Thursday, October 31, 2019
Five year career development plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Five year career development plan - Essay Example It is because of the reason that United States income tax legislations are believed to be difficult, several tax delivery bearers search for subcontractor support for taxes disposal, it is amazing that fifty nine percent of personal tax takings in 2007 were manipulated by salaried tax compilation services. A number of states have certification necessities for anybody who compiles and formulates tax delivery as a service provider. Some companies offer free of charge tax compilation application for personals; subjected with a lesser amount of fifty eight thousand USD of total revenue in fiscal year 2010. People who earn more than the above mentioned amount can utilize forms and digital applications of IRS manuscripts. Considering a 2005 analysis from the U.S. Government accountability office, the value of the tax service is huge; the return that is omitted in addition to the tax on its own is stuck between two hundred forty billion USD and six hundred billion USD per year that is utili zed in the tax service. For tax delivery compilation, Americans dispatch a quantity equivalent around twenty percent of the sum received in taxes. This proves that tax preparation service is really established for high returns, so the career Alpha II Omega Tax Services is bright. 1. Career Goals and Objectives Alpha II Omega Tax Services is a new established company which open its services via home based utility in the fiscal year 2010 with twenty five clients, however in this tariff period of the year 2011, the number of clients utilizing their services increases to hundred and twenty four, now Alpha II Omega Tax Services is planning to launch a tax preparation utility office in 2013, and in this regard Alpha II Omega Tax Services will be dealing with multiple clients since its being the first time Alpha II Omega Tax Services is planning to market itself at full exposure. Alpha II Omega Tax Services is currently offering services home based with limited number of clients, however a five year career objectives must be concrete, and Alpha II Omega Tax Services should focus on providing all related services in tax preparation including serving consumers with tax delivery services and electronic input. Alpha II Omega Tax Services should also focus to develop expertise in all range of applications that are used. The period of recruitment, training and developing expertise in tax software should not last more than two years. With the application of the tax software, the Alpha II Omega Tax Services can offer automated federal income tax compilation, state income tax, and personal tax compilation services. Alpha II Omega Tax Services regulate focus on developing relations with a range of economic organizations like Santa Barbara Bank & Trust, N.A and HSBC Taxpayer to offer many of the economic services, like Refund Anticipation Loans etc. Since tax preparation alone is a seasonal venture, therefore it should be established with some other service as well. So in five years a medium size profitable tax preparer company with other services can be established. 2. Career Management and Effective planning At present the goals identified in career objectives
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
International finance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
International finance - Assignment Example The system of the Agreement was aimed towards keeping the major currencies of the world at a fixed rate. With the collapse of the system, the world economies have been facing the volatility which is continuing at present as well. Under the system of Bretton Woods, the various countries’ major currencies were used to be fixed in relation to the Dollar while the Dollar was fixed with respect to the value of gold. This system indicated that the threat of currency instability was to be abided by the governments. As a result of this system, the corporation houses were to deal with lesser trading activities related with foreign currencies on a large volume. The system of the Bretton Woods Agreement at that time was factually capable of providing significant firmness within the markets of currencies (Hussain, 2010). The governments prefer fixed exchange rates to floating exchange rates which is prevalent at present in the world economies because under the later system, the currencies ’ demand and supply factors are the determinant of the rate of exchanges within the market of foreign exchange. Thus, the governments’ power over the fluctuations of the currency valuation gets removed under the floating rate system. Along with this fact, the risk associated with the currency and financials appears in privatised form (Ono, 2004). On the other hand, the distinctive system of the fixed exchange rate allows the governments or respective authorities to bestow controls over certain tools of the monetary policy such as that of the regulation on the rates of interests and supply of money through issuing fresh bills. However, the authorities in charge of the monetary policies function under the control and regime of a board of currency which allows the authorities to enhance the money supply only after ensuring that the particular country has sufficient reserves of the foreign currency that are essential for backing up the enhancement of domestic currency with in the nation (International Monetary Fund, 2009). More precisely, it is due to the following advantages of fixed exchange rates in the international monetary system that government prefers to preserve it. Firstly, due to the existence of fixed exchange rate system, price constancy in the international trading market can be ensured for the purpose of effective performance on trading. Price stability in the international trading market aids towards its growth and it also assures less risk for the businesses. Secondly, fixed exchange rates are termed to be inclined towards policies against inflation under this system. The countries are required to operate under strict policies related to both monetary as well as fiscal administration. Thirdly, the regimes under the system of fixed exchange rate demand from the Central Bank that it should uphold huge amount of foreign reserves in the form of both hard currencies and gold as well. This requirement of the fixed exchange rate regime helps in backing up risks that can arise due to any adverse situation of the international market (Fordham University, 2011). Along with the above mentioned benefits, another essential benefit sought by the government that make the fixed exchange rate system preferable for the government is that fixed rates are highly
Sunday, October 27, 2019
SWOT Analysis Of Parle Products
SWOT Analysis Of Parle Products The intent of the assignment is to analyse the operation process of manufacturing or service organisation, thriving to achieve the efficiency and productivity in the operations process, through various organisational and operational strategies carried out on a short term or a long term basis. The analysis of the report is based on the various key finding which determines the success of organisation and how company manages between the quality, cost, speed, dependability and flexibility of its products using the key competitive factors such as order winner and order qualifiers to sustain in the market. The process design used by the organisation is to improve competence and effective inventory management style with help of suppliers and distributors; analysing the problems faced by the organisation and solution for the same. INTRODUCTION Parle is one of Indias largest biscuit, confectionery and snacks manufacturer it has been set-upped in vile Parle Mumbai in 1929. As a organized segment of the FMCG (Fast moving consumer goods) industry, FMCG products are generally replaced within a year and include a range of product provided to the consumer that may be Durable e.g. Food, soap, cosmetics, tooth cleaning products, shaving products and detergents and non-durable products such as glassware, bulbs, batteries, paper products, and plastic goods. Babaria, M. and Dharod, M. (2009) Parle Operation Management is to manage of resources and delivery system and the duties entitled to the operation manager control of the cost, monitoring the efficiency of the production and asset management, The viewpoint of Parle Company is to attract as much of youth and grown-ups through its product with the mission to provide happiness among children and adults not only in the metro cities but also tier 2 and tier 3 cities in the country. On a short- term basis the company objective is to create awareness about the products among the youth and on long-term duration is to be the market leader. Major competitors of Parle are the ITC sun-feast ltd, Britannia, Nestle HUL (Hindustan unilever ltd). Parle provides a range of biscuits such as Parle-G, krackjack, Hide and seek, Milano etc. confectionery like melody, mango-bite, orange candy etc. and snacks like Jeffs, cheese ling etc. Parle are market leader and in their category and own 40% share of the biscuit market share and 15% share of the total confectionary market in India, Parle has transformed into a multimillion company over the years. Based on the product variation provided by Parle the customer are not bound by age they can be consumed by people of all age group even the adults or senior citizens. E.g. Parle G is widely excepted product, the customers of Parle are not restricted to the local or regional tier1, 2 3 markets but also on a global scale by implementing top down approach strategy in the organization. (parleproducts., 2012) Macantosh HD:Users:pagdant:Downloads:1.png TRANSFORMATION PROCESS FEEDBACK INPUT TRANSFORMATION PROCESS RAW MATERIAL Wheat flour, sugar, hydrogenate vegetable oil, salt, milk, added flavors PRODUCTS Biscuits, snacks confectioneries OUTPUT Transformation process is activities involving no. Of input, this adds value and transforms into output for customer. ( 2003) Through the transformation process various raw material used at input at Parle, which goes through the transformation process and made into biscuits, snacks confectioneries for the consumers. SWOT ANALYSIS OF PARLE PRODUCTS STRENGTH WEAKNESS Low price Irregular supply Distribution system Dependent on Parle-G brand Wide range Delivery system OPPORTUNITY THREATS Export potential Competitors (Britannia, ITC) Untapped Rural market Substitutions (toast) Retain of loyal customers Bakery products Suppliers. The above analysis reflects strength of the company lies in its low price technique, wide range of products and distribution system of Parle, opportunities prevailing are the export potential, untapped rural market, due to increase in the purchasing power of the consumer retention of loyal customers, Threats faced by Parle are from the competitors, substitutes available in the market and the bakery products whereas the weakness posses are the irregular supply, dependency on the brand Parle-G and weak delivery system to penetrate in rural areas. Babaria, M. and Dharod, M. (2009) STRATEGY Strategy adopted by any organization is develop the capabilities required to reflects the needs of the customers and market, direct how to spend key resources like time and money and to cope up with the greater level of complexity different business units are maintained in the organizations. Different types of strategy used at different levels in the organization. 1. Corporate level strategy is decided by the company where to invest the funds of the organization in order to meet the business demand of todays and the E.g. increase in the volume of sales through sales staffing, increase in sales by increasing the number of factory floor. 2. Business unit strategy is implemented by different part of organization to achieve the desire objective in a specific market based on the present and the future market. E.g. marketing, finance, sales and marketing and operations departments. 