a new business out of the current one. Besides, improving quality of final can be seen as a key challenge. It prolongs life cycle and also improve reuse value. Eco-tax on new materials could be set up to allow development of material re-use technology and business. After seeing the global situation of the current market, actors that want to play a major role in the future have to turn these challenges and strains into opportunities to differentiate and bring new standards in the textile and apparel industries. What are the stakeholders’ expectations? Employees of the Group The employees of Adidas have the expectation that we can expect from different workers. They expect to have good working conditions to properly conduct they everyday job. Thus, some flexible hours, good working environment, ergonomic machinery are some expectations that Adidas employees might have. Of course, the salaries needs to be fair and the possibility of career evolution should be interesting too. They would prefer a merit-based rewarding system and a fair policy. Then, working in an ethical company can make them proud to work for Adidas and avoid internal conflict of interest. Also, they expect to have the freedom of joining a work council or any other unions. Finally, having the guaranty to have their health and safety assured during their working hours, with proper social protection. All these aspects are employee’s expectations that can be encountered worldwide. Authorizes government, trade associations, shareholders, Board of Directors All those stakeholders have different expectations. The government aims to see their citizen rights preserved, the legislation respected and the economy supported. A government needs to be objective and act for the benefits of â€Å"its people†. Thus they can on one side wants to impose restrictions on companies to prevent abuses but also want to support them financially or administratively to attract them and push them to invest in their country, and supporting the economy. The trade associations expect Adidas to respect international treaties on trade and to act in respect of the International regulations. On the other side, board of directors wants to see Adidas following the strategy they established to be sustainable. They want the company to be profitable but in a sustainable way. The board of directors wants the company have a better image and increase its sustainable development reputation. Finally Shareholders expect the company to be profitable and to have a direct result from its sustainable development strategy. They want Adidas to be sustainably profitable. Business partners unions, suppliers, service providers Business partners unions wants Adidas to respect the labor rights for the workers. They want working conditions to be assured and health & safety policy respected. They expect Adidas to secure the job of employees and avoid economic firing. The suppliers expect Adidas to respect their contract and fulfill their contractual obligations toward sustainable development. Also, they want Adidas to have fair practices and have equitable deals with them. On their own sides, service providers also wants Adidas to have fair practices and to involve them in their sustainable strategy by training them and providing them the means to be real partners. Workers in our suppliers’ factories These stakeholders are those who have the highest expectations toward Adidas. They expect Adidas to treat them equitably and to have fair practices with them. They want to have the same working conditions and the same rights than the Adidas employees. They want to have a decent wages, without child labor, with the acceptable health and safety benefits. They want Adidas to train them and to help them to evolve without remaining simple second-hand workers. They want to be fully integrated in the sustainable strategy of Adidas and in the future of the company. Opinion-formers journalists, community members, special interest groups Opinion formers such as journalists, expect Adidas to respect its engagement toward sustainable development. They want to be assured that the sustainable strategy of the company is a real commitment and not a simple â€Å"faire-valoir†. Community members on their own side, expect Adidas to respect their community and its environment but also to serve its interest. They want Adidas to offer them employment, to support education and to help the community to benefit from Adidas activities. Special interest group will push Adidas to respect their own interest. For instance, Greenpeace will push Adidas to respect environment, â€Å"SOS racisme†will expect Adidas to have non-discriminatory human resource policy, etc. Customers: Professional sports people, distributors, retailers, consumer Customers are the final people to satisfy. They are lat but not least. Customers expect Adidas to have fair prices, to respect their engagement in terms of sustainable development while maintaining the quality of their product. They also expect that the new sustainable development strategy will not impact their buying power by tremendously increase the price of Adidas products. Sports people want to be sure that the various Adidas products are ethical, with low impact on the environment and that are made by factories that respect sustainable working conditions. Distributors and retailers want Adidas to respect its positioning and identity but expect that Adidas will continuously improve its sustainable development policy. How does the company meet the challenges of the industry? Being a global business: This involves a strong and worldwide suppliers network. To be sure that suppliers rules are respectful of Adidas engagement, Adidas is fully transparent on its activities.  « We seek to be open about our operations, for example, by disclosing our global factory list to the public or submitting our global supplier compliance programme to evaluation and accreditation by the fair Labor Association. (Adidas,5) Beyond all contractual regulations that we will see below, transparency is an essential way to enable external organizations, such as the Fair Labor Association, to check the working conditions in Adidas suppliers. However, there is always information’s that kept secrets and not disclosed. It is important to keep a strong control on it. Being competitive: According to Adidas, the response to this challenge is: not at any price. â€Å"The adidas group Workplace Standards are fundamental to our relationships with our suppliers and are contractual obligations. While we have our own team that assesses how well our suppliers are complying with our supply chain code, we also work with external monitors to complement our measures. †(adidas, 5) Adidas apply strict rules and regulations that are contractually based in order to respect the company regulations on health, safety, labour rights and environmental conditions. On all these aspects, Adidas provides training and detailed guidelines to its suppliers. It has also involved a strong information system such as Fair Factory Clearinghouse platform, to monitor the conduct of its supplier. Apparently Adidas has done everything possible in this sector. However, it is essential to keep a strong control on supplier to avoid some â€Å"under-the-radar†issues such as the ones in Indonesia: (http://www. peuples-solidaires. org/suite317-indonesie-adidas/). Being environmentally responsible: Adidas is fully engaged in reducing its footprint. Adidas aims to: Save energy and reduce carbon emissions, save water, reduce the use of raw materials, using more environmentally friendly materials, reduce waste, reduce toxicity, for example through using less toxic chemicals and through fforts to reduce the pollutants in waste water at supplier factories, improve the environmental footprint of raw materials, improve the environmental footprint of products, manage supplier performance through auditing, measuring and reporting against key performance indicators, use management systems to drive continuous improvement (Adidas, 9). Adidas is acting in every step of its value chain and also by controlling its suppliers. However, this is useless if the distributors are not committed. For example distributing an eco-friendly product by using trucks that will strongly pollutes during the transportation is not coherent. Adidas is so powerful that it can make pressure on distributors to be committed in its environmental program. Being an employer of choice: This objective passes through managing people in a sustainable way. Adidas has developed an entire Human Resources Strategy based on three pillars: â€Å"create a working environment that stimulates team spirit, passion and engagement, instill a performance culture based upon strong leadership, be an employer of choice†(Adidas, 5). To do so, Adidas has developed a performance-based rewarding system throughout bonus program, profit sharing and additional compensation components. Moreover the training of employees is emphasized with different talent management programs (Adidas, 59). This enables people to enhance their perspectives. The whole working environment is made to be attractive with health and safety policy, respect of labor rights and liberty to join work council. Nonetheless, in the 2012 sustainable report, Adidas focus on Germany and USA. There are few words on the working environment offshore. We are not sure that those conditions are respected worldwide as it was in Indonesia. Moreover if the rewarding system is performance-based, we do not know anything about the career evolution system.
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