Sunday, October 20, 2019
Saying Could in Spanish Using Poder and Other Verbs
Saying Could in Spanish Using Poder and Other Verbs Although the English auxiliary verb could is typically thought of as the past tense of the verb can, it shouldnt always be translated to Spanish as a past tense of poder. Could usually can be translated as a form of poder (a verb typically meaning to be able), however. Following are some of the common ways that could is used in English and various ways the idea can be expressed in Spanish. Translating Could When It Means Was Able or Were Able Usually, you can use the preterite tense of poder if youre talking about a one-time event or a specific period in time, but the imperfect tense should be used if youre talking about an indefinite period. The miner couldnt leave the tunnel. El minero no pudo salir del tà ºnel. (The sentence refers to an ability that existed at a particular and limited time, so the preterite is used.)I couldnt leave the city more than once a year. Yo no podà a salir de la ciudad ms que una vez por aà ±o. (The sentence refers to a ability that existed over an indefiite time, so the imperfect is used.)We could always count on him for advice. Siempre podà amos contar con à ©l para sugerencias.After five hours I could finally do it. Despuà ©s de cinco horas por fin pude hacerlo.I thought I could do it better. Pensà © que yo podà a hacerlo mejor.Couldnt you see the solar eclipse?  ¿No pudiste ver el eclipse solar? Although the distinction isnt always a clear one, if by saying was able or were able you mean knew how to, the verb saber is often preferable, usually in the imperfect tense: Obviously, he thought I could drive. Obviamente, à ©l creà a que yo sabà a manejar.We could make fantastic sand castles. Sabà amos construir fantsticos castillos de arena. Translating Could as a Suggestion or Request In English we often use could as a substitute for can in order to be polite or to soften the tone of what were saying. You can do much the same thing in Spanish by using the conditional tense of poder, although often the present tense works just as well. For example, to say, You could come with me to fish for trout, you could say either Puedes ir conmigo a pescar truchas or Podrà as ir conmigo a pescar truchas. Translating Expressions Such as If I Could Expressions such as if I could usually use the imperfect subjunctive: If I could turn back time, I wouldnt have answered the telephone. Si yo pudiera regresar el tiempo, no habrà a contestado el telà ©fono.If he could eat cake instead of vegetables he would be very happy. Si à ©l pudiera comer el postre en vez de vegetales à ©l serà a muy feliz.If we could see it, we would buy it. Si pudià ©ramos verlo, lo comprarà amos. Discussing What Could Have Been A common way of saying that something could have been, but wasnt, is to use the preterite of poder followed by haber. If something might have occurred over an indefinite time, the imperfect might also be used. It could have been worse. Pudo haber sido peor.The team could have been much more aggressive. El equipo pudo haber sido mucho ms agresivo.With more time, we could have eliminated more of the mistakes. Con ms tiempo, pudià ©ramos haber eliminado algunos ms de los errores.They could have saved my son. Podà an haber a mi hijo. Translating Could in Expressions of Possibility Various expressions of possibility can often be used to translate could when it means that something is possible. Often the present tense of poder can be used as well. One way to translate sentences using could in that way is to think of an alternative way of expressing the idea in English, and then translating to Spanish. The following translations arent the only ones possible: They could be the same person. Es posible que sean las mismas personas. (Literally, it is possible that they are the same persons.)It could be my imagination. Posiblemente sea mi imaginacià ³n. (Literally, it is possible that it is my imagination.)I could leave now. Ahora puedo salir. (Literally, I can leave now.)If we want to, we could take a walk through the city. Si queremos, podemos dar un paseo por la ciudad. (Literally, if we want to, we can take a walk through the city.)
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