3. Functional strategy is to maintain the key resources using the strategic and the day-to-day task. E.g. Market requirement and function of operation manger in monitoring the line of production. Hill, A. and Hill, T. (2011) The word strategy signifies direction and how one should implement it. Strategies adopted by Parle are the business unit strategy where range of product is sold to identify group of customers in competitive market and functional strategy where decision of key resources such as the raw material required for the production is done on day to day basis by a operation manager to compete in the market, to expand in the market, to have an insight of the competitors. Hill, A. and Hill, T. (2011). Macantosh HD:Users:pagdant:Downloads:attachments:2.png Macantosh HD:Users:pagdant:Downloads:attachments:10.png CAUSE EFFECT Hill, A. and Hill, T. (2011) Process Producing mass product irrespective the taste Diminish of market share of Parle Competitors Due rise in growing Competition. Fluctuating demand Due to high competition the demand for parle product is not constant. Innovation Using same raw material over the Years PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE Performance Objectives are key measures to align the needs of the customer with the desired effectiveness of the overall business. Performance objectives are Quality, Speed, Dependability, Flexibility and Cost. Each of these dimensions adds its twist to the value proposition. Each dimension hypothetically appeals to different customers. Delivery each objective simultaneously at their highest levels of all these product attributes, operations mangers need to organize objectives based on priority, also identify which are an order winners and qualifiers of the targeted critical customers, Operation management (2012). Quality Quality is fitness for consumption in terms of meeting customers needs and desires. Quality can either be an order winner or order qualifier for customer based on the quality maintained. Quality conformance, which means to consistent delivering services based on design specification which, in turn, needs to reflect customer needs. Operation management (2012). To maintain good quality companies like Parle need to maintain and manage quality gaps. Hygiene is the precursor of every process in Parle. Every batch and confectionery is thoroughly checked by an expert staff by adopting Quality conformance level after every stage maintain similar quality throughout all nations neglecting quality control system. Cost Cost is one of the major contributions in business welfare since products that cost less but have good quality attract customers. Operation managers try to reduce costs and also maintain quality so the company profits. Operation management (2012). Parle as a company tends to maintain quality and keep a low purchase cost. Parle follows a policy of Kaizen, which means to produce more and more value with less wastage attaining better environment and developing stable process by standardization. Macantosh HD:Users:pagdant:Downloads:attachments:3.png Buthmann, A. (2010) describes that Quality cost is the Cost caused through producing of defects. Quality cost is most expensive concept used at Parle to cover the good and poor quality cost. Buthmann, A. (2010) describes that External failure is the cost associated to the external deficit of the product received by the consumer at Parle external cost is to maintain the quality cost is spend on the complaints received from consumers through online feedback, losses occurred due to reduction in sales due market acquisition by the competitors and environmental cost. Internal failure occurs before the product is delivered to the customers, not confirming to requirement of customers through the product leading to less satisfied customers, Internal quality Cost at Parle is due to shortage of raw material is due to smaller storage capacity limited to only 3 days. Buthmann, A. (2010). Appraisal cost occur in-order to maintain quality in all stages, conformance to quality standard Through Quality storage condition, maintaining Hygiene and monitoring quality by expert staff adopted at Parle. Buthmann, A. (2010). Prevention quality cost is to prevent poor quality of product is provided to consumer Buthmann, A. (2010). Parle spends in Quality improvement in staff inspection, Quality planning of new product and Quality improvement in team decision. Dependability Dependability is a degree of availability of the product when the customer needs or requires product. Operation management (2012). Parle is a multination company it deals with multiple nations it has a constant management of products regarding demand and supply. To cope with demand Parle produces 13 billion biscuits in a month. Flexibility Operations ability is to respond efficiently to changes in products, processes (including supply chain relationships), and competitive environments. Operation management (2012). Flexibility differs in companies but companies like Parle have a standardized approach and there is less change in the operations of the company. Speed It means by doing things faster to minimize the time between the order and the availability of the product to give a speed advantage to the wholesaler, retailer which ultimate the benefits to the customers. Slack, N. et al. (2004) Parle maintains their speed through their wholesalers who deliver their products to the retailers, which are finally received by the consumers. Parle maintain the speed by keeping a systematic approach to the system. POLAR DIAGRAM The polar radar chart depicts the priority of the performance objectives Slack, N. et al. (2004) in Parle. Parle as a company strives to produce the best material with minimum wastage. After quality Parle looks at customer benefit and cost management. By producing in bulk Parle maintain availability of products increasing dependability. Parle maintains standard procedure to increase operation speed. COMPETITIVE FACTORS Macantosh HD:Users:pagdant:Downloads:attachments:4.png ORDER WINNER Order winners The competitive characteristics possess by Parle are both time-specific and market-specific to Parle product are most economic since their products are starting at a price range of Rs2 Rs 25, Product range of Parle are into 3 categories Biscuits having 18 varieties of biscuit in the Indian market making them the largest biscuit manufacturer in the country. Sweets- Parle has 11 varieties of chocolate and candies in its product line-up. Snacks- fairly new to the market Parle have only 4 varieties of snacks in the market. Product design quality is initiated by Parle product by making use of automated packaging facilities and all the Parle product are manufactured under hygienic condition and maintaining quality standard at each stage of biscuits and confectioneries are thoroughly checked by expert staff using modern equipment at Parle they follow the seven HACCP principles for total quality management. Great care is exercised in the selection and quality control of raw materials; packaging materials and rigid quality standards are ensured at every stage of the manufacturing process (parleproducts, 2012) ORDER QUALIFIER Certain characteristics indicates that certain qualifiers are same for the entire market Hill, A. and Hill, T. (2011), which was seen also seen in Parle competitors where delivery speed plays a crucial role in providing the product to its end consumers and packaging of the product is done to attract the customers. LESS IMPORTANT FACTORS There are certain factors at Parle, which does not affect the production of the product irrespective of the located weather it is in tier1, tier2 and tier3. Hill, A. and Hill, T. (2011), Parle factory situated in teir1 and Promotion activates of Parle is not considered the unique selling point since to create hype in the market its mandatory to use various promotional activities to create awareness among consumers. ORDER WINNER ORDER QUALIFER LESS IMPORTANT FACTORS Order Winner is quality that helps companies win markets. In case of Parle policy is to strive to provide consistently nutritious and quality food products to meet customers satisfaction by using quality material and by adopting appropriate processes. Therefore Quality is an order winner for Parle. While, also producing the finest quality for customers like to sell it at convenient or cheap prices that are affordable by all people. This makes Purchase Price an order winner for Parle also. Whereas the delivery system and packaging is similar as their competitor therefore it is an order qualifier. Hill, A. and Hill, T. (2011). PEOCESS Macantosh HD:Users:pagdant:Downloads:attachments:6.png Most manufacturing organisations provides standard product in high volumes. The repeat, mass production and standardization of the product indicate a need of process design that would benefit these characteristics. Batch process seems to be feasible choice as it simplifies, automate and reduces manufacturing cost. Hill, A. and Hill, T. (2011). The designing of batch process can be such that it can be used and reused for manufacturing of range of products, hence enabling companies to reduce cost by investing in equipments. The downside to this process is that for manufacturing each product the process line has to be reset, it is costly and skilled officials can only make changes. Hill, A. and Hill, T. (2011). At Parle manufacturing is based on batch process to manufacture their products; as mass production is possible without hampering the quality standards of the product. Being cost effective is one of the major criteria at Parle as it uses the same line to manufacture more 33 varieties of products. Parle do not make specialized product, as their main target are the masses. Standard products are expensive and not in mass production by Parle. Mass products are cheap and manufactured in large quantities. VOLUME PRODUCT VARIETY VARI Milano, Hide Seek, Bourbon. STANDARD PRODUCTS None MASS PRODUCT Parle-G, Krack-Jack, Milk Shakti. SPECIAL PRODUCTS Untitled.png Hill, A. and Hill, T. (2011) argues that volume variety demonstrations relationship between the product categories and volume of the product to be produce at Parle which shows the manufacturing is based on standardize and mass production. LINE OF FIT The above graph depict the line of fit maintain by parle in order to survive in the market through the availability of the products in the range of the line of fit. Kaul, D. (2012) MANUFACTURING FLOW CHART RAW MATERIAL TESTING MIXING MOULDING BAKING COOLING PACKAGING The manufacturing process flow chart illustrates how the production process is carried at Parle, In the initial stage, Testing of raw materials is carried out, which is sent for moulding through the conveyor belt the unfinished product goes through oven for baking and then to cooling of the product and later for packaging through machines like box tapping and sealing machine and forward to dispatched section for the whole sellers to channelize to the retailer for the customers to buy. PACKAGE AND PROCESS Macantosh HD:Users:pagdant:Downloads:attachments:7.png The physical resource used for Packaging of the finished goods at Parle is done through the help of box tapping and sealing machines while facilitating packaged goods and finished product. The activities required during the process is done in front office i.e. administration room coordinating with the back office i.e. the storeroom, dispatch section and production area in addition to the process Parle also provides flow of material, information to the customers with the help of implicit service where visitors are allow to visit the factory by arranging a visit at the production section at the front office. Kaul, D. (2012) LAYOUT Hill, A. and Hill, T. (2011) argues that process or functional is an arrangement of process and function at a particular area. The layout used at Parle is a process or functional layout reflecting that the layout is made in such a manner that similar operations are used in one areas where large batched of goods are produced. Hill, A. and Hill, T. (2011). This type of layout is suitable for Parle where large batches of production is done with help of various functions where layout reflects the stages involved in the making of the Parle products that is the product making is started with the testing of the raw material then moulding and mixing machine goes to oven and then for cooling before going to the packaging and then finally as a finished product. Functional layout advantages 1. Wide range of products Parle as brand itself produces around 33 different varieties of products for consumption at its Parle factory at vile-Parle. 2. Lower capital cost -The infrastructure at Parle used for the production i.e. the autonomous machine helps in reduce the capital cost incurred in making of the product. 3. Utilization of processes since all the resource used in the making of the Parle product are group in the factory itself helps in proper utilization of all resources e.g. Equipments and skilled staff. Hill, A. and Hill, T. (2011) Functional layout disadvantages 1. In-process inventories at Parle are the cost of the direct material, direct labour, and factory overhead placed into the products on the factory floor. 2. Material handling can be costly and inefficient handling of inventories at Parle are costlier since storeroom are made to accommodate these inventories in proper conditions, which add to the cost and are inefficient when the sales revenue is not up to projected mark. Hill, A. and Hill, T. (2011) The production process followed at Parle is Repeat (standard) Product where the making of product is done a repetitive basis designed for functional layout where high volume of production is done using batch and mass production. INVENTORY Inventory comprises of the input which is part of the unfinished goods goes through various operational process stages know as work in progress for a desired output in the form of finished products to sold to the customers. Hill, A. and Hill, T. (2011) The inventory type adopted by Parle is the process inventory where the raw material for 3 days is store in the warehouse from where they are sends for testing the raw material weather it is meeting required standards for the production. After testing raw materials are sent for production. Where the raw material goes through various stages of baking and cooling and shifted to the dispatched room where they are stored and delivered to their distributors and the end customers. The raw material used in the product can be stored roughly for 3 days because the plant is designed in such a way that the raw material cannot be stored more than 3 days. INVENTORY FLOW CHART STORE ROOM WORK IN PROGRESS SUPPLIER DISPATCHED SECTION CUSTOMERS The inventory flow chart depicts the form of inventory present throughout the three-process stages i.e. input, operation process and output at Parle. The inventory such as raw material like wheat flour, sugar, hydrogenate vegetable oil, salt, milk and added flavours are stored in the store room from where they used in the process stages for the manufacturing of biscuits, sent to the dispatched section where the packaging takes place and distributed to the wholesaler and then to retailers for the end consumers. Due to limited duration of the storage capacity there are certain issues that have to be dealt such as to meet the global requirement and the diminishing demand for the products from local markets. SUPPLY CHAIN Before maintaining the supply chain has to decide whether to make the raw material or buy the material. Every manufacturing unit has different benefits if they make in-house / outsource. Advantages for making in house are that company has more control over the material it is more flexible and last minute adjustments are possible. The advantages of outsourcing are that cost is easier to manage and increases focus on final product. In case of Parle, raw material is outsourced and the final product is made in house. This is depicted through their supply chain. Supply Chain comprises all the steps required to supply a service or product to a customer. Hill, A. and Hill, T. (2011). Parle has many products, which have multiple raw material requirements. Multiple suppliers of provide these materials as their tier 1 supplier. Tier 1 supplier such as Godrej, Gurgaon Sugar Mill, Kopoli Flour mill, Wallace Flour Mill and Ahmed Bhai Sugar Mill. Tier 1 Tier 1 Godrej sugar mills Tier 2 Tier 3 Retailor Wholesaler Final Customer Kopoli flourmill INTERNAL OPERATIONS Retailor Wallace Flour mill Wholesaler Ahmedbhai sugar mill WHOLESALER, Retailor CUSTOMER INTERNAL SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESS SUPPLIER Delay in Inventory The above figure reflects how inventory at parle are buffered and maintained at each stage through the gap in the supply chain. But with proper co-ordination with the activities in the supply chain helps parle to build a products design, customer management and final delivery of the product to be consumed. Hill, A. and Hill, T. (2011) Conclusion The report covers Distinctive features of Parle operation process through operation analysis of the organisation by taking an overview on the potency of distribution system and lower price advantage of Parle over it competitors, tremendous measure are taken to maintain quality and at the same time be cost effective, which can be reflected from their quality control methods and the way factory is designed to carry out operations and buffer their inventory through various stages of the operations and maintaining integrated supply chain management with the coordination of their suppliers parle develop a products design, customer management and final delivery of the product to be consumed, with the help of analysis carried out on parle we were able to identify the operational problems and provided with appropriate recommendation, which has assisted our group to know the functioning of an operation management and how the operational surrounding play a vital role in manufacturing of a prod uct or service delivered to a customers, which was the motive of our assignment. Hill, A. and Hill, T. (2011) RECOMMENDATION TYPE OF PROBLEM RECOMMENDATION A) STRATEGY MARKET SOLUTION Fluctuating in the demand. Rise in competition, Lack of innovative ideas (Same Use of raw material.) Diminish market share of parle. Parle should invest in capacity or inventory for fluctuating demand. Parle can improvement by using passive or proactive approach for better innovation and sustenance against rise in competitions. Parle should Constantly compare their order-losing sensitive qualifiers with their competitors, since a slight change in the environment can cause them to start losing market share. B) PROCESS PERFORMANCE SOLUTION Lack of flexibility Costlier to maintain the equipments Reset of process line. Operation volumes. Quality conformance level after every stage. There should be constant change in operation for better improvements. Equipments, which are not essential should be should out or should be leased rather buying the equipments. Different operation should be maintained line for different range of product instead of reset after the end of the every process. Reduction in depletion and the changeover and set-up times for manufacturing process. To maintain the operation volume labour and material should be properly utilised. Parle should build control system rather than conformance at each stage C) INVENTORY SOLUTION Cost of in-process inventory Handling of inventory Storage capacity Holding of inventory To reduce cost of the inventory Casual analysis should be done and inventory should be group into corporate, decoupling, cycle, pipeline and buffer for better handling and increase in the storage capacity to hold the inventory. D) SUPPLY SOLUTION Fluctuation cost of raw material E.g. sugar. Maintaining loyal suppliers due rise in demand. Slow technological up gradation compared to competitors. Parle should adopt the release cash method where they should delay the payment to suppliers leading to improvisation in operation. Build better relationship for constant supply of raw material, which will help to maintain loyal suppliers. To avoid cost on up-gradation of the technology it should be outsourced. Hill, A. and Hill, T. (2011)
Friday, October 25, 2019
Research Paper on Pakistan :: essays research papers
PAKISTAN I chose to do my research on the customs and lifestyles of Pakistan and their people. It took me quite a while to get in contact with someone who lives there, but once I finally did, I made a friend for life! I was very curious how the Pakistani’s felt about Americans, and if I could get an honest answer from someone there. My friend â€Å"Hussain†assured me that although there are extremists, just as there are everywhere, who take their hatred for America, and for any other country that they feel â€Å"threatened†by, and use it to destroy innocent peoples lives. For instance, like the suicide bombers that we hear of so often, they would be considered â€Å"extremists†. As far as the â€Å"common people†as Hussain put it, they understand that our government (meaning President Bush and his administration) is doing what must be done in order to protect the citizens and/or the â€Å"common people†of America. I didn’t have as much time to correspond with Hussain before this research paper was due, as I would have liked too, I look forward to continue learning about the lifestyles and customs there. It’s amazing to learn how different people’s lives are depending on what culture they live in. I had so many questions for Hussain, but I was also afraid that I would overstep my boundaries by asking certain questions, therefore I tried to be very careful in the way I worded things. It’s very easy to tell even through an e-mail that he has a very distinct accent, however, he does speak good English. He told me that he was married and had 3 children. He was born in Sindh, Pakistan, which I later found out that Sindh is a â€Å"State†like â€Å"Oklahoma†. He got his education and graduated in 1991. (He did not say whether or not that meant high school, or college) He was married in 1994, through an arranged marriage. His parents picked out this young lad y for him, and he said that through time, he did learn to love her very much, and that he was grateful to have a â€Å"success story†. He did say, however, that his wife was NOT educated, and therefore it was difficult for her to do anything, as far as working, outside the home. She stays home with the children. His oldest son is in the 3rd grade, and the younger two have not yet started school.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Back of the Bus Theory
Why do African Americans still continue to sit towards the back of the bus 60 years later? It is a very baffling question that deserves an answer. History tells us through well scripted documentation dating back to the civil rights movements of Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks; that African Americans were determined to be treated as equal human beings and demanded their place in society through non-violent protests. With these facts still lingering in the minds of pioneers and elders of a generation almost completely extinct, an individual has to wonder; could this be the long-term results of a particular type of mental programming, or is it considered cool amongst a lost generation to sit towards the back of the bus now? During an era where African Americans were not considered equal by the majority of whites in the southern states, it was difficult to maintain in a time of injustice, inequality, and uncertainty. Most, if not every establishment in the south, had become completely segregated, and to be born an African American during those times was considered a sin punishable by man-made laws that swore to protect and serve the American people. African Americans were considered second rate citizens, who were bullied and made examples of on a daily basis; none of which, has changed much given our present conditions. Now you probably might be thinking; what does this have to do with African Americans and the back of the bus theory? Subconsciously, African Americans have reverted back to and are taking their rightful place near the rear of the society. Sounds crazy, but does this only occur in urban areas, or maybe this is something that travels beyond the inner-cities? What is the cause of such non-coherent behavior within a race that struggled for years in solving such a problem? Is this problem fixable and if so, how do we get to the root? African Americans have been programmed to think, respond, and act in such a manner without even being aware of it taking place. Thus, the classic and operant conditioning of the mind can reach full potential without any disruption from the test subjects. For example, when African Americans were brought to America several hundred years ago and traded as slaves and so forth, they had to be broken of all positive and mental spirits. As time passes, slave owners and masters rebuilt the slave mind; supplying and relaying only the necessary information to the test subject to be carried out. This is done to ensure control is maintained at all times, thus maximizing the work output, and minimizing the escape count. But like most experiments conducted on humans beings (e. g. Monarch Programming, Mk-Ultra) it tends to suffer from some sort of glitch over a period of time and the results can be devastating. The unconditioned stimulus and response along with the conditioned stimulus and response plays a major role with most if not all African American teenagers and young adults who travel on life’s public transportation system. Identity is hard to acquire when young adults are constantly swarmed by outside influences, and personal experience tends to be the best teacher when searching for one’s own self. The same way fashion trends are set by major corporations and followed by most if not all Americans; are the very same techniques used when seat selection comes into play for our generation. Now analyze this fact, Rosa Parks refused to give her seat up during the mid-late 1950’s due to inequality and injustice of this system. This would be considered the unconditioned stimulus. She refused to adhere to certain rules, guidelines, and regulations set forth, and the publicity generated from this never before seen uprising sparked controversy amongst her African American peers to follow suit. The uprising in African Americans is considered the unconditioned response in this particular case. The conditioned stimulus is simple to identify. The refusal of Rosa Parks paired with the civil rights protest of that era would result in the famous boycott of the Alabama public bus system thus creating the conditioned response. If this is known to be true, then why have African American teenagers and young adults adapted the back of the bus mentality after all of this has taken place? Scientists and researchers love to conduct experiments when faced with situations that have multiple answers. If your child has uncontrolled and irregular bowel movements, you consult with your local physician; he/she will run test to determine the cause, where and how it originated, and propose to you options for resolution. Sometimes these solutions are on point, and sometimes they misdiagnose the symptoms. The solution that was proposed during the days of Rosa Parks was obviously temporary or misdiagnosed considering personal opinions and views. People say once you learn how to ride a bike you never forget, well what if someone never taught you how to ride a bike would you know how to ride one? Animal instincts are something that we as human beings possess naturally; so in order for an individual to understand one’s actions, we must look towards the instructor who has influence over the individual majority of the time. This will definitely determine the individuals’ behavioral patterns, and ultimately speaks on who that person will become in the future. The nature and nurture theory solidifies that statement. So, how does this coincide with African Americans and the back of the bus theory? Take police dogs for instance, they are use for a variety of missions, but the key point here, is that these specific creatures are trained day in and day out to be aggressive and attack on command. With this being stated, human beings can become mentally trained to perform specific tasks on command through the subconscious without being fully aware; hence the back of the bus theory. In conclusion, the experiences of our past can change our future if we choose to alter it. What our values, aspirations, and goals are can definitely be a deciding factor in where we choose to sit on life’s public bus.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
How does Macbeth’s and Lady Macbeth’s relationship change throughout the course of the play? Essay
Witches nowadays are seen as a bit of a joke and a laugh since they are used for entertainment like in the ‘Harry Potter’ novels, or when it is Halloween and children (and sometimes even adults) dress up as witches for fun or for trick and treating. Overall, Witches in modern times are not taken seriously but people were a lot more superstitious back when Queen Elizabeth I reigned as Queen of England; people in those times had a real fear and belief of witches. Their superstition was the product of the church’s teachings, yet, when Queen Elizabeth died and the new King James I of England and Scotland, succeeded to the throne; he was someone who was both obsessed and intrigued by witches. This new King was fascinated by the subject, a fact that William Shakespeare had to take on board. Shakespeare had to impress King James in order to enter his good books and keep his high status and wealth. This is because William Shakespeare was Queen Elizabeth’s official playwright and when she died, he risked losing his living and high social status. By using his playwright’s talents, some background research on the King’s ancestors and his fascination of witches to his advantage, he created his infamous play, ‘Macbeth’, which captured King James’ attention and kept Shakespeare as the official playwright. Macbeth was a successful soldier in the army of King Duncan. After the battle, Macbeth meets three witches who tell him that he is to become Thane of Cawdor and King. As part of the same prophecy, the Witches predict that future Kings will be descended not from Macbeth but from his fellow army captain, Banquo. â€Å"(First Witch) All hail Macbeth, hail to thee Thane of Glamis. (Second Witch) All hail Macbeth, hail to thee Thane of Cawdor. (Third Witch) All hail Macbeth, that shalt be King hereafter†. Banquo also receives a prophecy from the witches, â€Å"Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none†. Shortly after, Macbeth receives news that King Duncan has honoured him with the title, Thane of Cawdor. Although initially prepared to wait for fate to take its course, Macbeth is ambitious and sudden confusion arises when King Duncan nominates his son Malcolm as his heir. Macbeth is tempted and writes to his wife giving her the news. Lady Macbeth, upon hearing Macbeth’s promotion, calls upon evil spirits to help them achieve greatness; she dabbles with the dark arts and performs witchcraft in order to help her and her husband make the witches’ prophecies come true. It is here that we see Lady Macbeth’s true colours, it shows us that she is the more ambitious of the two as she has immediately taken steps to fulfill the prophecy and that she is the one who is more dominant in her actions. â€Å"Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt be what thou art promis’d: yet do I fear thy nature, it is too full o’ th’ milk of humane kindness, to catch the nearest way.†(Act 1, Scene 5) Returning to his castle, Macbeth’s ambitious wife, Lady Macbeth, tells her husband of her plan to murder Duncan and persuades Macbeth. It is here that we see the status of their relationship and realize that Lady Macbeth is â€Å"wearing the trousers†in this relationship. She is in control and can easily manipulate her husband. Macbeth realises that the murder of the king is the quickest way to achieve the destiny that her husband had been promised and when King Duncan pays a royal visit to Macbeth’s castle, Lady Macbeth sees this as the perfect opportunity to bring the prophecy to life. It is here that we see the dramatic irony take place. Both Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and the audience know that King Duncan will die once he stays over at Macbeth’s, but King Duncan himself does not know that his fate has been sealed. Here, we see the couple call each other endearments, for example, Macbeth calls Lady Macbeth â€Å"My dearest love†(Act 1, Scene 5), which suggests that they are a loving couple but at first Macbeth hesitates about killing King Duncan and Lady Macbeth is outraged, she takes control and scolds him, prevailing upon him again and again, which shows us she pushes and blackmails him revealing the positions in their relationship. She questions his manhood, â€Å"When you durst do it,†she says, â€Å"then you were a man†. Lady Macbeth wins out, she drugs the guards of the king’s bedchamber; then, at a given signal, Macbeth ascends to the King’s room and murders him while he sleeps. Lady Macbeth says she could not have killed King Duncan because he resembled her father, a figure which Lady Macbeth loved and cared for. â€Å"Had he not resembled My father as he slept, I had done’t†. Haunted by what he has done, Macbeth is once more scolded by his wife. It is here that we see Macbeth weaken and Lady Macbeth take almost complete control of their relationship. Suddenly, both are alarmed by a loud knocking at the castle door, but again, it is Lady Macbeth who takes control. The drunken porter of Macbeth’s castle opens the door to Macduff, a loyal follower of the king, who has been asked to awaken Duncan in preparation for the return journey. Macbeth, concealing the bloody truth, signals the location of the King’s room and Macduff heads towards it. He discovered the King’s body. When the murder is revealed, Macbeth kills the prime witnesses, the sleepy guards of the king’s bedchamber, and Lady Macbeth faints. The lords of Scotland present, including Macbeth, swear to avenge the murder. The King’s two sons flee in fear that they might be next, and this action raises suspicion that they might be the culprits. Donalbain flees to Ireland and Malcolm flees to raise an army in England. Macbeth is crowned the new king of Scotland, but, because of Banquo’s knowledge of the witches’ prophecy, Macbeth sees no other choice but to kill his friend, Banquo and his son Fleance, as he will be the successor after Macbeth. They both pose a threat to Macbeth but Macbeth does not tell Lady Macbeth of his plans this time, this shows he still cares for her and does not want her hands to be covered in blood anymore, thus taking on a more dominant role in their relationship. The hired murderers kill Banquo but Fleance escapes. At a banquet that night, Macbeth sees Banquo’s ghost at the dinner table and the audience see Macbeth weaken greatly as the ghost appears. Again, his wife tries to strengthen Macbeth. We see Lady Macbeth showing some of her irritation towards Macbeth, she is genuinely worried about him as she cannot see what he can and is trying to calm him, but on the other hand, she is also scolding him, desperate to save her neck and his, as she is trying to stop him from confessing Duncan’s murder. â€Å"O proper stuff: This is the very painting of your fear: This is the air-drawn dagger which you said Led you to Duncan. O, these flaws and starts (Imposters to true fear) would well become A woman’s story, at a winter’s fire Authoriz’d by her grandma: shame itself, Why do you make such faces? When all’s done You look but on a stool.†(Act 3, Scene 4). In the next scene, Macbeth returns to the Witches. The Witches not only confirm that the sons of Banquo will rule in Scotland, but they also add a new prophecy: Macbeth will be invincible in battle until the time when the forest of Birnam moves towards his stronghold at Dunsinane, â€Å"Macbeth shall never be vanquish’d be, until Great Birnam Wood, to high Dunsinane Hill Shall come against him.†(Act 4, Scene 1). They also predict that no man born of a woman shall hurt Macbeth, â€Å"Be bloody, bold and resolute: Laugh to scorn The power of man: for none of woman born shall harm Macbeth.†(Act 4, Scene 1). Ignoring both of these predictions because he thought they were nonsense, Macbeth prepares for invasion. When he is told that Macduff has deserted him, Macbeth begins the final stage of his tragic descent. His first move is the destruction of Macduff’s family; his wife and children. In England, Macduff receives the news at the very moment that he swears his allegiance to the young Malcolm. Malcolm persuades him that the murder of his family should act as the spur to revenge, â€Å"Be comforted. Let’s make medicines of our great revenge, To cure this deadly grief.†Meanwhile, in Scotland, Lady Macbeth has been taken ill: She walks in her sleep and seems to recall, in fragmentary memories, the details of the murder. It is here that she has no control over their relationship, moreover, her own sanity. Macbeth hears of her sanity deteriorating, yet he does not sound like he cares in the slightest, he sounds cold, emotionless, all he does is tell the doctor to â€Å"Cleanse the stuff’d bosom, of that perilous stuff Which weighs upon the heart†. In the end, she eventually falls to her death from the castle’s battlements. We do not know whether it was her insanity that caused her suicide, or the evil spirits that consumed her soul. Macbeth hears her scream, as he is informed of Lady Macbeth’s death, he acts as if he doesn’t care, he cold-heartedly said â€Å"she should have died hereafter†, his speech is pessimistic and full of despair which spells the end of their once loving relationship. Malcolm’s attacking army is advancing while Macbeth’s defenses are preparing. When Malcolm’s army disguise themselves with sawn-off branches from Birnam Wood, Macbeth sees what appears to be a wood moving towards his stronghold at Dunsinane. When he finally meets Macduff in single combat, his sworn enemy reveals that he came into the world by caesarean section; he was not, precisely speaking, â€Å"of woman born†, (Act 4, Scene 1). On hearing this news, Macbeth rejects one final time the Witches’ prophecy. With a loud cry, he launches himself at Macduff and is slain thus revealing the final twist to this tragedy. In the final scene, Malcolm is crowned as the new king of Scotland, to the acclaim of all. At first, Macbeth had a casual, loving relationship with Lady Macbeth. However, both their ambitions led them astray. Firstly, the relationship began to change when Macbeth became more dominant. This was when he ordered Banquo and his son Fleance murdered. â€Å"Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chuck†, by saying this, not only is Macbeth protecting his wife, he is also taking on a more dominant role in their relationship. Clearly, he still loves his wife as he is protecting her. However, there is another twist in their marriage. In act 3 scene 4, we see the appearance of Banquo’s ghost at the banquet which only Macbeth can see, because of this; Macbeth is reduced to a weak, helpless man. Meanwhile, his wife, unsure of what is going on, appears to be sure footed and most definitely stronger than her husband. She scolds him and questions his manhood, â€Å"Are you a man?†Drawing to the end of the play, we see Macbeth take control again, while Lady Macbeth is slowly deteriorating along with her relationship to Macbeth, her mind is flooded with guilt and paranoia. We see the end of their relationship when Lady Macbeth falls off the battlements of the castle to her death. We do not know whether it was her guilt that caused her to commit suicide, or the evil spirits consuming her soul and driving her to die. Macbeth feels no emotion upon hearing of her death; instead he says life is meaningless and has no purpose, â€Å"is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.†This is the end of their relationship. The audience initially has a good impression of their relationship. They called each other endearments and protected each other. In act 3, scene 2, we see Macbeth protecting his wife from finding out the bloody truth, even though he had performed evil deeds, the audience would’ve thought of him as a ‘good person’ or a loving husband beneath the blood stained ambition. In act 1, scene 5 however, Lady Macbeth reveals her true colours by calling forth evil spirits to aid her ambition to kill Duncan. Also, in act 4, scene 1, we see Macbeth’s true colours when he meets the witches for help. The audience now sees him as too deep in the blood for him to carry on, his time will come. When Lady Macbeth dies, he shows coldness, which creates hatred from the audience towards Macbeth. Indeed, his time comes, when he faces Macduff, and is slain. The audience now sees the classic victory over evil, performed by the good. In conclusion, Macbeth’s relationship with lady Macbeth slowly deteriorates throughout the course of the play, it seems that the more blood drenched onto Macbeth’s hand, the more dominant he grew and this weakened Lady Macbeth’s mental state. The audience sees them as a loving couple at first, calling each other endearments protecting each other, but their actions caught up with them, and they faced the consequences of meddling with the evil spirits. Their relationship is like a candle, slowly burning, burning through the wax, slowly deteriorating, until there is nothing left.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Making Affiliates The Most Valuable Weapon In Your Marketing Arsenal
Making Affiliates The Most Valuable Weapon In Your Marketing Arsenal We’ve talked about influencer marketing and referral marketing. Now, it’s time to talk about affiliate marketing. With all these types of marketing, where does one end and the other begin? They’re all related, but each is a little different. Today, we’re talking to Arlen Robinson, chief operating officer and co-founder of OmniStar Interactive. Arlen describes the differences between types of marketing, how to set up a structured program for affiliate marketing, and how to recruit and create incentives to bring affiliates on board. Affiliate Marketing: People who are outside affiliates, not customers, promote your business, products, and services Referral Marketing: Your customers who refer your business to people they know Influencer Marketing: Someone who has their own audience and following Every business should implement an affiliate or referral program because of stats Due to abundant shopping options being available, consumers get overwhelmed Create an affiliate program by defining reasonable goals and promotional strategies, as well as ways to measure success Find and recruit affiliates via online directories and social media; be competitive and get their attention by offering sizeable incentives cash is king Other incentives could include offering products, merchandise, and gift cards Affordable solutions are available to internally track and manage sales, payment process, and content influenced by individual affiliates Use a viral loop to create a constant flow into your affiliate and referral programs Links: Omnistar Interactive How To Avoid The Most Costly Mistake In Influencer Marketing With Shane Barker [AMP 115] PayPal Openinfluence Izea What topics and guests should be on AMP? Send your suggestions! If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Arlen Robinson: â€Å"An affiliate program is when you get people to promote your business.†â€Å"Just like any decision that you make in a business, it’s always best to back your decisions on data.†â€Å"There’s a ton of options. For the consumer, things can be kind of overwhelming. That’s why the growth of affiliate and referral marketing has really exploded.†â€Å"You want to make it so these affiliates and these referral partners just have to hit the easy button.†These days, theres several marketplace type of sites out there that are a kind of a network between businesses and influencers.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on The Euro
It?s coming! It?s Coming! And now its here the Euro Prior to 1999 the EU countries (Austria, Belgium, Ireland, Finland, Germany, Italy, Greece, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Portugal and Spain) all had their own currencies. That all changed on January 1, 1999 the euro became the official currency; however the transition was not an easy one. The introduction of the euro, Europe?s single currency has been in the planning and preparation stage for over ten years. One of the reasons for such the long wait was the skepticism of the mere idea of a single currency that the euro brought about globally. The idea came about in the early 1970?s but was tabled due to a rise in oil prices. Again in the early 1980?s the idea surfaced again and was agreed upon in 1992 by the Maastricht Treaty. After the agreement there were certain criteria that each country had to adopt, such as a controlled rate of inflation and the debt/GDP ratio. These things had to be accomplished in order be apart of the euro and have a smooth transition to the new currency. From a global aspect there were many doubts about the change in currency. The way businesses conduct themselves, the way people travel and the way corporations and companies invest their money will all be effected. However the bigger question is how it will affect the US, especially in relation to trade. Due to the interdependence of American businesses there already exist a positive relationship between America and Europe, which has helped in the transition. When it comes to trade, cost have been significantly reduced based on an end to currency conversion and the fees that exist from cross-boarder trade. This leads to the ability for large businesses to save money and increase their profits. There is also a benefit for small business based on the opportunity for international trade. In addition there will be a birth of price transparency which will lead to increased competition. Thus consume... Free Essays on The Euro Free Essays on The Euro It?s coming! It?s Coming! And now its here the Euro Prior to 1999 the EU countries (Austria, Belgium, Ireland, Finland, Germany, Italy, Greece, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Portugal and Spain) all had their own currencies. That all changed on January 1, 1999 the euro became the official currency; however the transition was not an easy one. The introduction of the euro, Europe?s single currency has been in the planning and preparation stage for over ten years. One of the reasons for such the long wait was the skepticism of the mere idea of a single currency that the euro brought about globally. The idea came about in the early 1970?s but was tabled due to a rise in oil prices. Again in the early 1980?s the idea surfaced again and was agreed upon in 1992 by the Maastricht Treaty. After the agreement there were certain criteria that each country had to adopt, such as a controlled rate of inflation and the debt/GDP ratio. These things had to be accomplished in order be apart of the euro and have a smooth transition to the new currency. From a global aspect there were many doubts about the change in currency. The way businesses conduct themselves, the way people travel and the way corporations and companies invest their money will all be effected. However the bigger question is how it will affect the US, especially in relation to trade. Due to the interdependence of American businesses there already exist a positive relationship between America and Europe, which has helped in the transition. When it comes to trade, cost have been significantly reduced based on an end to currency conversion and the fees that exist from cross-boarder trade. This leads to the ability for large businesses to save money and increase their profits. There is also a benefit for small business based on the opportunity for international trade. In addition there will be a birth of price transparency which will lead to increased competition. Thus consume... Free Essays on The Euro Invirtiendo en la bolsa de los valores  ¿Quà © es la bolsa de los valores? La mayorà a de la gente tiemblan de miedo a la idea de invertir sus ahorros en la bolsa de valores. Estas personas creen que la bolsa es un tema demasiado complicado para ellos. Estn equivocados. La bolsa de inversiones es simplemente una red organizada para el intercambio de propiedad de las compaà ±Ãƒ as pà ºblicas. Todo comienza con una empresa que quiere conseguir fondos para su negocio. Esta corporacià ³n emite acciones lo que representa propiedad verdadera en su negocio. Con el propà ³sito de obtener la mayor cantidad de capital, la compaà ±Ãƒ a ofrece sus acciones para vender và a un ministerio de comercio que tiene exposicià ³n a una poblacià ³n grande de inversionistas. Entonces, à ©ste ministerio de comercio facilita los cambios de las acciones entre los compradores y vendedores dispuestos. Conceptos importantes Se tiene que dominar algunos conceptos bsicos para comprender como funciona la bolsa y como invertir en ella. Dueà ±o Verdadero. La idea ms importante es que cuando Ud. invierte en una compaà ±Ãƒ a Ud. es, en hecho, un dueà ±o parcial de la compaà ±Ãƒ a. Esto significa que comparte los à ©xitos y fracasos financieros de la compaà ±Ãƒ a. Cuando la compaà ±Ãƒ a dà © un paso malo, el valor de su inversià ³n desciende. Cuando se realice una accià ³n positiva, el valor de su inversià ³n aumenta. Riesgo. La prà ³xima idea para captar es que todas las inversiones tienen un elemento de riesgo. Esta realidad deriva del hecho que nada es cierto en los negocios, y su inversià ³n no representa nada ms que participacià ³n en un negocio. La tolerancia de riesgo por parte de un inversionista esta premiada con el potencial de ganancias grandes. Generalmente, a mayor riesgo que acompaà ±a a una inversià ³n, a mayor rendimiento potencial ofrece la inversià ³n. Este rà ©dito es bien merecido porque pone su dinero en mucho peligro por invertir en los valores que no son ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Saying Could in Spanish Using Poder and Other Verbs
Saying Could in Spanish Using Poder and Other Verbs Although the English auxiliary verb could is typically thought of as the past tense of the verb can, it shouldnt always be translated to Spanish as a past tense of poder. Could usually can be translated as a form of poder (a verb typically meaning to be able), however. Following are some of the common ways that could is used in English and various ways the idea can be expressed in Spanish. Translating Could When It Means Was Able or Were Able Usually, you can use the preterite tense of poder if youre talking about a one-time event or a specific period in time, but the imperfect tense should be used if youre talking about an indefinite period. The miner couldnt leave the tunnel. El minero no pudo salir del tà ºnel. (The sentence refers to an ability that existed at a particular and limited time, so the preterite is used.)I couldnt leave the city more than once a year. Yo no podà a salir de la ciudad ms que una vez por aà ±o. (The sentence refers to a ability that existed over an indefiite time, so the imperfect is used.)We could always count on him for advice. Siempre podà amos contar con à ©l para sugerencias.After five hours I could finally do it. Despuà ©s de cinco horas por fin pude hacerlo.I thought I could do it better. Pensà © que yo podà a hacerlo mejor.Couldnt you see the solar eclipse?  ¿No pudiste ver el eclipse solar? Although the distinction isnt always a clear one, if by saying was able or were able you mean knew how to, the verb saber is often preferable, usually in the imperfect tense: Obviously, he thought I could drive. Obviamente, à ©l creà a que yo sabà a manejar.We could make fantastic sand castles. Sabà amos construir fantsticos castillos de arena. Translating Could as a Suggestion or Request In English we often use could as a substitute for can in order to be polite or to soften the tone of what were saying. You can do much the same thing in Spanish by using the conditional tense of poder, although often the present tense works just as well. For example, to say, You could come with me to fish for trout, you could say either Puedes ir conmigo a pescar truchas or Podrà as ir conmigo a pescar truchas. Translating Expressions Such as If I Could Expressions such as if I could usually use the imperfect subjunctive: If I could turn back time, I wouldnt have answered the telephone. Si yo pudiera regresar el tiempo, no habrà a contestado el telà ©fono.If he could eat cake instead of vegetables he would be very happy. Si à ©l pudiera comer el postre en vez de vegetales à ©l serà a muy feliz.If we could see it, we would buy it. Si pudià ©ramos verlo, lo comprarà amos. Discussing What Could Have Been A common way of saying that something could have been, but wasnt, is to use the preterite of poder followed by haber. If something might have occurred over an indefinite time, the imperfect might also be used. It could have been worse. Pudo haber sido peor.The team could have been much more aggressive. El equipo pudo haber sido mucho ms agresivo.With more time, we could have eliminated more of the mistakes. Con ms tiempo, pudià ©ramos haber eliminado algunos ms de los errores.They could have saved my son. Podà an haber a mi hijo. Translating Could in Expressions of Possibility Various expressions of possibility can often be used to translate could when it means that something is possible. Often the present tense of poder can be used as well. One way to translate sentences using could in that way is to think of an alternative way of expressing the idea in English, and then translating to Spanish. The following translations arent the only ones possible: They could be the same person. Es posible que sean las mismas personas. (Literally, it is possible that they are the same persons.)It could be my imagination. Posiblemente sea mi imaginacià ³n. (Literally, it is possible that it is my imagination.)I could leave now. Ahora puedo salir. (Literally, I can leave now.)If we want to, we could take a walk through the city. Si queremos, podemos dar un paseo por la ciudad. (Literally, if we want to, we can take a walk through the city.)
Saturday, October 19, 2019
IT Oversight Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
IT Oversight - Case Study Example Consequently, these issues have created greater demand for the organizations to adopt effective IT governance and address the issue of oversight in order to effectively deal with the emerging issues. Presently, companies are identified to face problems in the area of IT governance and oversight framework with respect to proper management and maintenance of existing IT infrastructure. Additionally, companies fail to understand the importance of IT in formulating organizational strategies. Due to increased complication associated with management of IT infrastructure, companies are witnessed to be challenged with ensuring reliability, security and quality of the existing IT system which are deemed to be important for carrying out the day- to-day operations of a company. Companies lacking knowledge about IT infrastructure are unaware regarding software, information and hardware that are owned and implemented, which in return is affecting the companies from leveraging the best outcome from their IT investment. The failure of companies to review reliability and security measures has led to service disruption. There is also the issue of inappropriate project management system owing to which companies are identified to face problems in tracking inventory, orders and revenues. A number of organizations are also identified to face IT-related issue in relation to the implementation of legacy system. Inappropriateness of legacy system adversely affects accounting department of companies in updating as well as accounting financial information and other relevant data due to which data might become out-of-date. Companies are also under the threat of legal problem of intellectual property which in turn is causing a rise in distraction costs and affecting business inefficiency (Nolan & McFarlan, 2005). Companies are required to develop a matrix based on which the management might be able to determine the position of the
Friday, October 18, 2019
Mabeche Company Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Mabeche Company - Term Paper Example Although with the tricky operating surroundings, particularly throughout the summer of the year 2013 and rising competition in the segment, the Mabeche Group was competent to attain remarkable financial outcomes that reflect positively on the company’s on-going revolution schemes and strong routine from our entire auxiliary in the region. The revolution plan initiated by the director’s board in the financial year is yielding incredibly fine results for the company’s dealings and transactions. The chief focal point of the plan is to amplify business yield, improve innovational activities, improve quality of clients’ service and raise the company’s market shareholding. The good results were anchored on multiplied market share, robust performance from all regional businesses and therefore the reduction in the company’s cost to the financial gain magnitude and attributable to improved efficiencies in our operations.The accountant and the bookkeep ers normally set up the annual and monthly financial reports and statements for distribution to the manager in charge of operations. The reports and statements include: income statement, balance sheet, and expenses budgeted report for every program in the company’s dealings, accounts receivable register, accounts owed register, cash flow projection, and other requested and related reports (Greuning, 2006). Periodic and annual financial reports will be delivered to the Committee of Finance and of Directors Board for review and endorsement.
Managing Rental Property Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Managing Rental Property - Essay Example Property management is an uphill task, may it be rental, commercial or residential. There are different professional agencies that can do the management task for the owners but the choice of opting for professional help or taking the responsibility on your own is purely individual. There are definitely certain advantages of seeking help from the agencies as it makes various tasks hassle free but it has its own limitations like the increased expenses. Many dreams and expectations are set while buying a property. It is a very important investment and when handled properly, land can yield good profits for the owner. Having one home for personal use, if a family is able to buy another one or a commercial land, it can earn huge rental income and facilitate the owners pay their own mortgage and save the rest for the home. Rent can be an added income for the family. But any problems with the tenants like non- payment of the regular rent, the same property can prove to be an extra burden on the finances of the family. It can turn disastrous for the economic balance of the owner and result in a stressful life instead of easing out the burden. So proper property management and planning for all the risks beforehand is very important, may it be on personal or professional front (Washington "What It Takes To Be A Landlord - managing rental properties | Black Enterprise |
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Transcendentalism in Thoreaus Walden Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Transcendentalism in Thoreaus Walden - Essay Example Surrounded by forest, it was and remains a peaceful town, close enough to Boston's lectures, book-stores, and colleges to be intensely cultivated, but far away enough to be serene. Concord was the first rural artist's colony, and the first place to offer a spiritual and cultural alternative to American materialism. It was a place of high-minded conversation and simple living (Emerson and Thoreau both had vegetable gardens). Emerson, who moved to Concord in 1834, and Thoreau are most closely associated with the town, but the locale also attracted Hawthorne, Fuller, Alcott and Channing. The transcendental club was loosely organized in 1836. Unlike many European groups, the Transcendentalists never issued a manifesto. They insisted on individual differences - on the unique view point of the individual. American writers often saw themselves as lonely explorers outside society and convention. It is the writing of Thoreau and of Emerson that has been the most enduring product of American transcendentalism. Thoreau and Emerson's friendship blossomed during the autumn after Thoreau returned home from college in 1837. "Emerson was then at the height of his intellectual and creative powers. His philosophy of striving and self-reliance strongly attracted Thoreau, who had the good fortune to be granted the society of America's leading progressive thinker just as he began his career." (Cafaro, Philip. Thoreau's Living Ethics: Walden and the Pursuit of Virtue.) Thoreau accepted Emerson as his mentor and began to keep a journal on his suggestion. Emerson criticized Thoreau's articles and sent them across to different editors, with mixed reviews. He provided the site for Thoreau's experiments at Walden Pond. While Emerson was disseminating his mature philosophy, Thoreau was still trying to formulate his own message, acquire the necessary skills to write creatively and gain a footho ld so that he could at least make his ends meet. Given Thoreau's extreme individualism and his sense of independence, this relationship of dependence was bound to give rise to discontent. The two men were two different personalities and differed greatly in temperament. Emerson was active socially whereas Thoreau preferred to his solitary mode. Emerson owned some property and was a family man, which made him regard the social norms with some respect. Thoreau on the other hand, was explicitly critical of what he considered hypocrisy, pettiness, and herd mentality. Quite naturally, these personality clashes gave way to grave intellectual differences: "one of their first recorded quarrels occurred during an afternoon walk when Thoreau, noting the proliferation of fences along the road, declared that he would not abide by them, as he had as much right to "God's earth" as anyone. Emerson responded with a defense of the institution of private property. Harmon smith suggests that Emerson's subsequent essay, "The Protest", was directed towards Thoreau. In it, Emerson warns aspiring youths of the dangers of letting their frustrations at society's shortcomings consume their time and talents." (Cafaro, Philip. Thoreau's Living Ethics: Walden and the Pursuit of Virtue.) Gradually, when Thoreau began to think on his own, their relationship was further strained. "Emerson was a generous open-minded man, but as
Domestic Architecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Domestic Architecture - Essay Example The general plan of the houses, is very similar to the buildings of the Tudor period One of the distinguishing features of this style is that the second story projects out slightly over the first. The corners of the house are decorated with little suspended pendant-like ornaments. Both these features are typical of the medieval fashion, where the second floor would project out, and a little into the street. The website also says that it would appear that buildings so fashioned were considered more 'formal' and 'fancier'. Yet another distinguishing feature of this style is the asymmetry of the house As the article, 'Colonial Architecture' points out the Parson Capen House, was among the more modest dwellings of that time. The front door of the Parson Capen house is not quite in the center of the wall, but slightly to the right, thus asymmetrical. Also like other colonial structures, the second floor projects out. As the article states the house, "is typical of the two-story New England house of overlapping weatherboards. Northern Arizona University tells us that it was in France: that Jefferson learned of Roman architecture and its symbolic association with Greek democracy. With this inspiration, he began reworking the house he had begun in 1769, upon a small mountain, and continued to tear down and re-build it till 1809. The Wikipedia free encyclopedia mentions that Monticello in French means 'little mountain' Jefferson was inspired by the works of Andrea Palladio particularly the Villa Rotunda says the article, 'Classic(al) Revival / Jeffersonian Classicism / Roman Classicism'. Prof Paradis says that the identifying features of this style include a dentil cornice emphasized with wide band of trim, porches, temple-front entryway, and square or rounded columns, usually Doric. Another interesting feature at Monticello is the dome. This style of architecture competed with the Federal style, which was more prevalent and dominant at the time, and which drew its origins from the 'Adamesque' (Georgian) style of architecture. states the article 'Federal Style.' Another feature of this style and period is that windows have a number of small panes of glass because it was difficult to make large pieces of glass. There might be 12, 8, or 6 panes in both the top and bottom window sashes. These features can all be seen in Monticello. Another website with information on Jefferson titled '1768 to 1782 Thomas Jefferson, architect Near Charlottesville, Virginia, USA' says that, "he combined the great European traditions of Palladio with American domesticity." The difference from Palladio, the article says, lay in aspects he introduced to the Monticello like the "long horizontal wings, underground service rooms, and all sorts of "modern" gadgets. " William Low House, Charlottesville, Virginia. (1887) Frank Lloyd Wright 428 Oak Park, Illinois (1889) Shingle style. "A shingled home does not stand on ceremony. It
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
U.S. housing market-boom or bust Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
U.S. housing market-boom or bust - Essay Example The US housing market, once on its boom has witnessed a sharp decline in recent time which in effect has contributed to credit crunch for banks, pressure on currency or value of dollar in US, falling stock market, job cuts and global economic slowdown.But such was not the situation a few years back when the US housing market was at a BOOM.Looking back at the period of boom for the housing market in US we see that the interest rates were low according to the policies of Alan Greenspan, chairman Federal Reserve. In addition to prime loans, a lot of banks gave sub-primes loans to a great number of people. As the sub-prime loans increased, more people invested in property, bought houses to live in or rented them out. This was the time when the property prices were increasing. As the property prices increased, the value of the mortgage also increased, hence this lead to more borrowing and more sub-prime loans while the prices of property continued to increase.All that was happening till n ow was happening for good. But then the housing market took a different direction. The prices of property which was steeply increasing started to look more stable or flatter. This induced speculative buying and attracted a lot of sellers to the market. As the number of sellers increased due to speculation, the prices started to come down. This had a spiral effect and further decreased the prices with more people on the selling side. As the prices reduced, the value of mortgages also decreased often coming to a point lower than the loan provided. With buyers unable to pay back and value of mortgages lowered, the number of defaulters increased. With increased defaulters, the banks also came to the markets to sell the property against which the loans were taken. With more buyers, the sharp decline in housing markets was further ignited bringing the housing market of United States from a boom -to a bust. "Housing sales and prices in 2007 were much weaker than in 2006. The US housing industry in 2007 is in the deepest decline in 16 years." (Victor Sula, 2007) Some people blame the government and the policies for such a meltdown of the housing industry. They think the policies were not right to begin with and now nothing can be done to fix the damage already done. Also they blame the policies for the increased gap between the rich and the poor. This was not the end of the story. The decline of the housing market had further repercussions. With the housing market crashing, the credit worthiness of banks decreased. Increased number of defaulters meant more bad debts. This caused the decline of the stock market which of course affected other sectors as well. Investment was the main target. With the stock market in the home country in not such a good shape, investors started taking their investment outside the United States and foreign investment into United States also declined. This had an immediate effect on the value of dollar. This creates a problem with two solutions but both solutions present a loss to Americans. On the one hand, investors can be attracted by increased interest rates but housing market will go down faster. With lower rates investment will be lower. Also another factor with respect to investment that is taking place is that investors with the lowering price of dollar are investing in commodities like oil and petrol which in their view are safe and as a result the oil prices further increase. "Foreign investment is drying up and the world is no longer eager to purchase America's lavish debt. The only thing the Federal Reserve can do is raise interest rates to attract foreign capital or let the dollar fall in value. (Mike Whitney, 2007) Another effect was felt on the job market. With banks facing a credit crunch, there were a lot of job cuts putting a lot of people on the streets and curtailing their purchasing power. Job cuts were also taking place from other sectors such as automobile which contributed to the slowing down of economy and the houses now are selling much
Domestic Architecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Domestic Architecture - Essay Example The general plan of the houses, is very similar to the buildings of the Tudor period One of the distinguishing features of this style is that the second story projects out slightly over the first. The corners of the house are decorated with little suspended pendant-like ornaments. Both these features are typical of the medieval fashion, where the second floor would project out, and a little into the street. The website also says that it would appear that buildings so fashioned were considered more 'formal' and 'fancier'. Yet another distinguishing feature of this style is the asymmetry of the house As the article, 'Colonial Architecture' points out the Parson Capen House, was among the more modest dwellings of that time. The front door of the Parson Capen house is not quite in the center of the wall, but slightly to the right, thus asymmetrical. Also like other colonial structures, the second floor projects out. As the article states the house, "is typical of the two-story New England house of overlapping weatherboards. Northern Arizona University tells us that it was in France: that Jefferson learned of Roman architecture and its symbolic association with Greek democracy. With this inspiration, he began reworking the house he had begun in 1769, upon a small mountain, and continued to tear down and re-build it till 1809. The Wikipedia free encyclopedia mentions that Monticello in French means 'little mountain' Jefferson was inspired by the works of Andrea Palladio particularly the Villa Rotunda says the article, 'Classic(al) Revival / Jeffersonian Classicism / Roman Classicism'. Prof Paradis says that the identifying features of this style include a dentil cornice emphasized with wide band of trim, porches, temple-front entryway, and square or rounded columns, usually Doric. Another interesting feature at Monticello is the dome. This style of architecture competed with the Federal style, which was more prevalent and dominant at the time, and which drew its origins from the 'Adamesque' (Georgian) style of architecture. states the article 'Federal Style.' Another feature of this style and period is that windows have a number of small panes of glass because it was difficult to make large pieces of glass. There might be 12, 8, or 6 panes in both the top and bottom window sashes. These features can all be seen in Monticello. Another website with information on Jefferson titled '1768 to 1782 Thomas Jefferson, architect Near Charlottesville, Virginia, USA' says that, "he combined the great European traditions of Palladio with American domesticity." The difference from Palladio, the article says, lay in aspects he introduced to the Monticello like the "long horizontal wings, underground service rooms, and all sorts of "modern" gadgets. " William Low House, Charlottesville, Virginia. (1887) Frank Lloyd Wright 428 Oak Park, Illinois (1889) Shingle style. "A shingled home does not stand on ceremony. It
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Economic Development Record Essay Example for Free
Economic Development Record Essay Economies all around the globe develop over time depending on the policies that they undertake to utilise the resources within their boundaries. Nations that utilise their resources experience economic growth and there is great inflow and outflow of goods and services in those nations. Economic growth means that the nation is utilising its resources efficiently and this has resulted into increased productivity within the various sectors of the economy. Industries within the nation increase as a result of the improved economic performance that will result to the creation of more employment opportunities hence reducing unemployment levels in the nation (Daquila 2004). Due to the increase in the number of industries and output in the already existing industries, employment opportunities increase and this brings about a reduction in the number of citizens unemployed. Unemployment is very crucial in calculating a nations GDP which is an indicator to a nations performance. Economic growth depicts an increase in pa capita income. This is the income associated with every individual in the economy although they may not have it in their possession (Daquila 2004). Pa capita income is calculated by dividing the overall value of the economy proportionately divided between the nations overall economy. On the other hand, Daquila (2004) defines economic development as the improvement in the livelihood of individual citizens of a nation together with that of the systems that are in place in the nation. A nations system involves economic, political and social framework from which the economy operates in. All the above plus economic growth defines economic development. Economic performance is measured using various tools that include GNP and GDP. GDP estimates the economic performance giving consideration to internal and external trades (Daquila 2004). In establishing the GDP, consideration is given to consumption in the nation, expenditure by the Government, investments in the nation, trades in the nation that is imports and exports. Consumption comprises of perishable non-perishable goods and services within the nation. In determining the non-perishable goods they are assumed to be products that will last for a period of three years from the date of manufacturing. GNP refers to the difference between imported products and services and the exported products. The value of this difference added to the value of products services generated within the economy results to the GNP. To evaluate the economic performance of a nation, a number of indicators are used to measure exactly how the economy is progressing towards its economic objectives. A nation has to determine the level of consumption of its individual citizens (Todaro 1997). The level of consumption means the proportion an individual spends after receiving their income. The remaining part of the income is saved. The consumption level of a nation determines the amount of savings in the economy. Savings on the other hand, stimulates growth in the economy. When individuals increase their savings, the financial institutions hold more money thus the cost of accessing funds is low. Business entities in the nation are able to access funds at a low cost from the financial institutions. The borrowed funds are used for the expansion of business operations across the industries within the economy. The expansion of business activities results to an increase in national output and employment (Munk OHearn 1999). The increase in national output increases the exports of a nation in respect to its imports. The resulting balance of trade will be positive hence the nation has more in terms of foreign reserves that will assist them when it comes to purchasing produces from other countries. Therefore, savings are very vital for the improvement of the performance of an economy. T o induce savings in the economy, the opportunity cost of saving has to be high so that individuals can adopt a trend of saving since they are compensated bountifully for foregoing consumption. It can be concluded that increase in savings results to an increase in investments that contribute towards the growth of an economy. Increased activity within the economy results to an increase in production levels of the economy (Ros 2000). The nation is able to produce more products services, that are able to meet the needs of the nations population. Since the products are locally manufactured, they are quite affordable thus individuals are able to spend less and save more. This results to an increase in the real income that individuals have in their pockets and are ready to spend. It should be noted that increased production has to be met by equal consumption otherwise it could result to losses that will hurt the economy. Depending on the expansion of the economy, rates of unemployment adjust themselves in more or less the same rates. Increased production will require an increase in manpower that will be able to maintain the production levels. Nations with large populations face a major challenge in absorbing its citizens in the workforce. Individual citizens for a start need to have the relevant skills required to perform in different industries. Education in these economies has to be committed and directed towards instilling individuals with the necessary skills that will be useful in rendering service to the various sectors of the economy. A skilled population results to economic development since the individuals are prone to exercise their skill base towards living a better life thus contributing to the economys growth. Economic development depends also on the expenditure of the nations authority (Preston 1999). The government consists of various departments that oversee the implementation of policies that improve the state of the economy. These departments are given the financial power to implement and improve on the various economic aspects for example the development of basic infrastructure within the economy. In improving the infrastructure, the government releases money from its coffers to the public. This way, the supply of money increases to equal its demand. In most cases, when the Government spends on its development programs, money supply is more than the money demanded. If this situation is allowed to go unchecked it might result to inflation and later to stagflation; a situation where both the unemployment and inflation rates are so high. Therefore, Government involvement in an economy has to be considered carefully when undertaking development projects. Increased rates of production in an economy increases the output levels that may go over and beyond in meeting the local demand. Having satisfied the local demand, excess products can be exported to other nations. This facilitates international trade where nations exchange commodities they have in excess for commodities they do not have. Nations should avoid importing more and exporting less as this leads to a negative trade balance. This means that the nation spends more in foreign currency than it receives. Third world and developing nations should consider the above variables if they are to achieve spurred economic growth. They most important is to ensure that their population is skilled so that they can utilise their skills by establishing some income generating activity that will create employment opportunities and increase the total production of their economy. MALAYSIA. The present day Malaysia attained independence in the 1957 from the British administration and accorded the sovereign status in 1963 (Malaysia 2008). The Britons established themselves in early 1880s and later went on to control the state by establishing a self governing authority for the Malaysian people. The Federal States of Malaysia were incorporated in the 1895. The states were under the British control until when the Japanese invaded in 1942. Britain waged war over Japan and in 1945 the states where reinstated under the jurisdiction of the British. In 1948, guerilla movements begun protesting against the colonial authority that resulted to an emergency declaration. In 1965, the Federation state of Singapore disintegrated from the member nations opting for self governance. 1957 saw the attaining of independence of the Federation from the British authorities. In the late 1960s, the Malaysian government sought to balance the economy among its nationals so as to attain economic development by equal distribution of national wealth among its constituent communities (Malaysia 2007). Malaysia has got a rich culture that is evident from its diverse communities and language speaking citizens. Its population consists of Chinese speakers, Indians, English, among other languages (Malaysia 2007). The large population consists of Malaysian natives alongside Chinese, Indians and other local communities. Malaysia consists of individuals who practise different religious beliefs that include Hindu, Islam, Buddhist, Sikh among other religions. The richness of Malaysia presents it with a competitive workforce than any other nation in the world. The improved economic performance of Malaysia is as a result of a united people from different cultures and not allowing politics to ruin their nation. Malaysia has had to maintain a united nation and focussing on the togetherness of the nation by avoiding self interests. Malaysia is enriched with natural resources that include crude oil and that it has had to deal with the resource in a careful manner to avoid the negative repercussions that result from the unfair distribution of natural resource gains. Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The GDP reflects the total activity in the economy. This considers both the public and private sectors of the economy and their contribution towards the development of the economy. It also takes into consideration the behaviours of the citizens in regards to spending. Malaysias GDP has been increasing constantly from 1998-2008 at a rate of 6- 9 per cent. In 2007, the GDP stood at $357. 4 billion. Malaysias population is slightly higher than 26 million thus giving a pa capita income of $13,300 (UNDP 2008). The GDP in 1986 was at $28. 2 billion. The GDP increase signifies an increase in all major facets of the economy. Government spending has increased from 16. 4 in 1986 to 12. 0 in 2006. The Governments decision to reduce its spending avoids the negative impacts that result when money supply is more than the money demanded in the economy. Key sectors of the economy that have immensely contributed to the GDP are industrial sector that has been a leading contributor since 1986 to 2006 with a percentage of 49. 9 compared to 38. 5 in 1986. Manufacturing follows a close second with 29. 8% in 2006 from 19. 3% in 1986. The provision of services has also reduced from 41. 7% to 41. 3% in 2006. Lastly, agricultural sector has reduced its contribution to the GDP from 19. 8 per cent to 8. 7 per cent in 2006 (Malaysia 2007). The above data shows that the economy has shifted its dependency on agriculture as a contributor to the GDP. The economy has shifted its focus mainly from agriculture to industrialization where industries are the main contributors to the GDP. Industrial growth is a major boost to the Malaysian economy since it increases the nations production ability and is able to meet the demand of the nations internal demand. This has elevated Malaysia to an industrialized nation due to its potential ability to the production of services products. These increased production levels are able to meet local and international demand hence receiving foreign currencies that will result to a positive capital account. National Consumption and Savings. According to the World Bank report, the percentage of consumption by the citizens that was used in calculating the GDP decreased from 54. 2 in 1986 to 50. 3 in 2006. That of the government decreased from 16. 4 per cent to 12. 0 per cent . The mean growth per annum indicated the citizens consumption had decreased from 9. 1 to 7. 0 and Government spending reduced from 6. 5 to 5. 0. The figures show that both the Government and individuals in the nation have adopted a behaviour of saving or reducing their spending habits. By reducing spending, more is saved with the nations financial institutions as the individuals are compensated for foregoing consumption. Savings spur growth in the sense that investors will borrow funds and expand their business activities that will result to an increase production. The increase in production across the industry results to increase in the national output. An increase in national output will increase the nations participation in international trade thus achieving a favourable trade balance. Low government interference in the economy maintains a stable money supply within the economy. By maintaining stability in money supply in the economy, inflation is avoided since it negatively impacts the economy. Increased government expenditure increases the money supply in the economy. This increases the purchasing power of individuals in a way that they can be able to purchase goods and professional services in the country. This presents a situation whereby there is much money chasing few goods within the economy. To mop up this effect the regulating financial authority will need to increase its interest rates. This means that there will be an increase in cost of borrowing that will result to inaccessibility to funds by corporate organisations. Corporations will be unable to maintain their current levels of production thus the need to lay off its workers. This situation will be characterized by increase in unemployment rates, reducing national output and economic performance. The economy will not be performing at its optimum and will have wasted on its human resource. Therefore, Government involvement in large amounts destabilises a nations economic performance. Income and Output Growth Rates. The export of manufactured products have increased since 1986 from USD6. 009m to USD124. 530m in 2006 (World Bank). The above figures indicate that manufacturing has increased over time and that the economy has shifted its focus to increasing its industrial capacity. By increasing industrial capacity ensures that the nations industry is able to satisfy the ever growing demand of the nation. Economic development requires that a nation first satisfies its population fully before embarking on the satisfaction of outside markets. The nation is required to make sure that all key markets are satisfied and that the demand of a nation is met. These means that different industries will have the capability of serving different markets. Unless a nations population is satisfied, development of an economy is difficult. New industries are formed that provides the final consumer with a product similar to those of another company to enhance competition. Competition among industries ensures the production of quality products that will give the consumer a wide range of choice. Companies will strive to out do one another in both the primary and secondary markets. The increased income and output growth rates can be attributed to the rich natural resources that are found in the nation. The natural resources are raw materials that are processed into finished products that are exported to international countries. As of 2004, its partners included the US, Korea, Singapore, Germany, Japan, Hong Kong, Indonesia and China. Among the raw products include oil, copper, timber, natural gas and iron (Malaysia, 2007). Most industries in Malaysia are processing based located mainly on the western island. They process the raw materials that are extracted into finished products. It is due to this value addition that the nation is mainly industry based and most of the population is employed. The industries in Malaysia also deal in the production of textiles and electronic equipment. They development of industries in the large scale have contributed significantly to the development of the Malaysian economy. Employment and Unemployment Percentages. Malaysias population comprises of the elderly, the middle aged and the young. From the world bank report, children legible for enrolment into primary schools stood at 96 percent for both male female students in 2006. this indicates that the Malaysian government embraces education as a factor to economic development. A skilled population is economically beneficial since the individuals will strive to utilise their skill base towards achieving their own development that will later translate to economic development. One of the key issues addressed by the UNDP towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)is human capacity building which means that nation should ensure that they impart skills on their citizens by way of offering courses education to all its citizens and ensuring that it is affordable for all (UNDP). A nation that has an educated population is set to reap benefits from that same population because they will aim at exercising their knowledge in the various fields of expertise and also aim at developing products that will improve on the already existing ones therefore looking for new efficient ways of production. Malaysias literacy rate stands at 89 percent as of 2006 indicating that most of the population is skilled resulting to lower unemployment cases. Malaysia is among the developing nations and is striving to attain the MDGs that will direct them to achieving a developed world status. With about 5 per cent of land is available for farming, Malaysia cannot only depend on farming and that the population must acquire some knowledge in other activities. As of 2007, Malaysias unemployment rate stood at 3. 2 per cent and inflation rate stood at 2. 1 per cent. The Phillips Curve states that inflation and unemployment are inversely related whereby high inflation results to low unemployment rates and vice versa. This is because when there is high inflation in an economy, most of the population has got some amount of money therefore resulting to some form of engagement in income generating activities. Therefore Malaysia as an economy has really tried in dealing with unemployment levels by making sure that a large part of its population is skilled. The Malaysian Government has formulated a number of policies aimed at improving its economic performance for example the New Economic Policy of 1971 (Malaysia 2007). Government Budget Activity. Government involvement in an economy should be restricted for it can have diverse negative impacts on the economy. The government, however, has got to interfere with severally in the economy since it has to provide for social amenities such as water, education, infrastructure among others for they cannot be left to the control of the private sector. When providing for these amenities, the Government gets money from the state coffers and pays the contractors among other parties that will implement development policies in the nation resulting to increased money supply. By increasing money supply, prices of products rise since the demand for the products will also increase. This will lead to increased production of products and increase national output that will result to more employment opportunities. Therefore government interference is good in the short run as it will stimulate the economic activities. However, continued government interference will hurt the economy in the long run since more money is available in the nation thus raising the prices of the products in the economy. The soaring inflation will then destabilise the nations exchange rate that will depreciate. With the depreciating of the local currency, Ringgit, imports become expensive since industries and individuals will require more money to import products thus hindering the efficiency of engaging in international trade. From the world bank report 2006 on Malaysia, 99 per cent of the population has access to clean water supply. The government has therefore given preference to the basic resources that affects the Malay in their daily lives. The report also gives the figures for Government involvement as; current revenue has decreased from 26. 8 per cent in 1986 to 21. 6 per cent in 2006 while the overall budget balance has increased from a deficit of -0. 8 per cent in 1986 to 2. 8 per cent in 2006 (Malaysia 2007). This figures indicate that the government has restricted on its involvement in the economy so as to control the economic impact caused by excessive Government involvement.
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